Chapter 4:


4 hours to save the world

Mila stood there for a second, staring at the school, wondering how she was going to get in. If only Hajime would be here, he always finds himself a way in. Wait, he does live only a couple of blocks from here. Knowing him, he’s probably still up gaming. That guy never sleeps. Mila turned left and began to bike towards the telephone booth, which was located about one hundred meters down the road.

Mila put down the bike, walked up to the phone booth, grabbed the handle, and… nothing. The door was shut closed, not a spec of movement. When Mila turned around, the shimmering appearance of the guardian stood right before her. The guardian’s disembodied voice echoed through Mila’s head again.

“Ohh sweety, I am glad to see you made it here.

I assumed you’d understand you can’t ask anyone for help.”

But I guess I overestimated you.”

The guardian emphasized her words.

“Remember darling, this is your mission.

You are the only one that can fix this ordeal.

So please hurry up!”

Discouraged, Mila made her way back to the school’s entrance. She climbed the fence separating the school from the street and walked to the school’s side entrance. An old wooden door that led to the gymnasium. The last time Hajime was able to break in here by using a credit card and a paperclip. Both of which she didn’t have at hand. Let me try to pull the handle just in case. No movement, as expected.

Mila looked up at the clouds, looking for inspiration in the stars. But wait what is that? Mila’s eyes glimpsed over a window at the second story. It seemed to be left halfway open. This could be her entry point into the school. The window was above a lower, one-story, part of the building, so it wouldn’t be too difficult to enter. Mila put her feet against the drainpipe and climbed her way up. When Mila grabbed the window, she was easily able to pull it fully open. She lowered her legs inside the opening and made her way into one of the school's classrooms.

The full moon gave the school’s desolate hallways an eerie atmosphere. Mila walked through the second-floor hallway, towards the central stairwell. All this time she had been carrying the apple with her. She held up the apple before the window, to inspect it for any bruises. Few… looks fine to me. All she had to do was lay down the apple in the locker with the letter and get out of there as soon as possible. At least before any of the school’s staff would arrive. Getting suspended and possibly having to spend another year in this miserable place was definitely not something Mila looked forward to.

When Mila opened the door to the stairwell, she felt a bit creeped out. It felt a bit like someone was following her. Probably just that guardian, if she was going to be here anyway, why couldn’t she fix it by herself? Mila turned around and could see a dark shadow disappearing in the corner of her eye. She tried to get a better look, but there was no guardian insight. Mila shrugged her shoulders and continued walking down the flight of stairs. On the ground floor, she took a left turn and entered the school’s cafeteria. The place where she and her friends came to grab some food, which they would eat at their own little place, was in the stairwell.

Thinking about the school lunch, made her stomach rumble. Mila walked over to the counter section to see if there was any food left over from yesterday. At the back of the counter, she found some stale buns they forgot to throw out. Mila grabbed on and took a bite. The bun had gone quiet though from being left in the open after night. With the bun still in her mouth, Mila turned around and shook. She stared right into a ghost girl’s eyes. But this was certainly not the same ghost as before.


A petite ghost girl was standing right before Mila. Her black hair was quite messy, her bangs were hanging over her greyish eyes. She was wearing a blue uniform, containing a badge with the school’s logo. Mila had seen this uniform before, in old pictures lining the school’s entrance. This used to be this school’s uniform until about 10 years ago. They stared into each other eyes for a while. The ghost girl started shaking a bit, she must be a bit nervous knowing that someone could see her. She spoke in a quiet and calm voice to Mila.

“Please… lay down that apple”

Mila, who got used to talking to ghosts by now, didn’t follow her command. The only place she was laying down her apple was the boy's locker. She wasn’t in the mood for some small talk.

“Who are you and what do you know of me?”

“Risako knows all students, Risako has been watching you”

“Risako can watch, but Risako cannot be seen”

The girl responded.

“Ah so your name is Risako. I am not in the mood for stupid riddles. Now please let me pass”

Mila passed right through the girl, heading towards the hallway door. But the girl kept teleporting right before Mila’s feet.

“You are Mila, you eat with your friends in the stairwell. Listen to me, it’s important”

Mila sighed and stood still.

“Just a minute okay… I am in a hurry here”

The ghost girl started to hold a long, somewhat incomprehensive monologue.

“My name is Risako, I am a student at this school, just like you”

“Risako has been here for a long time, just like Mila, but for longer”

“My friends all graduated long ago, so Risako has been lonely, without any friends”

“Risako couldn’t make new friends, because of the witch, none can see Risako”

Mila paused Risako for a second.

“Who do you mean with the witch?”

“The witch is the witch! The girl that did all of this!...”

The girl stopped to think for a second and then pointed at the apple.

“The apple girl!”

“So Iona? What about her?”

“Iona is a bad girl. She made Risako Risako and will make Mila Risako as well”

Mila looked confused.

“Don’t give her the apple!”

Risako started giggling and continued explaining.

“The witch’s mom was Risako’s language teacher at school. One day she came to school on parents' day. Risako was in line before her and got the last chocolate bun. The chocolate bun was really delicious! Witch got mad and then earthquake came and then…”

Risako looked down to the ground and started speaking in a quieter voice.

“Risako became Risako.”

“Risako cannot leave… but Risako cannot stay either”

“Risako stayed for too long and only Mila can make Risako leave”

“By not giving the apple!”

“So Risako, what do you suggest I do? I don’t want the world to keep ending”

Risako started giggling even louder.

“The apple won’t do good. Won’t help Risako… or Mila”

“Mila should… burn the witch. Cut her with mister knife”

Risako reached and pulled a big chef’s knife from behind her back. She was now holding it in her shaking hand, ready to use it any second.

“Mila will be Risako’s friend”

Risako giggled uncontrollably.
