Chapter 38:

The Return #3

St. Clover's Golden Academy [Cancelled, to be reworked]

"Finances?" Arthur asked, breaking the silence between them as they walked towards Francis, who was patiently standing next to the car. "You're having difficulties with finances?"

"No, because that was a lie." Ellis answered, "I just needed a reason to excuse ourselves from their company."

Arthur nodded, "That's smart although, the club room is lacking a few things– a few desks, workstations, drawing boards, and there is only one movable-type printer."

"The school board is responsible for the production and distribution of the school newspaper. That printing press is only responsible for making two copies, the original and the one we submit to the school board for inspection."

"I see," Arthur nodded, "That makes a lot of sense."

"Now, where is this Ice-cream, you spoke of?"

"It's where I live actually."

Francis noticed the two approaching him and he closed and folded the newspaper away and threw it to the nearest bin. "Milady, Arthur," he bowed in greeting.

"Greetings Francis," Ellis said, "We need to stop by a store first."

"Does this store create a detour in our scheduled path?"

"No, it does not. In fact, it is just a stop along the way."

Francis nodded at her and he opened the door for her to enter the vehicle. "Then we shall."

"Would it be acceptable if we were to give Arthur a ride home too?" Ellis asked, just as she entered the vehicle.

Francis turned to Arthur and contemplated, "It would be rude of me to refuse a friend of the miss." he thought, "Of course, only if he sits in the front passenger seat. Arthur, if you would follow me."

Arthur followed the butler without a word and he stepped into the luxurious vehicle, immediately taking note of the pristine cream-colored leather seating and the beautiful interiors. "Sweet ride," he said.

"The Patriarch only provides the best."

"I can see that."

Francis started the car and it smoothly exited the parking lot and into the road connecting to the city. Arthur sat straight, his eyes wandering on the buildings they were passing by. "Whoever touched George and David is going to pay— I swear it."

Francis steals a glance at the boy's right hand, specifically at the ominous black ring. "That is a nice ring," he compliments.

Arthur looked at Francis and at his ring, a small smile forming on his face. "Yeah, It's a nice ring, It was a gift."

"Although it is quite… tacky… it suits you very well, Arthur." Francis nodded, his eyes and attention undivided on the road.

"Hmph, yeah," Arthur scoffed, "I agree with you on that."

Francis turned to the small boy, who seemed to be thinking deeply about something serious. "Is everything alright? You seem to be deep in thought."

Arthur breathed heavily, reaching into his pocket. "The residents that we just passed are running from something— there's trouble up ahead, so be cautious."

Francis turned to the road, people were indeed running away from something. In the distance were cars, being held up by a group of men whose faces were covered.

Francis looked at Arthur with curiosity, "What makes you so sure— is that a firearm!?" he gasped, looking at the revolver Arthur pulled from his pocket.

"Keep your head down!" Arthur yelled.

At that moment, the men turned their attention to the beautiful vehicle, immediately associating the quality and model with nobility and riches.

"You! Step out of the vehicle!"

"Show me your hands."

Ellis, who had dozed off in the back awoke from her small nap because of Francis' yelling.

"W-What is happening?" She asked, blinking herself back to a cognitive state. "Francis, why are you yelling?" Ellis panicked.

"Francis! What is happening!?" She demanded again, sitting down on the floor of the car for protection.

"Armed roadmen!" Francis hollered, ducking down to the cover of the dashboard.

Ellis turned to the passenger seat in the front to see Arthur not present. "W-Where is he? Where is Arthur"

Francis turned to his side, to see that Arthur was in fact not there. He peeked over the dashboard and Arthur was outside the vehicle

Arthur grabbed onto the foremost man's arm, looping it over his shoulder and throwing him onto his leftmost companion. Now, all the roadmen gave him their full attention.

"Six left," Arthur thought, "These are Chaperone's men— are they establishing territory, or are they trying to rile up the police force? There's no way a man like Chaperone could do something so stupid."

"Who are you? Reveal yourself!"

"That's a secret." Arthur removed his uniform's overcoat, tossed it aside on Ellis's car, and drew the small knife he had hidden on his person. "They don't look like small fries… this is going to hurt– I'm not fully healed yet."

"Get him!"

The six men reached into their pockets to procure kitchen knives the length of their forearms. Arthur sidestepped the first two who came at him, rolling to the two men he had knocked out earlier.

"I Can't use my Inventory in broad daylight— so i'm going to make do!" Arthur internally grumbled.


He reached for the gun by the man's hands, but a leg came in contact with his side, inflicting piercing pain and throwing him a fair distance away.

"Ack!" Arthur gasped, rolling on the asphalt, and scraping his elbows. "... Motherfucker–" he gritted out, before pushing himself up. "I'm going to kill 'em!"

Unfortunately, the knife had been knocked from his hand and away from his reach.

"Fuck you." Arthur aimed the gun at the man who hit him and pulled the trigger.


"Shit," Arthur groaned, holding the revolver by the barrel, aiming the handle like a hammer.

The foremost gangster turned to him with a smirk, "You're empty!" He sneered, charging with his knife.

Arthur sighed, ducking underneath the man's obvious thrust. Looping underneath the arm, He swung the gun with a deadly force directly into the man's carotid, knocking him out onto the ground.
"I can't kill in front of Ellis, you better be thankful you lucky bastards!"



Arthur grabbed the knife mid-air as it fell from the man's grasp and switched hands, the gun on his left and the knife on his right.

"Five!" Arthur counted.

The man behind the gangster he had just knocked out frowned, his neck veins building with anger. "You'll pay for that!" he yelled, running towards Arthur with the knife in the air, intending a downward stab. Arthur rolled on the ground, using the other gangster as a meat shield.


The knife sank into his comrade's flesh, making the man frown even more with anger. "You coward!" he growled, looking where Arthur should've been, only for a leather shoe to strike him across the jaw.


"That makes four," Arthur huffed, his left shoe visibly damaged from the impact, "Damn it, I need another shoe—"


A knife swiped horizontally for Arthur's head, only for him to dodge underneath. From a crouched position, Arthur rose quickly, using the momentum to deliver an effective uppercut.


"Shouldn't we assist him!?" Ellis asked her butler, who was taking cover with the dashboard. Francis got up from his defensive position to interject.

"No! You must not!" he yelled, pointing at Arthur.

Ellis looked at Arthur, who grabbed the second last man's arm, broke it, and threw him aside.

"But we need to do something!" Ellis replied, looking at a large amount of blood pooling in Arthur's clothes. He was bleeding from two places, his side, and lower midriff. "He's bleeding!"

"Forgive me, young mistress– but that was his choice to make, I can't put you in danger!" Francis retorted in his mind, worried for Ellis's wellbeing. "We must not fight! That was his choice!"

Ellis grits her teeth, looking out the car, Arthur just finished fighting the last of the eight men, throwing the last man to the side of the car, but he fell on his knees from exhaustion. She pushed the car door open and hurried out of the vehicle to tend to the injured Arthur's wounds, only for him to turn pale.

"Ellis! Get out of there!" Arthur yelled.

"W-What– kyaa!"

Strong arms wrapped around her neck and a sharp object was pointed toward her throat. It was the man Arthur just threw, he got up from the ground, seemingly unfazed from being thrown. He grabbed Ellis by the neck and pointed his knife at her carotid.

"Don't move! or I'll slice little missy's throat!" He yelled, "No funny business!"

"Damn it!" Arthur cursed, getting up from the ground, holding his hands up in the air in surrender. "Don't harm the girl! She has nothing to do with this!"

The gangster smirked at Arthur, seeing his injured state. "This isn't a duel, hero– Here, outside of your golden academy– the strong takes! And the weak suffer!"

"I see." Arthur thought, looking at the man's clothes. He was not a refined gentleman but was probably a middle-ring citizen. They may be called from the middle ring, but their living conditions aren't too different from the outer ring.

"I see now why organized crime bosses like Eclipse Chaperone are popular." Arthur sighed, "being his underling might have been like dealing with the devil– but to these men– what choice do they have?"

"What do you want?!" Arthur yelled.

"I want the car and all your valuables! fork them over." the man yelled, "You're a clover's brat, I know you have some on ya'."

Arthur contemplated what to do aside from giving in to the highwayman's demands, but Francis pressured him. He had exited the driver's seat and pleaded with the man.

"Young man! do as he says!"

"Shit," Arthur frowned removing his black ring and tossing it to the man's feet, "Take the car, and you let her go."

The man looked at the ominous black ring and smiled, "Pleasure doing business with you." he said, throwing Ellis at the ground. He retrieved the ring and rushed into the luxurious vehicle, starting the engine.

The car maneuvered around Arthur, who did not settle his gaze, "I memorized how you look, you're so dead."

Francis and Arthur made their way to Ellis, who was still on the ground clutching her leg. The butler assisted her in a more comfortable seating position and scrutinized her for her safety.

"Young mistress, are you okay?" Francis asked, cradling her scrapped knee. "You have a scrape, but you are safe."

Arthur looked at Ellis, whose face was contorted in pain, who nodded at Francis' calm, reassuring words. She was greatly shaken by the situation, her breath was erratic and shallow, and he complexion was pale and weak. After being calmed by Francis, Ellis promptly feel asleep.

"Thank you," Francis said to Arthur as his hands were wrapping a handkerchief around Ellis' leg. "I promise to compensate you for your actions, and I promise to retrieve your ring."

"Sure," Arthur huffed, kneeling beside him. "Is she alright?"

"For the most part. She is asleep." Francis sighed, using a spare handkerchief to wipe the small tears that had gathered underneath her eyes, "Do you perhaps know of a communication center? Near a police station, perhaps?"

Arthur nodded at the butler, pointing with his thumb, "Yeah, just by where I live. If we continue down this street and to the crossroads– you'll find a communication center beside an impromptu police center."

"I see," Francis nodded, "If it's not a bother, may we take refuge in your abode?"

"Yeah, You can wash her leg and treat it there." Arthur replied, "Can you carry her?"

"I am unable to, I'm afraid. Could you?"


Arthur looped one arm underneath her knees and the other by her shoulders, effortlessly lifting her up, and he began walking with Francis. This incident was bigger than it seemed to the butler, but not to Arthur.

"A mass fire distraction, now a public terror? I don't like where this is going."