Chapter 0:


Identity V: The Three Survivors

Bright, flashing thunder lightened up the dark sky, roaring furiously. Underneath the gravitated, thick clouds were a mansion resting on the top of the hill in the nowhere. The naked tree branches screeched against the windows, leaving its scratches. 

"Miss Nightingale, have you made the process on what I've requested?"

The man in the throne has spoken. His back has faced the window, making it nearly impossible for one to see his face. Across from him was a tall, curvy woman in her bird-alike attire, responding politely with a tint of monotony. "I have secured that your plan are running smoothly. There shouldn't be any problems, sir."

"Wonderful. How long until they arrive?"

Miss Nightingale's mask shifted to steal a glance at the clock hanging from a wall. She then replied, "Should be there in a few minutes. It's almost 6 o'clock, sir."

"Very well. You may go. You are unquestionably needed to accommodate them," He nodded in approval, "We wouldn't want to scare our valuable guests, wouldn't we?"

"Absolutely, sir."

Miss Nightingale bowed to him respectfully before walking out of the room, following with the door shut down. A cunning smirk spread across the man's face as he leaned right on his chair's arm. "I truly hope you enjoy your stay, my dear pawns..."