Chapter 13:

The Birthday

Lost Mind

Although I did not like to dress up, I decided to dress more festively for my birthday. Anyway, I was asked about it by Victor, who avoided me so as not to reveal his plans for this occasion. But I could be calm, my brother knew too well what he could allow himself to do in preparation. If someone were to prepare any surprise for me, it would be he who would be entrusted with this task.

So I put on a floral dress with long sleeves, thick black tights, and higher boots. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my hair, so I just tied back the wisps that I had picked up earlier at the front of my head. I did not expect that I would be in such a good mood that day, or how much everything else has time to go bad.

I wasn't quite sure if I could get all the sweets safely back to school, so I warned Victor that I would be taking the car. Although it was not a very long distance and I usually preferred to cover it on foot or by bike. I rode very carefully, also wanting to respect my own work put into decorating the cake for my colleagues. I also left a bit earlier to prepare everything in the staff room. However, I did encounter some problems when I had to open the door while still being burdened with all my errands.

"We will help!" Suddenly I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Thank you boys," I said with a sigh of relief. "What are you doing so early in school?"

"We have an important game soon and the coach has ordered morning practice too," Chris sighed heavily, holding out his hands and offering help with carrying the rest of the stuff. "Is that the cake? Someone's birthday?"

"Mine actually," I replied, laughing. "I would be grateful if you would help me bring this to the teacher's room."

The teenagers quickly greeted me and complied with my request, of course, they got some cookies from me and an invitation to come over for more after training. That day, I had to offer shortbread cookies, chocolate, and biscuit ones. In the teacher's room, I have already prepared coffee and tea in thermos flasks, as well as plates and cutlery. I also left a note “Dear colleagues! Today is my birthday, so I would be delighted if you could boldly help yourself to this cake. I hope you will also make your day a bit more pleasant :) Lucretia ”. Satisfied with the result, I went to my office and prepared cookies for my students there. I showed my sympathy to others in a way.

Even my art club started to manage somehow, at least one person had been showing up for the past two weeks. Sometimes the girl, who came the other day would come and cheer me up, proudly flaunting that she was the first. The kids would come to hang out with me, sometimes they asked for opinions on their works, and sometimes they just wanted to spend time with someone, then I tried to engage them in games or some creative activities to distract their thoughts from the sometimes unpleasant reality. The most fortunate, however, was when they ate the cookies. Some of the teachers also came to my office to greet me and praise the cake. The headmaster mentioned something about the fact that I could conduct some confectionery workshops, but unfortunately, the school did not have such facilities.

The whole day was going too beautiful, so I had to fight with a strong feeling that something unexpected and not necessarily pleasant would happen. When I was returning to the apartment, my family called me with greetings, it was three calls from my father, mother, and aunt Bernadette. David even forced Meow to make a noise into the camera, the cat was probably not happy about it, but his father was the only human whose existence he considered almost equal. So he did it for his guardian more than for me. When I opened the door, I just hoped Victor wasn't overdoing it and trying to make some big party, as if he had someone to invite at all. Luckily it was just him, Alex, and Hyacinth. On the one hand, it made me very happy, and on the other hand, it caused a bit of surprise, especially the personal presence of the latter.

The brothers were too busy having any discussion about what music should be playing when I came and they didn't notice my entrance, arguing over the remote, facing the TV. Alex stood a bit back, not keeping up with Victor's blinking.

"Have they been arguing like this for a long time?" I asked in a whisper, standing next to him. The young man shuddered a little, frightened.

"A long while," he replied in shock, and only after a while did he realize that the birthday girl was already there. "Happy birthday," he added with a smile. "I hope you will not be disturbed by my presence, and thank you for the cake then."

"Of course not. The most important thing is that it tasted, "I replied. "I like you very much and I am very glad that you are here. Victor wasn't bothering you too much for you to help him, right?" I pointed to balloons and sashes hanging around the living room and gifts lying on the table. He shook his head. "Although we can make coffee, huh?"

We took a few steps to the kitchen and prepared a caffeinated drink. I also took the cake out of the fridge, and Alex began to stick in the candles Victor had bought earlier. While waiting for the water to boil, I tried to ask the young bartender a bit about a few things.

"You don't have to go to work today?"

"No, luckily not. Not until tomorrow," Alex replied with a sigh. "I also had a looser day at university today, so today is a good day for your birthday."

"And a date with my brother?" I smiled. He looked at me surprised and asked how do I know.

"You've been meeting for a few weeks now and you always go out on Thursday. Even if Victor doesn't talk about it, he won't hide his excitement at every meeting with you?"

"Really?" he asked, blushing.

"Yes," I replied seriously. "When it comes to love, Victor is really able to give everything to the person he loves, but no one has really given him a chance."

"He didn't tell me about his previous relationships, and I don't want to ask him about it. When the topic is repeated, he immediately becomes depressed," he hinted. "It's completely new to me. I've dated girls a couple of times, but it's my first time going out with… you know," he was embarrassed.

"Relax," I stroked his shoulder. "You can also talk to me if necessary, especially if my brother causes you problems."

The kettle whistled and that got my siblings right. They looked into the kitchen, where I was already pouring coffee and preparing a cup of hot water with a knife to help me cut the cake.

"Lulu, what are you doing here?" the brothers asked simultaneously.

"I'm home from work, I'm making coffee, and what does it look like to you?" I said, pretending that nothing strange was happening at all.

"But it was supposed to be a big shout "surprise", shooting confetti, singing happy birthday to you, you should be surprised and come to it readily and ..." signed Victor in disappointment.

"Come on, don't worry," I walked over to him and hugged him. "You know that it's hard to surprise me, and the most important thing is that I have my family next to me."

"Happy birthday" he showed more. "But you won't guess what gift you will get from me, do you?"

"No, I don't know anything," I laughed.

"Happy birthday," Hyacinth finally came up to me and kissed me gently on the cheek. "You look beautiful today and if you don't mind, I'd like you to open a gift from me when we're alone, okay?" he whispered in my ear.

I nodded, surprised, not fully guessing where his proposal came from. My heart was beating a little harder, and I didn't want to think about anything I shouldn't, considering he was my brother. Fortunately, Victor shifted everyone's attention to the cake and started lighting the candles one by one. But I asked Alex and Hyacinth to give up singing. I also had to make a wish, although I knew that the ones I would like to say quietly were impossible to fulfill. I looked at the faces of the people around me and the way they smiled at me, I knew that they cared about me, that they loved me. That is why I dared to ask for my other half, not even having the slightest doubt that this wish would come true one day. I blew out the candles and started laughing honestly at the exaggerated cheers.

We ate a cake and drank coffee in a nice atmosphere. Victor then pushed for opening gifts. He claimed the right to be his first. He gave me a new set of cookie figures, he knew I had been complaining recently that I didn't have any with Christmas themes. Alex, though he didn't have to buy me a cute binder to stick recipes in. My parents gave me a voucher for the store so that I could buy myself some new baking or cooking equipment. If it wasn't for Alex's presence, Victor was probably also interested in what Hyacinth had for me, but he was so focused on going out with him. The lovers sat for a while longer and then went on the long-awaited date.

"Pretty nice boy," Hyacinth muttered, settling back down on the couch.

"Alex? Yes, he's cute," I agreed. "How's Ginny?" I asked, actually I did not know what for.

"She's out for the show, she's one of the lead designers," he replied as if it didn't matter. "Why do you ask?"

"Just like that. "I shrugged. "Everything okay between you two?"

"I think so." He looked at me piercingly. "What about your love life, maybe now? Someone has caught your eye recently?"

"Come on. I only focus on my work," I replied blushing.

"Victor said you sometimes go to clubs and that's where you met Alex. Surely no one has noticed your attention there or anywhere? Maybe some work colleague?" he asked. I denied it once again, and a victorious smile appeared on his face. "Stand in front of the mirror and close your eyes, time for your gift."

On the one hand, everything that happened was fascinating, and on the other hand, it was just strange and surprising. But I obeyed my older brother and stood in front of the hanging mirror in the hall. I didn't necessarily want to close my eyes, because then my power was useless, but with Hyacinth, I could feel safe, right? After a moment, I felt a cold metal touch on my neck and his hands, which first flipped my hair over one shoulder, and then fastened the necklace.

"Don't open your eyes yet," he said. "I designed it myself," he whispered in my ear. "I hope you like it and therefore I ask you to always think of me when you look at it."

Suddenly I felt his hands on my hips and he pulled me against him. I got scared at first, then froze as his lips began to kiss my neck. Delicate at first, then more greedy, as if he was telling me to my face if that's what I wanted. He waited for my reply, and reaction, but I fell completely into his hands and began to tremble. So many times I saw in his thoughts, in his memories, or in the imagination of the girls who were infatuated with him, that a situation like that should end.

"Lulu, I know the way you look at me for a long time, and only recently realized that I don't want you to look at anyone else that way. Before that, however, I didn't like having another boy with you either." His right hand began to move towards my thigh, while his left hand began to move towards my breasts. As if he couldn't make up his own mind. "I have to apologize to you for being too stupid to notice this that late. You see, it's paradoxically Ginny noticed that I was still looking at you with a twinkle in my eye after all and she made me make sure it was just love for my sister," he began to confess and laughed a little.

"I began to analyze everything, and then, had it not been for Victor, I certainly would not have resisted the urge to kiss you." I don't think he could say it to my face, and it was hard for me to find myself without being able to read my mind and make sure what was true and what was not. "Open your eyes, Lulu".

Then I saw a drop-shaped pendant with an emerald shade of stone, and the chain itself was in the form of connected waves. And I was able to see our reflection. In Hyacinth's blue eyes I saw something that hadn't been there before or was already lurking dormant and somewhat obscured by other emotions - desire. He stared at me and watched how fascinated I was about what was happening between us and how my own body reacts to it. How surprised I look at myself, a young girl with a few extra kilos, an average figure, and chestnut hair.

"I'm glad the necklace highlights your beautiful eyes," he said and turned me to him.

The words had a sobering effect on me. And I felt tears gathering at the corners of my eyes. After all, he will never see their true color. How can you be with someone who has already lied to you to all you know and from whom you cannot even hide a single thought? How can you be with someone and have to watch yourself all the time, or not be able to be yourself after all? What is the point of such a relationship? Who would want to be with someone like me? What would Martha and David think? It surely will destroy the relationships in this family. If only for their sake, I shouldn't even try.

"Please stop." I put my hand on his chest and pushed him slightly, despite everything subconsciously I didn't want him to go away, I started to tremble and cry "Stop and go away."

"Lulu, what happened? he asked, really scared he'd gone too far.

"Just go away," I said, stepping back. "Disappear," I asked in a whisper and closed my eyes, I didn't want to see what he was thinking, it would be too painful. "Go away! Go!"

I opened my eyes for a moment when I heard him gathering himself in a hurry to leave. He felt rejected and hurt, all my fault. I wrote to Victor asking him to come home as soon as possible and I threw myself crying on the couch, losing myself in the sadness, pain, and feeling that I was the worst monster.

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