Chapter 21:

Investment #3

St. Clover's Golden Academy [Cancelled, to be reworked]

The sound of wheels treading over rough asphalt kept Arthur awake. Looking out of the window, the sky was still dark and the streets were quiet and the lamps were turned off. 

"Do you remember the plan?" Vincent, who was in the diver's seat, asked. 

Alexander fastened his gloves and fixed his signet ring on his middle finger. "Yes, It's time we make our presence known to my traitor."

Arthur watched as the originally cheery man turn serious. "We're basically attacking the lowest-ranking members of the Neo-Romani gang. Vincent has been using his connections and old colleagues in the assassin guilds for information."

In the distance was a drinking establishment, with its bright lights still turned on. "We're here," Sabine said, looking at the folder in her hands and pointing towards the pub. 

They were in an establishment on the opposite side of the city's Inner ring, a journey traversed with the help of Chevy. Parking across the street, Vincent gave both of them the go signal.

Arthur and Alexander exit the passenger seat and walk towards the pub.


Arthur, who was wearing a large hat that covered his face, and Alexander charged forward toward a group of rowdy gangsters.  Alexander crashed through the door with Arthur following him. The force of the door fame breaking also caused the large glass windows to shatter.

Out of the seven present in the pub, the closest man to the door shot up first." What in the bloody--" he exclaimed, only to be interrupted by a skull-crunching punch from Alexander.


The giant's fist collided with the man's nose, launching him across the room and into the wall. The crash finally registered in the minds of the remaining six, causing them to jump from their seats and reach for their weapons.

"You cun--"

Arthur dashed forward, jumping over a table with a flip and landing on the gangster aiming in front of him. Using his right palm to push the revolver upward, the man missed his shot, shooting into the roof.


Arthur punched the man in the liver with his left fist, causing the man to gag. "Kuekk--"

Simultaneously grabbing the gun with his left hand, Arthur threw a finishing uppercut into the man's throat, both disarming him and breaking his neck. 


Taking the revolver, Arthur aimed at the man behind the counter, who was dressed like the rest of them. 


The reaming five pulled out switchblade knives from their pockets and squared their shoulders. 

"Who do you think you are!" The tallest, most well-dressed of them, demanded.

Alexander did not respond, but instead, he picked up the large mahogany table with one arm and threw it at them.



Four remain, with the most recent crushed underneath the large table. They were certainly feeling the fear settle in.

"Y-you! Do you know who we work for!?"

"Y-You won't go easy if you mess with us!"

Alexander stood tall, unwavering from their probably solid threats, and Arthur was beside him, still aiming the stolen revolver.

"Shoot them, lad," Alexander commanded, his voice deep and somewhat upset.

Without question, Arthur opened fire.


The revolver's hammer struck the cylinder's bullets thrice, sending them down the barrel and into the men's heads.


Three collapsed, leaving only one alive. He was by far the least in the group, this was made obvious by his slightly tattered suit. Alexander began to approach the quivering man, each step of his making the wooden boards creak.

Unconsciously the man stepped back and flailed the knife around in an attempt to be domineering. "S-Step back!!"

Alexander cornered the man on the corner. Feeling his back touch the wall, the man gasped. "I-I'm cornered! Damn it!"

Arthur watched the man's skin turn pale and his pupils dilate. "He lost it."

With sweat pouring from his forehead, the man grits his teeth and charges forward. In his right hand was the knife, and with a desperate cry, he lunged for Alexander. 


Arthur shook his head. "What an idiot."

Alexander caught the knife in his right hand, watching as the man struggles to pull it out. "L-let go!" he demanded.

The tall man just sighed, incredibly disappointed. "How far have I fallen, picking on lowly thugs like this." Alexander sighed.


A swift punch to the sternum took away the color from the man's eyes, as Alexander watched him collapse onto the ground, lifeless and dead.

Arthur watched as Alexander turned around with a dark and almost regretful expression, but he did not want to pry. With a somber atmosphere, the two exit the destroyed establishment and walk over to the car, where Vincent and Sabine were waiting.

Arthur followed behind the giant, thinking. "If memory serves correct, I believe the reason why gang violence had dropped significantly was because of Alex. He must feel incredibly disappointed in himself."

Both men board the vehicle, making sure to remove the dust from their boots.  "So it's a success, huh?" Sabine asked, puffing out the open window.

Alexander and Arthur nodded. "Yes," they replied.

She nodded and turned to the folder, using her cigarette as a light. "We still have three more places to hit. Did you properly leave your mark?" Sabine asked.

Arthur watched Alexander smirk with maliciousness. "I doubt they'd miss it."

Sighing, Arthur just lit his own cigarette after rolling down the window. "A retired gangster is still a gangster I suppose."

Vincent's driving was precise and quick, just as if he memorized every single shortcut in the city. Within the hour, they already had attacked three locations, leaving only this as the last and most dangerous location.

"Damn, it's barely two in the morning, and we've already eliminated fifty-six low to mid-rank henchmen. Whoever betrayed Alexander has taken heavy losses as he's too asleep to learn about it." Arthur thought as the car began to drive over rough cement instead of smooth asphalt.

The setting had changed from large alleyway pubs to the middle ring's docks, the air significantly much denser and smog-filled. Vincent parked the car by the dock's entrance and all four of them got out of the vehicle.

Alexander headed for the trunk and picked out his own duffle bag after he passed each of them theirs. Vincent took the spare canister of fuel and poured it into the gas tank.

"This is it," Alexander said while wearing his vanbraces for his arms, covering his shoulders and forearms, and plates for his shins and boots. "According to Vincent's associates, this dock is a major part of the usurper's operation. Everything from medical supplies to guns and ammunition is smuggled and transported here."

"If we destroy their enterprise here, the coppers will swarm the place and put it under investigation for about a year max. Adding the amount of contraband and other illegalities stored here, it could be more." Sabine huffed, taking a magic book and wand from her bag.

Arthur nodded, intently listening to them. "I see, so if the usurper loses this port, it would be equivalent to losing a limb."

"That is correct, Arthur." Vincent nodded, looping belt loops carrying clips and bullets around his person. He slung three different rifles on his person, a sniper, a lever-action marksman rifle, and a pump-action shotgun. The man strapped two bayonets on his left thigh, while he strapped a revolver and its holster on his right.

Arthur enviously appraised the gear the man had put on. "Although the bolt-action sniper rifles were based upon World War One to World War two eras, a sniper is still a sniper; a Winchester lever-action and a shotgun-- god im jealous."

Vincent noticed Arthur proverbially drooling over his equipment, causing him to snicker. "In due time boy, you will receive your own."

"S-Shut up." Arthur coughed. "I have no idea  about what you're suggesting."

His response caused Sabine and Alexander to chuckle. "At least you're acting like a brat at times! somethings I feel like im talking to an adult!" He chuckled, giving Arthur a soft nudge, which also makes him fall over.

Arthur sweats a little bit before getting up. "Y-Yeah sure," he said, almost in a whisper.

Sabine lends Arthur a hand, before unlocking the grimoire. "You better not die on me brat, you barely even scratched the surface of everything I could teach you."

The boy sighed, taking his own bag and equipping his normal revolver and its bullets. Strapping the two bayonets on his thigh, like the senior marksman, Arthur removed his hat and put on a metallic mouthguard. 

"I'm ready," Arthur reported, making the adults nod at each other. Sabine opened her grimoire and flipped the pages.

"Letalis animarum susurrus ventus, faltus silentii! [ Mortiferum Cavum ]" She recited, in latin.

Arthur watched her in admiration. Although the air had no physical shape or color, he could feel the air surrounding each individual, creating a soundproofing barrier. 

To test it out, Arthur opened his mouth to speak, but even his own voice was deaf to his own ears. 

"The same spell used by the teachers to soundproof sound over an immediate area, but Sabine cast it on four specific individuals and their weapons."

Alexander raised his hand and motioned forward. The group jumped over the gate and onto the empty parking lot. Splitting into two teams, Arthur and Alexander sprinted across the dark courtyard while Sabine and Vincent made their way up to the factory roofs.