Chapter 3:

Invasion Part 2

I'm Not Alive

"Would this be enough to blind them?" Sam chipped in as he stayed couched down far away from Jihyun with William, Ashley and the rest of the survivors. They all wore goggles. Jihyun, near the door, opened up a gas carrier, smoke leaked, flooding their vision. Gina opened the door and with another gas carrier filled with strontium nitrate, she sprayed it all near the door. Red colour popped out before she closed it and the door. They waited a few minutes for it to settle before Jihyun repeated the process but this time, two figures popped up in an angry red and they moved slowly, leading themselves using the walls before opening the next door. They used the smoke to blind the sighted infected and the other smoke to figure out their position to get out. Once they passed the other door, they minimised their movement to hear, slowing down to the open path. They all huddled up near the counter, waiting for their sight to clear as well. Based on William's description, they figured out a way to tell them apart. Luck was on their side because not a single infected was on sight. They checked through the hallway towards the elevator to be cautious but as predicted, no sound infected made it up because Sam locked them up earlier. That was a signal to start the smoke again to cover their big number. They all nodded and moved in pairs out, once again, being cautious.

"Are we going to leave through the stairs?" Gina asked, putting her ear to the emergency door. A loud bang startled her away, the sound coming from beyond the door. Now that she is close, she can hear really loud noises coming from there with more aggression.

"Seems like the stairs are no longer an option." Jihyun deadpanned. They stared at each other for a few minutes knowing what other option they had. "So plan B?"

"It's on the third floor." Anita mentioned. "It's not a bad height. Owen, can you open it?"

Owen was an older man, the hospital janitor but he knew how to force open the elevator from all the maintenance this building needed. He used the tools they had to crack it. Some of them were worried that noise might aggravate the infected on the other side but it all worked out well when it opened.

"Here is the sleeping gas and face mask." Jihyun helped tie it into William's back so he could get down with it.

"Do you know how to climb ropes?" William asked and when Owen shook his head, he taught him briefly how to get down the rope and demonstrated it. He jumped, grabbed the rope and slid down. Owen followed with exertion, not familiar with the process.

"Careful." William guided him to the best of his ability.

"This is very hard." Owen let go once he reached a safe distance. He let out a breath of relief, working immediately. William got the gas tank ready, face mask on a side ready to wear if he needs to use it. Owen opened the rooftop.

"It's empty!" William called up and got down, inside the elevator, Owen handed him the tank to keep inside. They both wore the face mask and he tapped the ground floor button. He quickly climbed up with the help of Owen. From his position, he waited while Owen held his lower half in support. He opened the tank the moment the slider parted. In that glimpse, he caught a bunch of them loitering around that area. Owen shut it closed and William started his watch timer. After a decent amount of time passed, he signalled and got down, opening the elevator door again to let it spread. After a while, he carried the leaking gas outside of the elevator, careful not to step on any bodies. Owen as well got down and when William gave a thumbs up, he pressed the 5th floor to bring the others since they didn't have enough masks for everyone.

William stopped the gas, trying to save what little they had left. They had and can hold limited resources so they would need this for the future. He kept a watch for any potential threat, his back on the wall as he waited for the elevator to arrive. Everyone was able to get out, keeping formation as they reached the parking lot. It was eerily quiet and spacious, no indication of life anywhere.

"Now that we are out, this is where we separate." Anita cut through the silence. She handed over the supplies of Ashley to Sam. "I'm not planning to stick around anymore. This is my out. I wish you luck and I really hope you find this cure."

Jihyun nodded, that's what they agreed. Everyone goes their separate ways because they couldn't research for a cure with their limited resources. It needed a bigger laboratory so they planned their way out instead. While they talked, they divided the sleeping gas between the teams. "I'm interested in this research but I too would rather be with my family. As you know, this is not a simple task that will take a day or two."

Ashley, Sam and William understood everyone's situation. They watched as the group dispersed, heading different directions. To their surprise, only Gina stayed behind.

"I would like to be in this project." Gina smiled, confident and adventurous as usual. "You are all planning to go to a specialised research facility and I want to go with you. There is something about that blood that I want to inspect."

"The more, the merrier." Sam would be more than happy to have an actual researcher on their team.

"I'm afraid you three will have to go on your own." William's interjection made Sam's happiness drop so fast. Sam gave him a look of clear disgust, shock and disappointment. Both Ashley and Gina were mildly surprised.

"Not the one who started this shit is bailing out! Weren't you the one talking about finding some "answers!" Sam was about to fight William then and there.

"I think you forgot I have a wife and three kids. I'm not going to leave them out there alone." At the mention of his kids, Sam calmed down immediately, and he let out a big sigh. He was frustrated, angry but unable to justify it.

"We need you," he weakly persuaded.

"They need me as well." There wasn't any more room to argue. Sam just scratched his head in a huff and handed William some keys. "Okay fine! You can go."

He hit his thighs in an act of tantrum. "These are my bike keys. As you know, the original plan was to take your car because it fit us all."

He motioned to the extra team. "So you have no choice but to take my bike."

"That's fine. I know how to ride a bike and it's probably easier to get where I need to be." William took it, finding it more advantageous for him to break traffic laws with a bike.

"Dang it, how do you know how to do everything?" Sam muttered under his breath but then patted William on the back out of their long friendship. "Good luck man. Hope to find you alive one day."

"Yes, good luck William." Gina gave a small hand shake of goodbye with Ashley chipping in quietly.

"Good luck to all three of you as well."

They parted ways immediately with William searching for the familiar bike Sam always showed off to him. On his way there, the phone inside his pockets vibrated and with a speed not even he knew he had in him, he pulled it out. The caller was...

"My Wife"

The first morning light peeked through the window gap, indicating ten hours have passed. Max was the first one out, impressing Anna with how fast he slept when everyone else was anxious. She envied how carefree he was since she couldn't get a wink of sleep. It took a while longer for Daniel to also sleep, his head supported by his hand on the tub. When she shifted, Max stirred awake, rubbing his beady eyes. He yawned, stretching his arms up. He blinked a couple times, staring at his blond brother. He places both hands on his back, shaking him roughly. The boy, as if he knew who it was, woke up with a glare.


"Shhhh." Anna cut him off and he smacked his lips together, nodding in remembrance. She pointed at the window, making a made up sign language of what she wanted them to do.

Alex turned around at the noises they made, under bags prominent on his face and she wondered if he actually slept at all. She once again, repeated the motions. Her index and middle finger were on top of her other palm, she had it walk then rose it all the way up, in the direction of the window before returning it to her palm. Then she bent her wrists to her eyes then her surroundings, back on forth in different directions. She curved her finger and swayed it in, curled her whole hand as if she was holding something and pushed it down. Max looked very confused, Alex scratched his head. Anna let out a small sigh of defeat. She wasn't a sign expert and if she wasn't the one conveying, she wouldn't have understood either. Once again, she was surprised by the kids when Daniel gave a universal 'okay' signal. Both Max, Alex and Anna tilted their heads as if to say 'really?'

Daniel rolled his eyes, hand on his hips, nodding like a sassy girl. Daniel then took charge by jumping through the ledge. Anna quickly stood up, feeling dizzy from how fast she stood. She held the boy before he did. He gave an expression that said 'What's wrong'. Her arm went to her head and then above hers like how she used to compare their heights. 'Too high' The height should be around twenty five feet when they brought the house and they were children so she wasn't sure if they could survive such a fall without resulting in an injury. Last night was an emergency, right now was not.

They spent five minutes making a plan wordlessly. The first one to go was Max, Daniel held him by the ankles before he plunged down. Daniel then cycled on the wall until Alex as well followed suit. They let him be last as he was the strongest from the three. Once Alex was near the edge, Anna supported all of them, half of her upper body was able to fit out, being squeezed by the hips to the point it physically hurt. She grunted at the heavyweight, the bones on her collarbone becoming prominent and her forehead veiny. Her stomach caved badly from the pressure, the edge aggravating her ribcage. She couldn't really hold for long but her children were quick. Daniel let Max go, letting him fall. The youngest cushioned his short fall with his hands, using his shoulders to push forward into a safe fall. Then Daniel gave a thumbs up to Alex who pulled his brother towards him, switching his grip to his armpits, fixing his posture since the height got bigger. After making sure he can land on his feet, he lets him go. Daniel as well landed perfectly, wincing a little at the pressure on his ankles.

Anna's relief set in when the weight decreased significantly. As she was about to bring Alex back in, he shook his leg, loosening her hold on him. She frowned, he wasn't supposed to go as well, only the first two. He kicked her right in the chin, letting her lose her grip. Alex swung his feet just in time to land on his feet. He couched into his knees then rolled on the ground, holding his leg.

Anna held her chin in disbelief, very disappointed that life and death situations didn't make that kid like her a little. He would rather hurt himself than stay with her? Or maybe he was worried about his brothers that he had to tag along? She watched Alex stand up when the pain subdued, limping a little.

Daniel curled an eyebrow but didn't say anything. He surveyed their surroundings for any infected and started to move. He peaked first, checking their front door. Max was right below him while Alex's head above his own. There wasn't anything there.

"Did you even understand what Anna said?" Alex inquired now that the coast was clear. Max twisted his neck, more attentive this time.

"Yes, it was very clear. Go down, check your surroundings, go to the front door and open the door for her if there weren't any infected." Daniel answered simply.

"What the hell? How did you get that from whatever she was signalling?" Both Max and Alex were on the same page. They couldn't read that to save their lives.

"How did you not get that?" Daniel answered in a matter of fact way.



"Can we go?" Max questioned.

Daniel nodded and continued leading, noting how Alex walked more naturally now. He kept a distance when he reached the front door, using his hearing for any indication. Those things weren't quiet so that helped in the long run. It was odd how there weren't a single infected on sight when there were many yesterday but then again, it's been hours since then.

He walked inside, careful with his steps. As he predicted, nothing was near the stairs. He narrowed his eyes at the kitchen far ahead but didn't make a move to check there. They need to get their mother first. He went up, checking to see if any were still up. As he reached the top half, he waited again. Nothing. Alex took a longer route, checking their room first before he got near the wall of the bedroom, his back pressing on while Max was behind, being a lookout. That's how they usually play... Daniel got closer and as he reached the doorway his breath was stolen, a figure of a woman, long black hair was at the centre. Their next door neighbour who always gave them homemade cookies. Her skin turned ashen, but what struck at him the most was the fact she was looking at the bottom of the bathroom door where the morning light reflected on the carpet. A shadow was right there, proving there was life beyond the slit. It was being incredibly quiet, almost waiting expectantly for them to feel safe to come out. A chill went down his spine when he realised they might be more intelligent than he thought they were.

He backed away and suddenly her unnaturally small pupils darted towards his direction. A sound erupted from his mouth when it noticed him and he couldn't help but yell. "MOTHER!"

She dashed towards him, he froze in fear but Alex wasn't. With a burst, he jumped kicked the infected, plunging it onto the ground. Anna in seconds came out of the bathroom, expression from worry to horror. "Isn't that Sarah?"

"Hold her down!" Alex ordered as he ran inside the room. Anna rechecked, almost confused on how she was supposed to do that. The zombie hissed and aimed for Daniel, not giving Anna any time to think. She leaped into it, to stop it from reaching her son. It was a power struggle with it trying to crawl to Daniel while all he could do was stare with mouth gaped open before Max slapped him on the face.

"This isn't the time to stand there like an idiot!" Max shouted, dragging him to his feet.

Anna's shriek and grunts brought back the attention. The infected changed it's target towards her, it's hand curling on her neck into a chokehold, reversing their position that it was now on top of her. Anna pushed it's jaw into closure to stop it from opening wide and biting her, letting out her struggling cries in the process, it was scratching, closing her windpipe. Daniel and Max were trying to pull it off by it's clothes.

"Back off!" Alex's entrance had Daniel and Max let go immediately. With the pole, he struck it on the head, jerking it. With legs spread apart, he hit it repeatedly with all his power. Anna helplessly pushed it off her, using her palms to get it away from underneath her. She breathed hard, staring at the brutality Alex displayed. Blood spread all over the tile to her unguarded feet, the specks all over Alex and the pole from the endless hits. The jaw was ripped apart, skin mushing together into gooey. Even when it stopped moving, Alex plunged it down, making the socket pop out. Daniel covered Max's eyes, directing him away from there.

"You can stop now..." Anna pulled herself to her knees, unsure how to process this. Was this really her eleven year old child? It might have been a zombie but even she would hesitate killing her neighbour this cruelly.

He didn't stop, crushing the head as much as he could with no regard. There was that anger on his face that she saw in him everyday coming out unrestrained. "Please... stop."

Alex finally stopped when it no longer moved a muscle. He swatted the pole in the opposite direction to clean off the leftover cells. "Let's pack up and eat before we leave."

Anna was baffled, he could stomach eating after he just dismantled their neighbour? The bile in her stomach rose and she flung herself back to the bathroom, into the toilet to throw up. Barely anything came out, just a little blood mixed with salvia. She waited until she calmed down to wipe her mouth and turned to the sink to wash whatever dirtiest left. Should she be questioning Alex's lack of morality or think it was inevitable? Along the way, they might have to kill more of these... The rushing water on her cupped hands reflected her weariness. She was so weak. She was the adult, she needed to lead them to survival not show fear. She splashed her face and got on the tub to wash away the remains of blood from her feet and hem. Scrubbing aggressively the dress together for a brief moment, letting some of the colour swirl into the drain. It didn't erase all of it but she didn't care. She got out, water dripped from her dress to the ground and she took measures not to step on the bloody prints.

"Mom, I found your phone on the floor." Daniel informed near the bedroom, holding up her cracked screen phone. There was Max as well who sat on their bed, downcasted. Her kids were a lot braver than her. She can't let them down. Anna opened the drawer near her bed and took out the charge from there, plugging it into an outlet socket.

"Thank you. I think your father called yesterday but I never answered." At the mention of William, the kids perked up and the mood instantly got better.

"Of course daddy won't let those things eat him!" Max crawled on the bed towards the stand and stayed put, waiting for the phone to charge while Daniel looked over her shoulders. Anna smiled for the first time in a long time.

"Yes. He would never let those things get to him." Once the power was on, she got fifteen missed calls all from William. He hasn't called her once in three months but at least he was worried for her now. Whatever anger she had over it, disappeared. There was no point in being angry when the situation was this bad. She checked the messages and there was a long text asking if she was fine and to call him as soon as she received it. Anna dialled his number and put the phone to her ear. She wondered briefly what Alex was doing. Daniel put his ear near the phone, wanting to listen in. She let her curious kids do as they please.

With a slight click, a voice from the other side answered. "Anna?"

She didn't know why but hearing his voice after so long, the depth and tenderness was enough to make the tears well up. "William..."

"I'm so glad to hear you alive... Do we have any casualties?" She looked at the excited kids and patted Max's head in fondness. "The kids are fine."

"That's good to hear. Where are you?"


"I'm going to need you to leave right now to Manchester and reach East Midlands Airport. We are getting out of here. The infected haven't reached that area yet."

She was quiet for a few seconds, a bit surprised but not when she thought about it logically. "We are planning to leave the country?"

"Yes, before they close it off. Don't pack anything, leave right away. I'll meet you there."

"Okay, I will talk to you later then." She ended the call and stared at her kids. "You heard what he said."

They both nodded, dashing to get ready. She looked at her clothes, thinking of changing off. The hem was faded red with washed up blood from her neighbour and she would rather burn this dress then wear it ever again. She didn't get to decide when Alex came in not long. "Anna, we have a problem. They are surrounding our house. I think they heard your screams."

They can't stay here any longer. She snatched her car keys from inside the drawer, her phone, charge, and shoved it into her dress pockets. Anna strides into their room, trying to not look at her neighbour's corpse as she checks on what they are doing. They had their playground backpack on their backs while Max held his favourite stuffed toy still wearing his frog bucket hat. She was glad at least, in those dark hours, her children had some innocence. Even if Alex didn't when he brought his bat instead.

"Come on boys!" They followed her around like a duckling following its mother into the wrecked kitchen. She took out the packed lunch boxes she made for the kids the previous day for school. From the window of the kitchen, she can see them gathering. She crouched down, shoving the lunches into each of the boy's bags.

"They are all coming towards the backyard." Alex let her know.

"We should get going-" Anna started but got interrupted by Daniel. "No, I think we should stay to lure them here. It will empty the front yard then we can leave through the front door into the car."

At her son's very sound plan, she put her trust in him despite her fears. She got out her keys and nodded at the kids. The banging of the backdoor got loud and that's when Alex gave the signal. They all rushed to the door with Anna grabbing her husband's navy-blue cardigan off the hanger on the way. She wore it as she opened the front door, surveying the surroundings before she flung it open, running towards the car, switching it on. She opened the driver seats, watching Alex open the backseat. All that movement alerted them. She shoved the keys, preparing the car. They filled her vision and from the front mirror, she can see Daniel and Max on the back while Alex hopped into the passenger seat. There wasn't any time to criticise Alex's choice, she switched gears into reverse. She pressed the pedal before they crowded the back rear and broke their formation. She steered the wheel to fix the rough reverse as Daniel and Max screamed, one in terror and one in joy.

"Buckle up kids! This will be a bumpy ride!"