Chapter 9:

A Rat's Example

The Wolf Among Rats

The same old servant who lead me to Joan now leads me towards the templars who have been enjoying Nick's hospitality just outside his office under the awning. Caresson is the first to break away from their game and acknowledge my approach. "We've been waiting a while. What did Lord Épicier discuss with you?"

I answer with, "He asked us to take care of some unruly rabble near a place called The Rosy Cauldron. Otherwise he just thought I was so entertaining that he kept me around to chat."

He sighs like mother does when she hears one of the kids got into trouble again. "Why do all the noble families have such fascinations with demi-humans?"
With his question lost to the air, he loses his lax attitude like a glove and commands the others. "We've got a job form the lord himself lads. Some thugs harassing a store owner. Let's move!"

Like routine, the templars rise from their seats and assume marching position. As they pass, my weapons are returned and my chain taken. I almost forgot these were soldiers with how relaxed they've been all day. This morning, everyone on the street shouted greetings and waved excitedly at the sight the templars, but now people clear the way and avert their gazes like scolded children. Even the patrolling Épicier troops move and allow us to pass without hesitation.
It doesn't look like anyone moves out of respect. Almost every person we pass looks afraid, but why? There's no possible way all of them are guilty of some crime giving the templars reason to hunt them? Unless being in the way is a crime itself? I wouldn't put it past the temple. Maybe I can get answers out of these templars later. For now, I have to keep my mouth shut and follow them.

Clear skies means harsh shadows for the cramped side streets. We continue marching through the narrow passage, though there's far less people to contend with our path. After a more few twists and turns, the sign for The Rosy Cauldron falls into view. Oh, I remember this place now. This is the closest apothecary to New Town. Ren and I bought illness medicine for Veena and Ja from here. Caresson raises his hand to signal the others to relax and the march slows to a crawl.

Caresson turns to the others. "Wait outside. I'll see what Veronica knows."

The templars nod their understanding and gather around the front door. I put my ear against the wall and peer in through the window, acting nonchalant to avoid suspicion. Caresson  triggers the entrance chime and from beyond the counter the owner calls, "Just a minute, the pot's about to boil."

Caresson lazily strolls around the store front saying, "No need to rush."

She pokes her head around the corner, long disheveled hair falling over her face like one of my ghost stories I'd tell the kids. Her eyes widen in shock when she sees Caresson and swiftly disappears back around the corner. A few moments later she returns with brushed hair and an ample girlish smile. "Darren! What brings you here?"

"Heard you were dealing with some ruffians."
He jabs his thumb back at us. "We're here to take care of them."

Panic overcomes her as she quickly says, "Oh no no, it's fine! They're not breaking any laws they're just-"

"We're here on Lord Épicier's order." He interrupts.
The panic fades and relief takes its place. So much so that she's moved to tears and leans into Caresson . He catches her and continues. "I need you to tell me exactly what they've done so we can arrest them, alright?"

She nods and leads Caresson towards the back where I can't hear or see them. It sounds like Caresson is aware of what Nick is doing, at least somewhat. Without prompting he mentioned Nick's name to assure the lady it was okay to get rid of his hired thugs. I'll have to get closer to him to find out exactly what he knows. I could use him to my advantage.

After a dozen or so minutes, Caresson returns. Drifting through the doorway, he lays out the orders. "Accounts of vandalism, slander, and harassment. They're holed up in an unused storehouse nearby that belongs to the Épicier family. We have all we need to arrest them, understand?"

The templars bark their understanding, but there's something off. It seemed more... Somber than other times. Is there something I'm not privy to? I raise a concern. "Sir Caresson, I don't have any gear for restraining others."

He doesn't even glace at me as he marches off muttering, "You won't need it."

Hopefully he's just lazy and annoyed that he has to actually work otherwise getting close to him will be a waste of time. We continue our march through a few more streets and turns before the building comes into view. A two-floor building with the Épicier crest hanging over the door and an elf watchman out front. The elf jerks in surprise at the sight of templars marching towards him, but manages to keep his cool.
Before we come into earshot of the elf, Caresson whispers to me, "Let us do our jobs. Just ensure no one escapes."

The watchman bangs on the door once and stands to greet the templars. "Greetings warriors of Sol! What do you need?"

In response Caresson orders, "Take us to your boss. We'll have a word with him."

The watchman stalls. "What's this about? We're willing-"

Caresson forces his way through the door, ignoring the elf. Elves in the building cease moving cargo around to move closer towards the windows securing their escape if things escalate. It proves pointless however, as the templars knock them aside and block the windows of the first floor. A few hang back outside guarding the door and any escapees from the second floor. Meanwhile Caresson storms through the building until another elf stops him as politely as possible. "Ah, templars. I'm Frel'Lander, overseer of this storehouse. What can we do for the temple today?"

Caresson orders, "This storehouse belongs to Lord Épicier and you are trespassing."

Frel looks surprised and fumbles in his pocket for an emblem. "Who told you that? We've been hired by Lord Épicier himself and given this sigil as sign of our station."

Caresson snatches the small seal and stares at it for a mere second before claiming, "An obvious forgery."
In unison, all templars draw their swords causing me to raise my shield and point my spear forwards. Caresson recites, "For sins far too grave, you and all in this building are now prisoners of the Holy Temple of Sol! Leave half of them alive."

Immediately, shouts and screams rise all around me. All the elves grabbed clubs and sticks in a vain attempt to defend themselves. They're promptly struck down, blood splattering against the barrels and stone floor. Shouts and lives cut short in a swift slash of a blade. Again, the temple slaughters elves. I have to avert my gaze.
They don't matter. They never have. But that doesn't mean I will forget them. I will avenge them, I swear it. When I butcher Nick, I will do so with their fury. Today however... I can only watch.
This is what Nick was trying to show me. These elves probably took their power too far so Nick had them killed. And so easily. That fat fucker.

"Heretic! Catch that one!"
I'm snapped back to reality by an order. One of the elves is sneaking out through a trap door on the wall. Son of a bitch! I charge through the carnage, throwing another elf off balance and dive through the trap door into the street. I spot him running down the path towards New Town and dart after him. I'm faster than he is, but not by much.
He forces his way through a crowd, throwing people into my path. It does little to impede me as I flow through the confused people. He turns a corner into an alley, tossing a box in my way. Jumping over the box, I grab the rim of my shield and chuck it. It slams into the back of his head and he falls forward with a cry of pain. Almost immediately, I turn him to his back and snatch his collar preparing to plunge my spear into his chest.

Face to face, he waves his hands in surrender "Wait wait, please! Don't hand me over to the temple!"
He glaces at my brand and begs, "You know what they do right!? I swear, I'll leave the city just let me live!"

He can't be older than twenty-five. Fuck, how am I supposed to kill this kid!? A familiar voice calls out, "Kar? What are you doing!?"

Damn it Ren, why now? "Get out of here Ren!"

He shouts, "Not until you tell me what's happening!"

The kid pleads again. "You could use him! Pretend to kill him then let me escape! Please, I was just trying to make money, I didn't realize this would happen!"

"Shut up damn it!"

The kid shuts up, but Ren continues to agree with him. "He's right! If you need a dead elf, I'll play the part!"

No, there needs to be blood. If I don't hit him in a lethal spot, the templars will. Fuck fuck fuck! I ask, "What's your name kid?"

His green eyes light up as he says, "Tel'Jaleer."

Ren starts to get in position to be the decoy, but all I say is, "I am sorry Jaleer."

I watch as primal fear overtakes his eyes. Ren shouts "Stop," but it doesn't matter. I drive the spear into Jaleer's heart. He looks down at the spear impaling his chest and weakly grabs it. I can feel him try to pull it out again and again, each tug getting weaker and weaker. After failing he looks back into my eyes pleading for the last time. Finally the light fades and he dies. The kid is finally dead.

I stumble back and puke an entire week's worth of food onto the closest wall. How am I going to tell his parents!? I can't stand this! Fuck you Nick! Fuck you! Fuck you! I'm going to make sure you suffer just like he did!

"What did you just do?"

I wipe away the puke and turn to Ren, who's staring at Jaleer horrified. "I did what I had to do."

His horrified gaze shifts to me. "We we're giving you a way out!"

"A way out that would've put you in the temple's dungeon or dead! You think the templars would just accept I killed him while no one was looking?"

"Then throw me in the dungeon! You survived!"

I feel my face twitch into anger. "I didn't survive the templar's torture because I'm strong Ren. I survived because I'm the strongest. I didn't escape my gibbet because I'm cunning. I escaped because I'm the most cunning."
I take a step towards him and jab a finger at him. "You have no idea what I endured in there! You would die before you were ever placed in a gibbet. Our family can't lose you too."

He averts his gaze and bites his thumb. He mumbles, "He wasn't even older than we are Kar. He didn't deserve to die."

He's changing the subject. I soften my glare. "You don't think I know that?"
I back off to ease the tension and lean against the wall. "Listen Ren. I'm sorry. Sorry you had to see this, sorry I had to kill him, and sorry I had to put you down. I'm trying to keep our family safe. You can understand that can't you?"

He sits against the wall, head in his hands. "Yeah, I can. I'm sorry you had to make that choice."

"How did you find me anyway?"

He gestures his hands in disappointment. "I just heard a rumour and decided to look. When I heard him scream I came running."

The gossip spread to New Town? I guess it's not really important. I sit to get closer to his level and whisper. "Listen. Nick dragged me back into his clutches today using you and the kids as leverage."
I gesture towards Jaleer. "That's part of why I had to kill him."

He looks at me concerned. "What do you mean? How?"

"I have to continue working for Nick and if I cross or deny him, he'll have you killed."

"That doesn't answer my question. How did you get here? Why are you still working for Nick and the templars apparently?"

"Does it really matter? I'll tell you the full story when I see you again."
Ren looks dejectedly at Jaleer, but doesn't say anything. "I'll save us, I swear. I'm making some powerful allies and crafting a plan to get rid of Nick once and for all."

His tan eyes fall on me, overflowing with determination. "What do you need me to do?"

What can he do? "Do you have any contact with Nick?"

He shakes his head. "Not right now. After you were captured, he cast me out saying I'm useless alone."

"But that doesn't mean you can't get back in right? Nick has me relaying information for him, but I can't be there all the time. The squad of templars have a spot they like to hang out on Épicier's market street with a bunch of disregarded boxes and barrels. Whenever I can, I'll leave a paper hidden under the leftmost barrel. I need you to hand these to Nick."

"Wait, how will I know when and where to go?"

I quickly illustrate the surrounding area and request he drop by at least once every day because I can't be sure when I'll join Caresson again. I extend a hand to Ren and help him up. "I have to get back before they send a hunting party. Next time will be a brighter reunion, I swear."
I pull him into a hug and break off, then sling Jaleer over my back. Ren runs off promising to take care of the others. I wonder when I'll see him next.

Returning to the storehouse, the massacre appears to be finished. Elves lay dead around and in the building with the templars standing over the few that survived, bound in rope. Caresson, like usual, is the only one to recognize I exist and praises me. "Good work heretic. A shame you had to kill him."
After I say nothing he softens his tone. "Was that your first time killing someone?"

I don't want to answer him, but this seems like a good opportunity to get closer. "Yeah. It was."

He slowly closes his eyes and nods. "I figured. That guilt you're carrying reminds me of my first kill. I'll never forget him. A thief who just would not stop fighting."

I ask, "Does it ever get easier?"

Solemnly he nods. "Unfortunately it does. Somewhere along the line I began seeing the people I've killed as a force opposing Sol and not as people. It's easier to forget how hauntingly human they are that way."

"Does that mean you see elves as people?"

He stares up at me with sympathy. "Of course I do. I make it a point to ensure everyone in my squad does."

"You're not from around here, are you?"

He smiles. "I am actually. My best friend growing up was an elf despite the protests of our parents."
His smile fades into a scowl. "Why did you attack that kid?"

I look away and act guilty. "It wasn't an attack. Not really. I made sure I didn't hurt the kid even though I was paid too."
I look back at him. "Sorry, that's not what you asked. I was trying to make sure my siblings didn't lose their mother too."

His dark eyes stare into me for a long while before he finally relents. "I won't trust you just yet. The chosen of Sol claims you're a being of overwhelming darkness and I'm inclined to believe him. But you don't seem like a bad person to me. You're welcome on my squad."

This is as good as it's going to get. Let's end the interaction with some praising. "Thank you sir. You're a good man Caresson."

He nods then abandons the friendly demeanor. He orders me to set Jaleer down with the other bodies and assist the clean up. I suppose that was a good first interaction. I can probably build a bridge to him using Nick and guilt as the foundation. Other than that, I'll have to learn more about him soon.

Once we've organized the bodies into a pile and all onlookers have been shooed off, we march towards the temple's dungeons with the surviving elves in tow. They curse me under their breath for betraying my people, but it's not hard to ignore them. They aren't my people.

After the elves have been handed over to the temple's dungeon and Caresson went through the lengthy process of reporting the squad's actions for the day, I was ordered back to the castle dungeon where the other rangers were already waiting. And not a moment too soon with first-day coming to a close.
