Chapter 16:

CODE: Sister Lily

World Break: Shattered Reality

NAME: Sister Lily

RANK: Leader Of Holy Dark

AGE/BIRTH: 21 YeaR 183

C/F: Ex-Church


power: 3

speed: 3

endurance: 4

battle sense: 7


intelligence: 7

Weapon: Angel Katana (given by God himself, made from the blood/bones/ideals/memories of her loved ones along with God's blessing)

Skills: Basic Sword, Body Buffs

Materia: One's True Reality (the act of self-belief of an idea/situation/concept to maximum belief will one's true reality be shown if high enough others will be persuaded as well)

Quirk: 3 basic personalities (Evil/Good have separate core memories from one another, while Woke is the combination of both along with her true self. When something inspires these personalities they start to take over and she'll become that person, no set time.)

*Evil - Organization Holy Dark

*Good - The life she spent as a kid with the church

*Woke - Once she met God, and realized life is a lie. Understands all concepts/ideas *infinite*, but also understands that she is too powerful and must remain asleep.

Verse 0

YeaR 183 a lil girl is born but abandoned at a church, she is left with nothing other than a piece of paper with the name "Lily" The current Sister takes her in and showers her with love and kindness. As she grows over the past 10 years she devotes herself to the church, growing up alongside other sisters and brothers, as one big happy family.

10 years later

YeaR 193, Today was the day! It was the tag championship Lily had made it to the top 5, along with Thomas, John, Noel, and Kevin. They all group up, followed by the other kids and a few Sisters, John starts to talk "Alright let's start the match, mutual agree on Thomas being it first?" Everyone agrees, Thomas quickly says "Aye that's not even fair" Lily cuts him off "Life ain't Fair" Noel yells "GOOOOOO!!!!!!" The 4 run off while John counts to 20. The kids run in different directions. 1 hour later they meet up in the center of a boreal forest, a nice breeze passed through them. The five kids circle up as they sit and rest to talk about the match. Thomas goes first "At least I didn't come last" John goes next "bruh shut up!!!!" Noel Laughs. Lily starts to laugh as well "HAHAHA, I'm the best there is, people will remember me for years to come!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Everyone starts to laugh! Noel looks up at the sky and sees smoke she asks the group a question " What's that?" as she begins to point at It, everyone looks up. John "The church, Its…..Its…ON FIRE!!! We got to go!!!" Everyone begins to run toward the church but as they got closer they begin to hear something, screaming, as the church comes in sight the screaming is louder and It's the screams of the other brothers and sisters burning alive. The 5 come to a stop Kevin starts to yell "MY STUFF!!!!! I GOTTA GO GET IT!!!!!! NOOO!!!!!!" he rushes toward the church but as he gets closer all you see Is his body fall to the ground with no sound….. Thomas nervously starts to talk "Man, he must have tripped, lemme see." He walks out of the bushes, and slowly approaches Kevin. As he picks him up he immediately drops him…. Thomas slowly stands and starts to run back but then he falls to the ground. John takes Noelle and runs in the opposite direction Noel yells out to Lily "Come on Lily we have to go!!" Lily is too shocked to move.... In just a few minutes you hear John scream in pain along with Noelle Lily turns around and it's another fire starting in the forest behind her, Lily paralyzed with fear has to decide right or left her life depends on it…. She looks to the left and heads that way. She outruns the fire, and as the day goes by she continues to run. She would climb trees to sleep in them for the night. She could still feel the man following her, she kept running for weeks. She started to go crazy, it was hard for her to sleep. She would pretend to have conversations with her friends, everyday…. One day, she snapped, she couldn't take it anymore, she didn't understand why this was happening to her, why did this have to happen, it just doesn't make any sense!!! She begins to run in the direction of the church nonstop

2 days later

As she approaches the church location she can hear laughter, screams of joy, and the sisters screaming for the kids to behave. She breaks through the bushes and runs towards everyone, Lily slowly forms words " You….You lived!!!!" she begins to cry. The sisters approach her and one of them starts to speak "Lily of course. By the way, you stink. Let's draw you a bath and have dinner." Lily responds with a smile "Yes, Sister!" She takes her bath and sits with her brothers and sisters at the table. John, Noel, Kevin, and Thomas are all here. She begins to cry again. As she sheds tears, everyone comes and hugs Lily... Lily starts to cry even harder while trying to talk "Thank you!" But then, a knock on the door and a few of the sisters go to check. One of the Sister Screams "Intruder!!!" and then she's cut off. The kids begin to panic. The rest of the Sisters begin to move forward to protect the kids, Lily screams "IT'S HIM! THE MAN, HE'S COME BACK! RUN!!!!!!" Some of the kids began to run but some of them stayed and tried to help the sisters out, some of the other brothers and sisters were strong. Kevin reached his hand out "Come on, we can do this together!" Lily takes It and says "Yeah, we can!" they all rush the Intruder. 1 by 1 he dropped the sister and all the kids, effortlessly. But the sheer number was starting to overwhelm him, they ran him over. Lily took a knife to his chest, he begins to kick the kids off, but once again the kids rush him. This time no shot is wasted, not even reloading, Lily screams out "Don't get caught!" Kevin and Thomas Both look back and nod they begin to run straight for him, then they both break and go in the opposite direction, as Lily runs down the middle, Kevin goes for the face while Thomas goes for the legs, The man kicks Thomas clean out, but Kevin second fastest on the block gets a clean hit in, Lily then goes for the knife and pulls it out, after that she goes for another strike, but Kevin gets slammed into her, he quickly gets up and stays "I got to fight for my stuff, he burned down the book you gave me. When we first meet." Lily stands up and says "Let's go!" He quickly cleans out the rest of the kids just Lily and Kevin left. He takes a few shots but they dodge them, Kevin Goes low, but this time instead of kicking him, he got the gun. Lily closes in fast and hops off of Kevin's lifeless back. She thrust the knife into his chest again this time his heart…. He dies. She looks around and everyone is dead again, she cries. She goes to grab the knife and begins to stab him repeatedly while saying "What was the point? They still died! Why am I the only one!!!" She begins to question her beliefs, what was the point, there was no meaning! She stops stabbing the man, his chest gone, nothing but a hole. She drops the knife and looks at her hands. Filled with sadness and anger she denies all her ideals and learnings, the church is a lie, and this world Is fake.


Lily opens her eyes, the church is burned and there's nothing but ashes, bones, and the remnants of her house and family. She doesn't even have feel like crying anymore. As she looks up at the sky she can't help but laugh methodically, over and over "heheeheheheh, what is the purpose of.... Believing. But when you need it most…hahahhah… Nothing happens, this is just a joke, nothing but a scam." Lily makes a face of pure disgust and says "This world is fake, zero meaning, life is but a toy, A game you could say. God is just a lil kid having fun! HAHAHAHHAHAHAH!"


Her eyes grow, the sky goes dark, and a ray of light shines in front of her. A man starts speaks "I'm sorry little one, but you see, I can't save 1 and not the others. There is too much hate and despair In this world, but I heard your call." Lily angrily responds "Now you listen to me. It doesn't matter what you say now, all of my family are dead. The only people I knew my whole life are gone. Twice too!!!" The man sadly answers "I'm sorry, I truly am lil one. You just have to understand my view." He slowly reaches his hand out, stretches one of his fingers, and taps it on her forehead. In a mere instant, Lily understood everything and anything you can think of. He pulls his finger back, closes his hand, and says "See, lil one. I truly am sorry." Lily begins to weep but she still talks "Ok… But why not have people help, like me!!" He responds "People are greedy with power, I've tried and have been wronged many times. I can already see your fate, and you fight for a good purpose but… In your way. So I'll bless you! Sister Lily take this with you, to remember your family, take this on your journey." He then proceeds to collect her fallen family's bones and blood and whispers a prayer. The bones and blood of her family slowly start to fuse together. Lily puts her head down and prays as well. As the prayer ends, their heads rise, and in the ground is a Katana made from her loved ones blessed by God himself. Just looking at It made Lily start to cry. The man starts to speak once again "Go forth and spread kindness and continue moving forward for the ones fallen." Lily responds " Yes sir, but I have to say that It's really easy to persuade you. What's the catch?" The man smiles a lil as he says "I've already said that I've seen your fate." The ray of light disperses and the sky lightens back up, Lily slowly stops crying and says "If I stay like this it will be too easy. I'll let fate decide." She picks up the sword and bashes the hilt on her head. She passes out....


Lily slowly opens her eyes. As she lies on the ground her mind Is filled with the deaths of her friends and family. She makes a fist and slams It into the ground, over and over again. Finally, she stops when there Isn't any feeling In her hand. As she stands, she reaches out and grabs her katana. Her hand grips the hilt, and as she rotates the blade to see her reflection, her once beautiful hair has now lost Its sheen and became dull. Not only that but a tangled, ratty mess as well. She checked the rest of her body. Covered in blood and dirt, her anger started to grow. She threw the sword, but before she could say anything a loud thud could be heard. She quickly turned around and walks towards the noise. As Lily got closer, she started to move some of the rubble and noticed a secret hatch. As she opens It, a terrible stench Is released. Her nose begins to burn, along with her eyes. A few minutes pass, and while the wind blows the horrible smell away, Lily slowly descends a ladder. It's dark… She moves her left arm towards the wall and runs her hand along It, as she makes her way down the dark hallway. Just a few steps and she runs into a door. Lily rolls her eyes and with an annoyed tone says "Well, It's probably locked." She tries to open It anyway. But she was right, locked. Without a second going by, she quickly went back the way she came from and grabbed her katana. She quickly made her way back to the door and raised her katana up. She closed her eyes and turned her head before bringing her blade down on the door with all her might. When the blade made contact with the door a barrier was dispelled and the door unlocked. Lily dawns a smile before saying "Can't hide anything from me!" Her arm extends and she grabs the handle of the door and pulled with all her strength. As the door opened, more and more of that horrid smell comes out. She quickly covers her nose with what's left of her shirt and enters the room. But It's dark, Lily slowly becoming more annoyed exclaims "Wow! No lights. Maybe there's something In the rubble that can help me see." As she goes back outside and scavenges the rubble for a light source, It slowly starts to turn into night. At the last moment of light, Lily yells out In joy "YES!" She holds up a pack of matches and screams In excitement. Lily quickly lit a stick on fire to make a torch and headed back down the hatch to the secret room. When she enters the room and the light shines removing the darkness Lily becomes filled with disgust. As she goes around the small room lighting all the torches, she comes to a stop and just stares. The walls are covered In symbols made of blood. Along with body parts of not only people but animals. Lily continues to go around the room, shelves filled with jarred organs of countless beings. Just the sight of these was enough to make Lily begin to vomit. After a few minutes, she was able to compose herself and stand. She slowly made her way to a table, It was covered with papers and books that were spattered In blood. Lily goes through them and begins to read. Slowly as she kept reading her feeling of disgust was replaced by strife. This whole room went against her beliefs, everything she was told, taught, and experienced was fake. Out of sheer disappointment with the church, she read everything In that room and didn't leave until she knew everything. As Lily continued to read, she learned more and more about the world and how It ran. But what really caught her eye was the war between the Wiccans and Demons. As the night went by, Lily slowly understood the purpose of this room, along with who used It. She took a few minutes to collect some of the more important things to take with her. After that, she left the room and shut the door. She then turned around and hit the door again with the blessed katana. A new seal was placed on the door, Lily turned around and started to walk up the stairs while saying "In order to carry out God's word, I'm going to need a team. Preferably ones who don't agree with the church and the government. But also open to new concepts and knowledge that they don't understand without question…" As Lily reaches the top of the steps, the sun starts to peak over the horizon. The sky was set ablaze, a bright warm feeling filled Lily's heart. She closed her eyes and thought for a few minutes. After some time has passed she finally opened her eyes and said "Well, the first thing I should do Is find a friend… I know! I'll head to the nearest city and look for some people there!" Lily quickly reached into her bag and pulled out a map of Kansai. As she looked over It, she started to mumble under her breath "Well If I'm here… The closest city would be… East City, which Is controlled by the government… Well, that looks like my best choice for now." Lily folds the map up and puts It back In her bag. As she starts heading west, she takes one last look back at the church. All the memories she made with the people she called family. Now there In the past with zero chance of making new ones. Lily can't help but grab and squeeze the hilt of her blade, while a few tears run down her face as she miserably said "I'm sorry I must leave… But I'll always remember… Always…" As she wiped the tears from her face and turned her back on the church, Lily started her long journey to East City.


After what seems like ages Lily finally makes It to East City In one piece! The city Itself was massive. Buildings spanning for miles, all connected through intertwining roads and bridges. All while having the plant life grow alongside It bringing color and noise. For the first few hours In the city, Lily tried looking for some food. But everyone here just looks at her with disgust when she asks for anything, even directions. As the hours went by It slowly grew dark, and a light rain began to fall and cover the city. Lily frantically tried to find someplace to go, so that she was not outside In the rain. But everywhere she went people closed their doors on her, they showed zero etiquette. Lily eventually stopped In the middle of a bridge that overlooked part of the city. She made her way to the railing and looked out upon the city, as she does her thoughts become reality "Where Is the faith In this city? From a political standpoint, this city Is the closest thing a person of faith can live In freely without question… So why Is everyone here an asshole?" The rain continues to fall as Lily spaces out. Minutes and hours go by before she snaps back, at this point It's the middle of the night. The rain finally lets up and Lily starts to walk through the city some more, looking for more clues about the church and government. All while looking for her first friend to join her group. The moon's light shines off the puddles left by the night's rain. Each pool of water illuminates the ground ahead of Lily as she makes her way deeper into the city. The more of the city she sees, the greater her sadness becomes. While taking In the view Lily starts to talk to herself "So, East City… There was an interesting section of text I read about this place. It said that there Is a huge problem with kidnappings, specifically kids at night… I wonder If It has anything to do with the influx of demons In the east. Maybe I should prioritize finding a place to stay." As Lily traveled the night she made her way to the center of the city. The capital, Inori City, Is the city of prayers. She investigated the capital all night but didn't find anything of use. As the morning drew closer, Lily realized how tired and hungry she was. Just before sunrise, she found a bridge that stretched over one of the main rivers of Inori. Lily organized her things and started to set up a makeshift bed. By the time she was finished the sun climbed the pale blue sky In the east, and cast a soft golden glow across the river over the west. As the sun went higher and higher Lily felt sleeper and sleeper. With each passing second, her eyes grew weaker and weaker until she closed them and fell asleep.


As the sun begins to set In the west, the sky started to grow dimmer. Lily slowly opens her eyes and looks out over the river, It shines with the warmth of spring. But this feeling Is quickly forgotten when Lily realizes that It's going to be night. She quickly stands and starts to collect her things while saying "I OVERSLEPT! AND I'M STILL HUNGRY!" By the time she finished the sun had set and the nightlife began once again. Lily made her way to the top of the bridge, there were a few people walking and traveling across but nothing out of the ordinary. She went to the edge of the bridge and climbed the bottom railing to peer over the river and city. The more she did, the more she got lost In her thoughts. Lily "I slept the whole day away, man… I at least wanted to look for food. Well, I guess we look for some more clues. I wonder how hard It would be for me to be captured…" As Lily kept thinking about food and being captured, a group of 5 men walk across the bridge. As Lily turned to take a look, she takes notice of their formation. 4 out of the 5 men are standing In a square formation with the fifth one leading. Lily counties to look and notice a group of kids chained together In the middle. 3 to be exact, 1 boy along with 2 girls. Without hesitating, Lily stepped out in front of the 5 men and just stared at them. The man leading the group halted the formation and took a few steps forward and stopped. He was just a few feet away from Lily, she felt terrified. She began to panic, her legs shaking with fear. The man takes a knee and puts a smile on while saying "Are you lost little one?" When Lily heard that, relief struck her body. She took a few seconds to respond, but under her breath, she answered the man's question "Yeah, I've been looking for some food." The man extends his hand out, but just before Lily could take It one of the kids In between the 4 men start to scream. Each scream is louder and sadder than the last. Before Lily took the man's hand she looked over his should, to see what the commotion was about. It was a small girl, smaller than Lily screaming like her life was dependent on It. She had short, dirty brown hair that fell just below her ears. Her hair was wavy, almost like a snake. This went well with her light brown skin complexion. But what caught Lily's attention the most was the fact that she had an all-black blindfold, with sheets as clothes. As the girl continued to scream, one of the men finally snapped and out of anger and boredom smacked the little girl while saying "SHUTUP BITCH! All you do Is scream and cry, a waste of space and time. Maybe we should kill you instead. It's not like anyone will miss you! HAHAHAH!" The other 3 join In. As Lily stands there and watches this little girl get smacked around. Her hands turn Into fists, her sad face replaced by a face of disgust and hate. The man kneeled down in front of her takes notice of Lily's change, and the small smile he had grown. He pulled his hand back and stood up while saying "Well, seems like we got another troublemaker here. How about you come with us and you can have all the food you want! Sounds fun right?" The man slowly claps his hands, but the screaming of the other girl continues. Lily's head drops, almost like she's dead. The man puzzled goes to tap her hand, but just before he could, Lily spoke In an assertive voice "Don't touch me." The man laughs but replies "O, I see we've got some courage! But that won't change a thing, you're nothing! Just some random kid In walking through the city at night. You probably have no one, and frankly, they probably didn't even care about you." The man's laughter continues, along with the screams of the lil girl behind him. Lily goes for her sword but Is stopped by the man's voice "Go ahead and draw your blade. If you do the lil girl dies. But maybe you could take her place… Blind bitches don't go for much, and the other 2… Well, let's just say this Is there last chance to view this world from this perspective! HAHAHHAHAH!" Lily's fists open, and her left-hand moves and rests on the hilt of her katana, while the man laughs uncontrollably Lily lifts her head back up. But this time her presence Is completely different, almost like she's a new person... The man stops laughing and starts to pay more attention to her. Lily shifts her eyes over to the man in front, as their eyes meet than man was struck with eminence fear, and regret. The man takes a few steps back before stopping. Lily takes a step forward, but the moment her foot touched the ground the man spoke up "STOP! OR… OR… THEY ALL DIE!" He points at the kids and gives a signal to the other 4 men. They quickly snatch the 3 kids and take them over to the railings of the bridge. The leader begins to laugh, he felt a sense of power rush to his head. As he continued to laugh Lily just stands there In silence, not a single sound was made. All throughout the city laughter could be heard. Not a single person came to help, and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about It either. She fell to her knees, tears running down her face, and nothing but sadness running through her heart. As the man slowly stopped laughing he spoke with a sense of victory In his voice "And I was scared for nothing. But you do have a high Materia level, far greater than those 3 combined. So how about this… Toss 'em, we found an even GREATER reward! HAHAHAHAHHA!" At that moment, 3 out of the 4 lackeys tossed a kid into the river. One by one… Lily quickly ran towards the edge of the bridge, as she looked over the edge, she saw the one, blind, girl, giving her last prayer with a smile…


The leader takes a few steps back before stopping. Lily takes a step forward, but the moment her foot touched the ground the man spoke up with a commanding voice "STOP! OR… OR… THEY ALL DIE!" He points at the kids and gives a signal to the other 4 men. But at that moment the only thing Lily could do was smile, she quickly drew her sword and rushed the other 4 men. 1 of them rushes her while the other 3 swiftly drop the 3 kids. The first one throws a few punches at Lily while the others catch up. Lily easily dodges, but the others came In and followed up. Each of the 4 men throws life-ending blows back to back, but somehow can't manage to land a hit on a 10-YeaR-old girl. As she dodges effortlessly, the girl that was screaming earlier stands and starts to cheer and dance for her. She screams as loud as she can, Lily can't help but laugh. The leader quickly rushes towards her and goes In for a drop kick, as he jumps off the ground Lily yawns and proceeds to dodge the other's punches. He comes flying threw the air, faster than the eye, and completely destroys Lily….. Off In the distance, the blind girl pops off with excitement… It's Lily! She pats the little girl on the head and asks her a question "What's the name?" The little girl frantically starts making noises of varying pitches and lengths. But somehow Lily found a pattern and was able to understand. She gave the little girl one last head pat before standing and saying In a nice soothing voice "Rima, what a beautiful name!" But before she could go on the leader cut her off In a fit of rage "NOT ONLY DID I MISS, BUT I KILLED 1 OF MY MEN! BUT HOW? HOW?" He turns around and looks at Lily dead In her eyes… Nothing but killing and revenge ran through his mind, he simply ran at her right all his power screaming at the top of his lungs "HOLY LARIAT!" He crashes his arm dead In her chest and sent her flying threw a few buildings. The leader still filled with rage looked down at Rima and smiled while saying "Well then your new friend died, how about you next? I could always re-capture the 2 that escaped! HAHAHA!" Rima terrified to death, too scared to even scream slowly accepts her fate. The leader slowly brings his arm up and back down… At that moment his arm was stopped by none other than Lily. The leader looks Lily In the eyes and finally fell to his knees. With the most fearful voice ever heard "why…" Lily turns and smiles at Rima, she returns the favor٩(◕‿◕。)۶ Lily then turns back around but with a face full of hate, righteousness, pity, and most of all disgust. She walks forward, just mere inches away front he leader. As she stands over him she asks him a few questions "What was the purpose of kidnapping kids at night?" The man doesn't answer, Lily giggles and says "good one." Lily In a blink of an eye killed off the leader's lackeys, 2 remain. The leader begins to cry, Lily speaks but In the most emotionless way ever "What's wrong?" The man with nothing left to lose talks "You… Yo… you killed…. my.. Son." Lily looked at the man with a straight face and In a matter of seconds burst into tears. Rima confused realized that they were not tears of sadness but happiness. Rima joined too, and both Lily and Rima laugh to their heart's content. But just as quickly as they started Lily ended It, Rima kept going though. She walked back over to the leader and spoke with a voice full of nothing "Would you believe me If I said I knew that was your son? Probably not, or how about the lil drop kick shit? Maybe? Or how about your plan to throw them over the bridge no matter my answer?" The man puts his head down without saying a word. Lily calms herself before continuing "Well then, how about you answer the first question." She walks forward a bit and gently puts her index finger on the man's chin and picks his head up while dawning a smile she quietly but in earnest said "Now I don't have much time, so you must answer swiftly or I'll just kill you now. I'm a busy kid after all. Got to stop the church from creating a super demon to beat OG, all while somehow showing the world the OG Is a demon and on top of that, I have restrictions like It's some sort of video game. The things we do for God, am I right?" As Lily looks at the man's face, It tells her everything she needs to know. She giggles. Rima finally tired of laughing, walks over to Lily and leans against her with her arms folded and with the most childish angry face stares him down(`ー´). Lily drops her finger and sighs, with disappointment running through her she speaks up "Well then, looks like this was a waste of time. Sorry but I have to carry out my duties and shit." The man says a simple prayer before standing. Lily rolls her eyes but stays composed. The leader peacefully starts to talk "I see you too have experienced pain. But you were lucky enough to be blessed with the power to make a change, and quickly too. But don't forget that others have pain as well, as much as I hate to say It… I do this because my wife was murdered and sacrificed by the church. So I go out and find kids that have been blessed and sell them to the underground market for cash so that my son and I, may live." At that moment 1 of the remaining 2 lackeys decides to run while the other jumps into the river. Lily quickly cuts down the one that ran, while Rima checked out the river. Gone, not a trace. Lily smacks her lips with frustration and says "Well let's just hope he can't swim." The leader chuckles a lil before saying "He will warn the church about you blessed one. Actions can vary but death Is certain." Lily giggles, but answers "Well, let 'em. Doesn't matter anyway. I'm done playing good girl. Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty so that others with stay clean, But at the same time you have to leave some dirt to show how good you are at cleaning." In one clean motion, Lily cut the man's head clean off. With a flick of the wrist, she cleans her katana and sheathes It. As Lily turns toward Rima, she stops her from celebrating and starts to talk "Rima, with everything you witnessed today. With everything you heard. Will you become my friend?" Rima stops and puts on her thinking face ( ̄~ ̄;) a few seconds pass and Rima puts a thumbs up. Lily smiles and responds "Good, now step 1 done. Next up, we have to find 2 more friends! You ready Rima?" Rima spins In circles squealing like a pig with excitement. Lily giggles and says "Good, now the Journey begins!"