Chapter 0:


Obsolete Humans

Prologue of Obsolete Humans.

The fates of two teenage girls and a mysterious boy will converge at a nun convent. One girl is tall with long straight brown hair. Her name is Luna Flowers. Luna's eye colour is light green. The other girl is slightly shorter. This girl's name is Sapphire Rose. Sapphire’s hair colour is blonde with a deep wavy appearance and her eyes are the colours of a rainbow.

The appearance of the boy is a mystery. All that can be revealed is that the boy possesses a power that can be, best described as infinite. The 3 teenagers will need to fulfil a prophecy in order to survive the danger that will target them.

Luna Flowers and Sapphire Rose were both sent by their relatives to the White Light Sisters’ Convent in the small town of Silverstone.

They both come from opposite regions of their home country, Trimenia.

The families of these girls sent them to the nun convent to stop them from exploring the outside world. Sapphire and Luna both desired to live independent lives free from the restrictions of their families. At the tender age of 14. It has been 2 months since both have arrived at the nun convent.

Sapphire and Luna have shared a room since day one in the Nunnery dormitories.

The daily chores of the two girls is to wash the clothes of the nuns, fathers, orphans and other sisters’ who live in the convent. Help with community work in Silverstone and daily prayers in the convent.

The responsibilities of these daily chores are distributed between Sapphire, Luna and the other sisters and orphans who live in the White Light Sisters’ Convent.

Luna always says how bored she is in the convent. Sapphire is less vocal about her feelings towards the convent. But feels the same as Luna. Sapphire and Luna always ask themselves why their families stopped them from exploring the outside world?

Sapphire and Luna both hated their families for sending them to the White Light Sisters’ Convent. Yet, Sapphire and Luna seem to have no memory of the families they hated so much since arriving at the convent.

Both girls had the same goal to one day leave the convent and explore the outside world. Little did they know that their wish would soon come to pass. But only at the cost and sacrifice of many innocent lives. From this unforeseen upcoming event, Luna and Sapphire would experience both the emotion of happiness and hatred that humans carry within their hearts.

Let the journey begin.

First Cover

Obsolete Humans