Chapter 5:

Young Hiro–Get Stronger And Make New Friends (2 of 2)

Chaos Hiro

Psychic Alliance training with Master Dulcia:

Hiro, now 9 years old, is visiting the town market with his dad.

Hiro: "Dad, what should we buy for dinner?"

Julius: "You mean, what did mom tell us to buy for dinner."

Julius takes out a list from his pocket, unrolling it. As he starts reading, a look of confusion crosses his face, "outrageous oscillating octopus, bodacious bumpy beetles, crispy crunchy caterpillars", until his features go rigid, locking in place.

Hiro, concerned: "Dad, dad!" 

Hiro then notices all activity in the market has ceased and everyone looks frozen, except for the woman with blue hair walking toward him.

Dulcia, with a mischievous grin: "Hello Hiro, how are you doing this fine morning?" 

Hiro: "Why are you the only one moving? What did you do to dad? How do you know my name?"

Dulcia: "So many questions. And you're able to move too, so maybe you're the one who's done something." 

Hiro scrunches up his face and looks sideways, thinking, as Dulcia laughs. 

Dulcia: "Introductions are in order. My name is Dulcia, I'm a friend of your uncle."

Hiro, lowers his head and sighs: "Here we go again. Did you freeze everyone in time like Master Chao can do?"

Dulcia, repulsed: "hmmpf, don't compare me to that lecherous old pervert. For your information time isn't frozen."

Hiro: "Then how?"

Dulcia: "The only things frozen are their minds. I applied some ... pressure to a particular region of their brains, so for all intents and purposes time has stopped, for them at least. Everything else is moving along, if you'd care to notice." 

On cue, a bird flies by. 

Dulcia: "Don't worry, no harm is being done to them, and when I release them, they will carry on as if nothing happened. It's a bit flashy, but I needed to make sure I went unnoticed by others, and I did get your attention."

Hiro: "Uncle says there are enemies and I need to be able to protect mom, dad, and myself. Master Chao and Master Ali have been training me to get stronger, can you help me get stronger too?"

Dulcia, preening: "Most definitely. To start with, I belong to the Psychic Alliance, which focuses on the mind. This is our emblem."

A faint blue aura envelops Dulcia as she reaches out to Hiro, a glowing blue string makes its way from Dulcia's mind to Hiro's. Hiro is presented with the image of a blue eye, a crescent moon reflected from its pupil.

Hiro: "Wow, how did you do that?"

Dulcia: "It's just a simple use of telepathy, one of the foundational skills Psychic Alliance members possess. As an Alliance member, I must work to protect myself and my Alliance. At its most basic level, the Psychic ability focuses on manipulating the minds of others."

Hiro, unconvinced: "That doesn't sound nice."

Dulcia: "This ability can be used for good, like helping someone who is suffering, but you're right in that it can be a force for evil. This ability is a privilege that should not be abused. Or so my teachers told me countless times when I was a student."

Hiro: "Like freezing people?"

Dulcia, narrowing her eyes at him: "Smarty pants. Normally yes, but there's a bigger picture in this case."

Hiro: "Bad guys?"

Dulcia: "Yes, that's right."

Hiro: "What can your ability do besides freeze others?"

Dulcia: "Inflict pleasure or pain, alter memories, create illusions, exert influence. All sorts of lovely things."

Hiro: "How can I learn?"

Dulcia: "Before you can use this ability on others, you first need to master yourself."

Dulcia, looking back as she starts to walk off: "I'll be back sometime soon to start your training."

Hiro, calling after her: "But what about all these people you froze?"

Dulcia just waves as she swaggers off into the distance.

Dad, shaking his head as he looks down at his list: "huh, what was I saying? 

The view of his list shows 'milk, eggs, flour, apples, and carrots.'"

Let's play a fantasy MMORPG at Illudo's house:

Hiro (now 11 years old) and his four friends are seated at a round table with virtual reality gear in front of them.

Relicta: "It's amazing that we've been able to form our own squadron within the Death Strike world. Thanks again Illudo for letting us visit, and providing all this gear."

Illudo: "You're my friends, no need to thank me."

Hiro: "But it's been so great teaming up with all of you on these adventures, and you made it happen."

Saevus: "Yeah, I get to fight as tough as I can, and no one really gets hurt."

Aemulor: "He already said that we don't need to thank him. Can we get started already? I don't need to remind you, but once we jump back in game we'll likely be going up against the final boss. As a Paladin, I will do my best to protect you."

Relicta: "And as an angel, I will protect and heal anyone who gets injured."

Saevus: "As a berserker, I'll tear through all opposition."

Illudo: "My ranger avatar will ensure we're prepared for all enemy attacks."

The four of them look to Hiro, who is fidgeting.

Hiro: "I'm still not sure how I wound up with the shapeshifter avatar, but I will adapt to meet the needs of the situation."

All five, enthusiastically as they don their VR head gear: "Let's dive in!"

The five of them materialize in front of massive stone gates. All are in character, except for Hiro who looks like himself. Relicta's angel avatar is adorned with halo, white feather wings, and a white flowing dress. Saevus' berserker is replete with leather and metal armor, including horned helmet, calve high boots, spiked mace in one hand, and war hammer in the other. Illudo's ranger is fittingly dressed in a brown leather outfit with a quiver of arrows strapped to his back. Aemulor's paladin is outfitted head to toe in shining armor.

Relicta, in displeasure: "Really Hiro?"

Hiro, scratching his head thinking: "It's not easy to choose when you can be anything."

Hiro, copying Relicta's appearance: "How about this?"

Aemulor, Saevus, and Illudo start laughing, while Relicta turns a bright red.

Hiro pulls the top of his blouse out, and starts to look down.

Relicta, fuming, walks menacingly toward Hiro: "Don't ... you ... dare!"

Hiro, holding up his hands: "Hey, I was only kidding. Don't forget you're an angel, not a devil. Hmmm, a devil huh?"

Hiro transforms into a red, horned, winged, spiky tailed devil with pointy teeth.

Relicta, jumping back: "Scary."

Illudo: "Well I think it suits him."

Aemulor pulls open the massive stone doors to reveal a cave with stalactites hanging from the ceiling.

Hiro: "It's dark up ahead."

Relicta: "Heaven's glow", and an aura of light surrounds her.

Illudo: "Cave nymph guide", and a point of light appears in front of him.

Hiro: "Let me try – Hell's fury."

A blast of flame envelops Hiro, knocking his friends to the ground.

Saevus: "That's awesome."

Aemulor: "Maybe turn it down a notch."

Relicta: "You think?"

Hiro's blaze subsides into a glowing, fiery halo. The five start down the twisting, narrow path. As stalactites drip water, it sizzles, evaporating upon contact with Hiro. Suddenly, a swarm of chittering darkness swoops down from the ceiling, passing just overhead, causing Hiro to fall, shrieking and flailing his arms. Hiro's friends look down on him with condescending expressions.

Relicta: "A big, scary devil is afraid of some bats?"

Hiro, getting up, brushing himself off: "Sorry, they startled me."

Illudo: "There's something powerful around that bend up ahead."

Aemulor: "This could be it. Get ready."

Turning the corner, they shield their eyes as they are greeted by a blinding, radiant brilliance. 'Ride of the Valkyries' begins to play as a magnificent, armored, buxom Valkyrie with flowing blond hair stands before them.

All four guys, as their eyes adjust: "So beautiful!"

Relicta: "You dimwits, stop drooling, that's our enemy you're ogling."

Illudo, jaw dropping: "Her power level is over 9,000!"

Valkyrie, in a thundering voice: "You mortals have violated my sacred realm. Even worse, I see you are consorting with a devil. Unforgiveable!"

Aemulor: "Way to go Hiro. Great choice, now you've made her mad."

Illudo, impassively to Hiro: "You seem to have a talent for making difficult situations even worse."

Saevus: "Yeah, she'll never like me now."

Hiro, shoulders slumping: "How was I supposed to know?"

Relicta: "Focus guys or we'll lose this fight before it starts. I'm going to enhance your abilities."

Relicta raises her arms and starts chanting. A glow envelops Aemulor, Saevus, and Illudo, but Hiro yelps as he is knocked backwards.

Hiro: "Oww, hey watch it."

Relicta: "Sorry Hiro, my powers seem to have the opposite effect on devils."

Valkyrie: "Foolish humans, I will start by taking the head of that filthy demon."

Valkyrie moves at blazing speed, and swings her sword at Hiro, but somehow Aemulor intercepts her sword with his own, just before it strikes down Hiro. Even so, Aemulor is buckling under the force of Valkyrie's blade.

Aemulor, struggling: "A little help here please."

Saevus charges at Valkyrie, but she sidekicks him in the ribs, sending him flying. Illudo comes at her with a knife in each hand, but Valkyrie grabs him by the collar, flinging him some distance away.

Hiro circles around Valkyrie and starts tossing fireballs from alternating hands at her. Unfortunately, she casually deflects them aside with her free hand.

Aemulor, who is now down on one knee under the strain of Valkyrie's blade: "She's too strong, I can't hold out any longer."

Relicta, opening her arms wide in Aemulor's direction: "Heaven's chariot."

Relicta and Aemulor disappear, then Relicta reappears holding Aemulor in her arms several meters away. Valkyrie's sword comes crashing down, splintering the ground where Aemulor just knelt.

Aemulor, looking up at Relicta: "I could get used to this."

Relicta takes that as a cue to unceremoniously drop him.

Hiro, as Valkyrie turns her attention to him and starts to approach: "Hell's fury!"

Valkyrie's hair is blown back by the heated air, but she continues toward him.

Hiro: "Hade's volcano!"

An ear-rupturing farting sound erupts, with a thick cloud of noxious gas emanating from Hiro's butt, which he's pointed at Valkyrie.

Valkyrie: "Truly you are a foul creature from the depths of hell itself, but it will avail you not."

She starts twirling her blade so fast it blows the noxious gas away. 

Valkyrie, leaping up into the air preparing to bring the full brunt of her sword down upon Hiro's head:

"And now I will introduce you to my sword – Dragonfang!"

Hiro, in response, readying for her blow: "Diamond horns."

Valkyrie's sword strikes, but gets wedged into Hiro's horns.

Hiro, intensely: "Demon's corruption."

A black vein emanates out of Hiro's horns, through Valkyrie's sword, expanding out onto Valkyrie's skin. Valkyrie convulses and starts shrieking in agony. Relicta, Aemulor, Illudo, and Saevus move closer in.

Relicta, observing Hiro and his captor: "I healed everyone."

Saevus: "Wow Hiro, you got her."

Aemulor: "It looks like she's in a lot of pain. Her health bar is falling."

Illudo: "We're about to defeat the final boss, so why does everyone seem so down?"

Hiro: "This doesn't feel right somehow. She's weakened, I'm going to release her."

Relicta, worried: "Are you sure Hiro?"

Hiro: "I am. Get ready in case she attacks."

Hiro nullifies his attack, and Valkyrie drops to her knees, gasping for breath.

Valkyrie: "How is it that a lowly creature from the depths of Hell is in a party of virtuous explorers? Why would such as you spare a Goddess warrior?"

Hiro: "Somehow, I sense something about you that is more than just another NPC. It felt wrong hurting you, and I couldn't bring myself to take your life."

Valkyrie begins glowing with a golden light, sprouts wings, and hovers above them, fully recovered.

Valkyrie, smiling: "Well spoken, young demon lord. Fear not, my life was never in any real danger. It was all but a test to determine the true nature of your spirit, and by the grace of your mercy you've passed. This Labyrinth and all its treasures are yours. Feel free to call on me should the need ever arise."

Hiro and the rest of his party cheer as a "Level Completed" banner pops up.

Magic Alliance training with Master Laetus:

Another year has passed, and Hiro is standing on a dirt road peering into the engine of the broken-down tractor he was riding.

Hiro, talking to himself: "I have the worst luck, why do things always seem to go wrong when I'm around?"

On a nearby hilltop, a woman's hand is fluttering an extravagant floral-patterned fan. The rest of the woman is not in view, as she comments to herself: "hmmm, he's talking to himself. I wonder". 

The fan stops, followed by a flicking motion that sends a nearby boulder careening down a hill on a collision course with Hiro. Hiro's eyes suddenly reflect a roulette wheel with ball in motion, then landing on double zero.

Hiro, as the wrench he was holding slips, hurting his hand: "ooww" 

He reflexively flings the wrench up in the air. The wrench arcs and comes down, embedding itself in a crack in the road just as the boulder arrives, sending the boulder caroming off to the side. Hiro looks up to see the resulting dust cloud, just as the boulder thuds to a halt. 

A view of the woman's nose and mouth shows her smiling to herself: "As I suspected."

Another flick of the woman's fan causes a wind current to carry her up off the hill side towards Hiro. Sensing something, Hiro looks up in her direction as she approaches. The woman claps softly as the air current deposits her gently down across from Hiro.

Hiro, staring at the woman: "Friend or foe?"

Woman, amused smile: "How adorable you are. Do I look menacing?"

Hiro: "Master Ali often says not to judge a book by its cover – even at times when the saying isn't relevant. And master Dulcia warned me about southern belles."

Woman, enraged, looking down: "Oh she did, did she, why that ... deep breath Laetus, take a deep breath."

Hiro: "Laetus? Master Laetus? You know Master Dulcia? Oh, you're the teacher Uncle told me to expect. Why were you clapping when you arrived?"

Laetus, looking up: "You really don't know, do you? You were unaware of the danger?"

Hiro: "Wait a second, that loud crashing sound, that was you? Are you nuts or something?"

Laetus: "Oh, you're upset, are you? Don't worry, I'll comfort you." 

She glides over to Hiro, then presses his face into her ample bosom. Hiro staggers back, collapsing on the ground as his nose erupts into a nosebleed. 

Laetus, exasperated: "Oh dear, not another one." 

She snaps her fingers and a gust of wind levitates Hiro upright, followed by a flood of water jarring him back to consciousness. 

Hiro, arms at his sides, head tilted back, jumps up and down yelling with enthusiasm: "Alright, I'm ready to learn!"

Laetus: "What a speedy recovery. Have you figured out what my ability is?" 

Hiro just looks straight ahead appearing eager and dumb. 

Laetus: "Very well then, I'll explain it. I can teach you magic."

Laetus snaps her fingers, manifesting a pink pentagram in the air. 

Hiro, jaw dropping: "Wow, magic is real!"

Laetus: "Silly boy, of course it is. Magic gives the wielder the ability to cast spells and create something from seemingly nothing. It is the greatest gift in the universe. Other pursuits are petty in comparison, although I'm sure your other instructors would disagree."

Hiro: "How does it work?"

Laetus: "Through a combination of spells, genetic predisposition, and force of will."

Hiro: "But where does it come from?"

Laetus: "The uninitiated might label it as dark energy. That just means they don't know what it is, although they recognize it's pervasiveness. My specialty is elemental magic."

As she murmurs an incantation, rocks, fire, water, and a mini tornado start to revolve around her head. Another murmur and the spell ceases. 

Laetus: "Although, I also have a little transformation trick I like to do." 

Another murmur, and Laetus transforms into a cat woman replete with furry ears, tail, whiskers, and awash in sexiness. 

Laetus, extending her paw: "Meooooow" 

Hiro's nose starts spurting blood again as he falls backwards, unconscious.

Hiro and friends encounter trouble:

Hiro, now 13, is walking and tossing a baseball with his friends as they walk through town.

Aemulor catches the ball from Saevus, holding onto it.

Aemulor: "Hey Saevus, toss me a couple more."

Saevus, taking a couple more out of his bag: "Sure Aemulor, here you go." 

Saevus tosses Aemulor two balls, and Aemulor starts juggling them.

Aemulor: "Check this out Relicta."

However, Relicta doesn't notice as she's captivated by Hiro, who is walking down the street on his hands.

Relicta, laughing: "You're so funny Hiro, what on earth possessed you to do that?"

Hiro: "Oh, it's just part of my new training regimen. My uncle said it's a way to improve my balance and increase my arm strength."

Aemulor stops juggling and glares at Hiro.

Aemulor, under his breath: "Whatever, show off."

Illudo's eyes dart briefly in Aemulor's direction. As they walk in front of the town bank, a sharp cry is heard from within. All five of them stop in their tracks, and turn to look through the front window of the bank.

Relicta: "There's a man with a gun in there. Get down!"

All five drop to the ground.

Saevus: "We have to get the constable."

Illudo, shaking his head: "That won't work, he's already in there. I saw him lying on the ground."

Aemulor: "Looks like we have a chance to be heroes."

Relicta: "It's too dangerous."

Hiro: "What if that guy with the gun hurts someone because we didn't act?"

Illudo, uncertainly: "Maybe we can help."

Saevus: "If I can get a clear shot at him, I can hit him with a baseball."

Relicta: "But there's a 'closed' sign on the door, so it's probably locked."

Hiro: "I can go up to the door, and pretend I'm on an errand for my mom."

Aemulor: "Once the guy with the gun opens the door, Saevus will hit him with the ball."

Illudo: "Then we'll tackle him. Five against one."

Relicta, resigned: "I hope we don't regret this."

Hiro, taking deep breaths to calm himself, walks up to the door and knocks as the others get into position. When there's no response, Hiro looks back at his friends who mime that he should try again. This time voices are heard from inside, followed by steps toward the door. The door seems to open in slow motion.

Aemulor, shouts: "Wait Saevus, it's not the gunman", as he dives in front of Saevus taking the impact of the ball on his torso. 

Meanwhile, the woman who opened the door is startled and shrieks in surprise.

Gunman, from inside: "I told you to get rid of that kid, not make a commotion."

Inside the bank, several individuals are lying face down on the floor. The gunman takes aim at the woman and prepares to fire. Hiro's eyes reflect a horse race with the trailing horse coming from behind to overtake all others and win. As the gunman pulls the trigger, his gun jams. The frazzled gunman throws the gun to the ground, pushes his way past Hiro and the woman who answered the door, and runs down the street. Illudo seems to concentrate on a spot in front of the gunman as he mumbles something under his breath – although no one seems to notice, a slight green aura momentarily flickers around him. As the gunman reaches that spot, he loses his footing, landing hard on his back.

Illudo: "Well, that worked out."

Relicta just shakes her head in exasperation.

Chaos Alliance training with Master Ordo:

Hiro, another year older, is walking through a field when a white rabbit crosses his path and sits up looking at him.

Hiro: "Hello Mr. Bunny, what can I do for you?" 

Hiro walks toward the rabbit, but the rabbit hops a few feet away, and stops. Hiro walks toward the rabbit again, and the same thing happens. 

Hiro: "Hey little guy, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you". 

Hiro walks toward the rabbit again, which is now standing its ground.  As Hiro approaches just in front of the rabbit, the rabbit seems to smile, and the ground beneath Hiro gives way leading him through a twisty turvy downward spiraling shoot, until he is eventually shot out landing on his bottom, with an "oof" exhalation.

Ordo, giggling to himself: "Oh my, that's going to be one sore back side. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Master Ordo, your uncle may have mentioned me to you."

Hiro looks up seeing Master Ordo in his navy business suit inside of what looks like an aircraft hangar.

Hiro: "He has, but he didn't say what you'll be teaching me."

Ordo: "We'll get to that, but first, please remove your cap."

Hiro: "But mom and dad said I should never remove it outside of our house."

Ordo: "Consider this your house then. Besides, look around, we're deep underground and we're the only two people in here."

Hiro: "The rabbit?"

Ordo: "A simple tool I used to bring you here."

Hiro removes his cap, and his hair spills out transforming from brown to rainbow as his eyes begin to shimmer, appearing almost luminescent.

Ordo: "Just wanted to see it for myself."

Hiro, replacing his cap: "Mom and dad said there's an Alliance that would try to harm me if they knew."

Ordo's eyes go to the inward facing multi-arrow circular symbol on the hangar wall: "Yes, the Order Alliance – the Alliance I belong to."

Hiro crouches down and takes a couple of steps back.

Ordo, continuing: "That symbol represents unity, all working and coming together as one to impose control and structure on a rebelliously wild universe." 

Ordo, tilts his head down to look up at Hiro expressionlessly: "Oh, don't fear. Do you think your uncle would knowingly put you in harm's way?" Hiro relaxes. "As to what I will be teaching you, more accurate to say I can teach you about my Alliance, but you won't be able to express any of the abilities themselves. While you may have some level of aptitude for the other Alliances, with regard to the Order Alliance you are ... incompatible."

Hiro: "Incompatible how?"

Ordo: "Approach me. Extend your hand." 

Both face each other and extend their hands out. An unpleasant charge/waviness emanates from the air between their outstretched fingers. As their fingertips come into contact with each other, a small shock wave pushes their hands away. Hiro examines his hand, but there's no evidence of what transpired. 

Ordo: "The Order Alliance senses patterns, and we use our abilities to direct the flow of history. We excel at designing, organizing, creating, healing, repairing, and leading (he emphasizes 'leading'). This manifests as power within finance, government, business, medicine, and the military. My Alliance and I (he emphasizes 'and I') believe that Order is the ideal to live by. Chaos, disorder, randomness, instability, entropy are enemies to be fought with every fiber of our being", culminates with a loud sniff.

Ordo, suddenly pensive: "At one time I, as well as others, saw a danger in what you represent."

Hiro: "What I represent? So, what's changed, why have you agreed to teach me?"

Ordo: "I was (he squints with the pain of admitting this) wrong. Life requires both order and chaos in order to survive. Symmetry is needed to maintain balance. It pains me to say it, but there are still those within my Alliance who want to achieve pure Order, untarnished by Chaos."

Hiro: "Order doesn't sound that bad, people could be happy with more Order in their lives."

Ordo: "On the path to perfect order is ultimate control, meaning no individual freedom. Further down the path of Order is the absence of life, which by its nature requires Chaos. Furthest down the path is emptiness – pure void. There's a sub-Alliance within the Order Alliance that has been pursuing this extreme goal for decades, even though it is the ultimate hubris and folly. There's more to the story, but I will leave that to your uncle."

Hiro, bowing: "Thank you, Master Ordo, for explaining this to me. As I learn, I find there is always more to learn."

Ordo, nodding in appreciation: "Well said young man."

Encounter with an Order Alliance agent:

Hiro and his friends are walking down the main street of town during the summer harvest festival. Food stalls, animal show contests, rides, and game booths line the street.

Hiro, jumping up and down, gawking at booths in rapid succession: "Summer harvest festival is the best."

Relicta: "You're such a goof ball. No need to rush, we have plenty of time to enjoy it — it is amazing though."

Saevus, mimicking shoving food into his mouth: "Let's get some food." 

Illudo, mimicking an animal strutting: "I want to see the best in show animal contests."

Aemulor, flexing his biceps: "I want to try some of the games. Perhaps I can win a prize for you Relicta." 

Relicta: "Let's go on some rides first."

They all look at each other and shout: "Roller coaster!", then dash down the street.

At the top of the roller coaster, Hiro/Relicta are in the front row, followed by Aemulor/Saevus, and Illudo seated alone in the last row of the coaster car. Relicta slides closer to Hiro, who is oblivious. The roller coaster climbs to the top of the first crest, then races down the other side, as all of them scream excitedly. As their cart races towards the top of the next crest, the supporting roller coaster structure collapses, triggering a series of events in rapid succession. Hiro's eyes reflect a slot machine arm being pulled with a triple jackpot result. A strong gust of wind blows a nearby inflated jumping castle off its moorings and into the air. All five friends are shrieking as their cart is projected off of the rail and into the air. Relicta puts her arms around Hiro. Miraculously, the jumping castle lands just prior to the coaster cart, cushioning their impact.

The friends look at each other, surprised they are all ok, and then shout out in joy: "Best ride ever!"

Illudo: "Like I've said before, crazy things always seem to happen around you Hiro."

Hiro responds with a sheepish look.

Aemulor: "The adults will have lots of questions, and will probably ask us to undergo a medical exam."

Saevus: "But I feel fine, I want to spend the day at the fair, not in some doctor's office."

Aemulor: "Waiting here is the responsible thing to do."

Relicta starts running and laughing: "Last one to the cake booth is buying."

As the friends walk by one of the fair booths, the attendant, dressed in black hooded cape, calls out to them: "Friends, come visit my booth and one of you is guaranteed to win a prize — it could change your life."

Saevus: "Free stuff, let's go guys."

Hiro: "But they're Order Alliance members."

Aemulor: "So, what have you got against them?"

Hiro: "Nothing, it's just ..."

Illudo, with a somewhat wry expression: "Come on Hiro, it'll be fine."

Hiro, with head down: "Oh, ok"

Relicta looks at Hiro with a concerned expression as they walk to the booth.

Booth attendant: "Don't be concerned young citizens. The rules of this quiz game are simple. Whoever is able to answer the most questions correctly will win a prize. Nothing could be easier. Are you ready?"

All nod in assent.

Booth attendant: "Then let's begin." Holding up the cards with the Psychic, Technology, and Order Alliance emblems. "Which of these emblems represent the Order Alliance?"

Hiro raises his hand pointing to the Order emblem.

Attendant: "Correct, what does the symbol represent?

Hiro: "Unity."

Attendant: "Succinct, but true. What abilities does the Order Alliance possess?"

Hiro: "Designing, organizing, creating, healing, repairing, and leading."

Attendant: "Yes."

Aemulor: "Since the Order Alliance represents all that is good in the world, why isn't it represented by white instead of black?"

Attendant, looking toward Hiro: "Let me answer that with a question. Have any of you heard of the Chaos Alliance?"

Hiro, instinctually recoils, thinks to himself: "Be careful Hiro."

Hiro, aloud: "It's just a myth."

Attendant: "That's true. But in that myth white is portrayed as the color of Chaos, representing all colors. In other words, total disorder and madness."

Hiro, blurts out, then stops himself: "It's not ...

Attendant with a supercilious grin: "It's not what?"

Hiro, calming himself: "It's just a myth."

Attendant: "Yes, of course. Well, it's clear who the winner is."

The attendant holds up what looks like a holographic rotating Order emblem. 

Aemulor: "So cool!"

Attendant: "It's not just for appearances. It provides the user with direct access to, and assistance from the Order Alliance."

Attendant holds it out to Hiro. Hiro lifts up his hand to accept it, but quickly snatches his hand back.

Hiro: "Give it to Aemulor, he can have it."

Aemulor: "Are you sure? (Hiro nods in assent) Thanks Hiro."

The attendant offers it to Aemulor, who accepts it from him. The five of them leave the booth area.

Aemulor, eyes lit up: "Guys, I need to take this home. I'll see you all tomorrow", and runs off.

Illudo: "I may as well get going too, cya", waving as he walks off.

Saevus: "Yeah, me too", catches up to Illudo.

Hiro and Relicta walk down the street together.

Relicta stops and fidgets.

Hiro: "What is it? Is something wrong?"

Relicta, embarrassed: "This isn't easy for me to say, but I want you to know I have feelings for you."

Relicta kisses Hiro on the cheek and runs off down the street, leaving Hiro standing there, blinking in surprise.

Hiro's decision:

Hiro and Commander are sitting outside his farm house, near a tractor, playing chess.

Uncle, moving a chess piece: "Check mate, again."

Hiro: "One more time."

Commander: "One of the most important lessons I've tried to engrain in you is to always believe in yourself and your goal. Keep persevering even in the face of seemingly impossible odds. Many individuals have great potential, but without purpose and effort that potential is wasted."

Hiro: "I promise I'll keep working hard to get stronger and protect others."

Uncle, serious, looking at Hiro: "Your Alliance instructors tell me you've done well. As you know, an individual's Alliance alignment is evidenced by the transformation of their hair and eyes. While anyone can attempt an Alliance ability, only those within an Alliance can truly master it. Even so, you have more potential than non-Alliance members to become adept across the different Alliances. Well, except for Order, but that's understandable. And again, keep in mind that you still won't be able to achieve the same proficiency as Alliance members."

Hiro: "Which Alliance is strongest?"

Uncle: "No one Alliance is strongest. Ultimately who wins a battle is determined by the individual wielding the ability – skill, innate power, will, stamina, perhaps the element of surprise."

Hiro: "Uncle, I notice that my teachers slip sometimes and refer to you as 'the Commander'"

Uncle: "There's some history among us ... they used to serve under me in a military unit."

Hiro: "What happened, why aren't all of you together anymore?"

Uncle: "We completed our mission, and went our separate ways. When one phase of your life is completed, it's time to move on to the next. You've seen the shield emblem, but do you know what it represents?" 

Hiro shakes his head 'no'. Uncle draws the symbol of the shield in the ground, with the Alliance emblems at each juncture, saying their names as he points to them, "Order, Militant Faith, Technology, Psychic, Magic, Quantum, and Chaos." 

Hiro: "aaah, so the shield is a representation of all the Alliances."

Uncle: "Yes, but more than that, the shield is a promise to protect others, and shows the interconnectedness between Alliances."

Hiro: "and Order and Chaos are on opposite sides."

Uncle: "Yes, they are. We need to take your training to the next level. There's a school called 'The Path of the Shield', that provides instruction on all the Alliance abilities. To gain admission, you have to succeed in a series of tests called 'battle challenges.' You'd be facing some tough opponents, but you'd have several opportunities to win, and just need to defeat one of them. How do you feel about leaving your home here and going to this school?"

Hiro, head down: "Would I still be able to see mom & dad (visualizes them)? And my friends (visualizes them but focuses in on Relicta.)"

Uncle: "in between semesters."

Hiro: "I want to experience life, learn, and get stronger. I love it here, but I need to get out there and explore."

Uncle: "That's a yes then?"

Hiro, looks up, determined: "Yes."

Uncle, smiles: "A couple of things, first is that it will be best if you refer to me as 'Commander' while at the school. Second, some time back there was a movement that forced the removal of Chaos from the school curriculum. There are a few students who are not affiliated with any of the Alliances, so you will matriculate as one of them."

Hiro: "You mean an ordinary citizen?"

Uncle: "Anything else would draw attention to yourself."

Hiro: "What happened to the Chaos Alliance?"

Uncle, looking down, anguished: "It was deemed too dangerous and destroyed."

Hiro: "Who decided that?"

Uncle, looking away: "Elements within the Order Alliance."

Hiro: "Uncle, there was an Order Alliance recruitment officer in town last week. He asked me and my friends questions about the Order and Chaos Alliances."

Uncle, suddenly agitated: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Hiro: "It didn't seem important, is it?"

Uncle, sighing: "It's not safe for you here anymore. Get your things, we're leaving."

Hiro: "But I have to tell everyone I'm leaving."

Uncle: "We will tell your mom and dad. They'll understand, and come up with a cover story for you. The fewer people who know where you are, the better."

Hiro, saddened thinking about his friends: "Relicta, Aemulor, Saevus, Illudo – I'm sorry." 
