Chapter 10:

Hiro Goes To School (1 of 2)

Chaos Hiro

Order Alliance class

It's a warm, mostly sunny day as Master Ordo conducts his Order Alliance basic course on a grassy field outdoors on school grounds.

Ordo: "Welcome students to another of our magnificent lessons on Order. It's a wonderful day except for those few incongruous clouds marring the blue heavens. Teaching assistant Potesta, any words?"

Potesta: "'Sapere aude' —  dare to know."

Ordo, beaming: "Yes, very encouraging. Thank you. Today's lesson will be a practical exercise to put forth some of what you've learned in control systems theory. You'll be tasked with monitoring and maintaining your own mini-sun."

Ordo snaps his fingers and a two-foot diameter sun appears before each of the students (except Potesta). Students initially turn away and shield their eyes from the brilliance. Sloth is startled awake.

Ordo: "A stable star is a balance between two opposite forces — the star's gravity tries to squeeze the star into the smallest, tightest ball possible, but the nuclear fuel burning at the star's core creates strong outward pressure. This outward push resists the inward squeeze of gravity. For this test, some minor instabilities have been introduced, which you will have to contend with. Your goal is to keep energy flows and gravity in balance, generating a constant, stable amount of energy for a one-minute period. Achieve symmetry — I don't want to witness any unsightly solar flares. Begin." 

Acies: "Hey, this isn't so bad. I feel the lord's power in this sun."

Parvul: "I see where the energy flows have been disrupted. Making corrections. Completed. Now I just need to maintain its balance."

Artifice: "I'm not seeing the flows."

Terridus: "Where is the magic? This is too mundane."

Sloth: "Too many possibilities, I can't control them all."

Potesta: "Artifice, think of the sun as a giant neural network. Terridus, consider how you would control a fire elemental. Sloth, don't forget that quantum mechanics is what allows the sun to shine."

Artifice, Terridus, and Sloth eyes widen: "That's it, thanks Potesta."

Hiro: "Guys, I'm getting a bad feeling about this."

The halo of Hiro's sun is pulsing, creating a rhythmic bass boom. Hiro is beginning to sweat.

Master Ordo, disdainfully: "Abhorrent, it's an unmitigated disaster. What did you do?"

Hiro: "All I did was try to sense its internal mechanisms. This thing sure is getting hot."

Potesta: "You dummy. It's just a simulation, simulations don't give off heat."

A solar flare erupts, sending a heat wave washing over all of them.

Potesta, haltingly: "But ... that's ... impossible."

Ordo: "Potesta, shutdown the other simulations. I will handle this."

Master Ordo focuses in on the energy currents within the sun's sphere.

Ordo: "Let's see."

Ordo shakes his head. 

Ordo: "Maybe this."

Ordo shakes his head again. 

Ordo: "This has to work."

Ordo grinds his teeth in a grimace and clenches his fists in the air. 

Ordo, frustrated: "All my actions are being countered."

Ordo glances over at Hiro. 

Ordo: "It's going to go supernova and I can't stop it. Even though it's small, the explosion may be massive. Potesta, assist me. Create a viscous hole centered on the ground, and I will direct plasma flows through it."

Potesta: "Yes, I see. That's brilliant Master Ordo. We'll create a rocket sun."

Ordo and Potesta show some signs of strain as they carry out Ordo's plan. Plasma begins leaking, and then erupts into a torrent, propelling the sun up into the atmosphere.

Ordo: "That should be high enough."

Ordo snaps his fingers and there is a bright flash high above them, followed by a shock wave.

Ordo: "Needless to say Hiro, that's an 'F'.

Potesta shakes her head in exasperation as Hiro looks dejectedly at the ground.

Technology Alliance Class

Technology Alliance class is being held within a computer lab at the school. Students are in circular seating with Ali and Parvul at the center. 

Ali: Greetings students. In today's technology lab we'll put some of the concepts we've learned to work in a practical assignment. The Universal Web allows us to aggregate and analyze data to create information. Information provides its owner with the ability to achieve desired outcomes."

Parvul: "Meaning — information is power."

Ali: "Well said teaching assistant Parvul. You will be working together to locate an assassin, and prevent him from reaching his target. That assassin's target is yours truly."

Artifice, dramatically : "'You had to live — did live, from habit that became instinct — in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every moment scrutinized.'"

Ali, addressing Artifice: "You're referencing the classic novel '1984'. In this case, you'll be utilizing that surveillance state to accomplish your mission."

Ali, addressing all: "For the purposes of this assignment, the villain will be played by the Commander."

Hiro: "The Commander. How can we hope to stop him?"

Potesta: "'Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit.' Of mortal men, none is wise at all times."

Acies: "So we just have to hope that the Commander has a tiny misstep. All we need is a little opening. Still, that's asking for a lot. Guess there's always a first time for everything."

Ali: "I assure you, even the Commander is fallible."

Parvul, looking over at Sloth: "Sloth, are you even awake? Have you been following any of this?"

Sloth, mumbling, appearing to be still asleep: "Catch Commander before he catches Master Ali."

Ali: "All's well that ends well."

Parvul, sighing: "But Master Ali, we haven't even started yet."

Ali: "All endings have a beginning, so let's begin."

The students place their palms down on the desks in front of them, activating holo-screens.

Hiro: "I may have an angle on identifying and tracing his cell phone activity."

Acies: "Knowing the Commander's taste in vehicles, I will try to trace his recent movements."

Artifice: "As luck would have it, recent circumstances have provided access to a sample of the Commander's DNA. I'll be searching for air sampling and waste management system (aka poop) matches."

Potesta, working frenetically: "I've reached out to my informant network. While there are historical references to the Commander, there aren't any recent references. I'm feeding the data we have into satellite and land-based surveillance systems — facial, retinal, voice, heartbeat, fingerprint, electromagnetic biosignature."

Sloth, slowly: "Accessing the various information streams, constructing likely scenarios."

Terridus, dejected: "I don't get all this tech stuff. I'm useless."

Parvul: "You were very helpful to me when we went out shopping last week."

Terridus: "That's it, I'll look into time, place, and purchase category patterns. Thank you Parvul!"

Sloth: "Probable scenarios are coalescing. Commander is off planet. No, wait, he's on the northern continent of this planet. But he's also sailing on the Mejon Sea. And now he's on a train in downtown Yur city. Now he's showing up in orbit above us."

The students' gazes go to the windows.

Hiro: "Could he be space diving onto our location right now?"

The ground starts to rumble and shake.

Terridus, scared: "W W What's happening?"

Just then, an earth excavator with a conical drill nose bursts up through the floor of the computer lab, sending the students falling backward. The hatch on the excavator opens and the Commander leaps out, landing in front of Ali with a predatory look on his face, sword extended across Ali's  neck.

Acies, with admiration: "That's the commander for you."

Parvul: "All of you had some good ideas and team work, but you weren't able to put it all together."

Master Ali: "I'm sure you'll all do better next time."

Hiro, psyched up: "Next time we won't lose."

Potesta, sternly: "'Acta non verba' — deeds not words, Hiro."

Hiro: "You'll see, I'll improve. We all will."

Acies smiles and claps Hiro on the back, sending him sprawling: "That's the spirit."

Militant Faith Alliance class

Militant Faith basic class is being held outdoors on rocky, uneven terrain, in desert like conditions with minimal vegetation. 

Commander: "Acies and I will be overseeing this exercise to see how far you've progressed in your physical defense training. When you're engaged against another group, you need to look out for yourself, while also looking out for your team. Ideally you want everyone on a mission to make it out alive. That isn't always realistic though. There may come a time when the mission is more important than any one individual."

Acies: "For this exercise you can only use Militant Faith techniques — other Alliance abilities are not allowed. Focus on stance, balance, anticipation, breathing, and your fighting technique. See how far you can get with Militant Faith power up abilities — speed, strength, stamina, hardening, agility, reflex. Identify enemy weak points. Don't get so focused on your immediate opponent that you let the attacker behind you take you out."

Parvul: "How about by tech suit? I can't just take it off and go naked, although there's a pervert (looks at Hiro, who blushes and starts flailing his arms) among us who would love nothing more."

Commander: "You can wear it. However, any use of its offensive capabilities will be considered cheating."

Parvul slumps over with her hands hanging down by her sides.

Parvul: "Awww, phooie."

Acies, excited: "You'll have to up your game for this one. You will be going up against real-life assailants. Isn't that awesome?"

Terridus, trembling: "Assailants?"

Hiro: "Have faith in yourself Terridus, all your training will pay off."

Sounds of terrain rapidly crunching underfoot is heard progressively getting louder. 

Acies: "Sounds like the fun is about to begin. Get your game on people."

The students fan out creating some distance between each other, and take up fighting stances.

Potesta: "Hardening"

Hiro: "Strength"

Hiro's cap seems to spark.

Artifice: "Agility"

Parvul: "Speed"

Terridus: "Stamina"

Sloth, snoring: "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."

Attackers with shaved heads dressed in red and black leather, jump over a nearby crest flying through the air, with one of the attackers landing in front of each student. Sloth's attacker leaps up, bringing the back of his foot down on top of Sloth's head. 

Sloth, as he's dropping to the ground whispers: "Reflex"

Hiro, alarmed: "Sloth!"

Hiro-attacker capitalizes on Hiro's distraction to connect with a right cross to Hiro's cheek.

Terridus, Parvul, and Artifice: "Hiro!"

Hiro, recovering: "Don't make the same mistake I did. Focus on your opponent. We can't help Sloth until we win our own battles."

Potesta, dismissively: "Obviously"

Potesta battle

Potesta's attacker is a male, a few inches taller than her, and exceptionally physically fit.

Potesta-attacker: "You're so smart, huh? I've had to deal with your stuck-up type my whole life. Well, it won't matter much cause I'm gonna chew you up and spit you out."

Potesta: "'Lupus non timet canem latrantem' — a wolf is not afraid of a barking dog."

Potesta-attacker launches into a series of attacks, seemingly connecting on each strike, driving Potesta back.

Potesta-attacker: "Harhar, not so confident now, are ya?"

Potesta, thinking: "He doesn't realize that I'm managing to mostly evade his strikes. Even so, he's a professional. If it wasn't for my use of hardening, I would have sustained some serious damage."

Potesta-attacker's next strike appears to hit her in the stomach, and a woosh of breath is heard, followed by a choking sound as she goes down to her knees.

Potesta-attacker: "I'm not supposed to kill ya, so I'll just knock you out now."

As he clasps his hands together and tries to bring them down on Potesta's head, she springs straight up connecting with her left fist to her opponent's jaw, knocking him out.

Parvul battle

Parvul's opponent lands in front of her — surprisingly she is smaller than Parvul.

Parvul-attacker: "Wow, you're just an itty-bitty girl."

Parvul: "That's funny, coming from a pipsqueak who's smaller than me."

Parvul-attacker: "What's with the bags under your eyes small-stuff? Is the little baby afraid of the dark? How am I'm supposed to have a good fight with someone who's asleep on her feet?"

Parvul, shouting: "I am not afraid of the dark ... wait, you're a girl, aren't you?"

Parvul-attacker: "How did you figure that out genius?"

Parvul: "Why did you shave your head? It's not very feminine, and it looks yucky."

Parvul-attacker: "My whole team shaved their heads because it looks cool. I'll make you take that back."

Parvul-attacker leaps at Parvul and lands with a ground shattering punch that Parvul barely evades.

Parvul-attacker, as dust clears: "Huh, where did she go?"

Parvul, who is now standing behind her opponent, thinking: "If it wasn't for my speed ability, that punch would have connected. She's strong, so I need to be careful. Still, I should be able to run circles around her." 

As if on queue, Parvul-attacker turns, and starts chasing Parvul who runs away, maintaining a safe distance.

Parvul-attacker: "Hey, come back here and fight me."

Parvul: "Nya nya, you can't catch me."

Artifice battle

Artifice-attacker is buck toothed, has razor stubble, and his shirt is sticking out of his pants exposing his rounded paunch. Most remarkable is the jug of alcohol and tin cup that he carries.

Artifice thinking: "In The Art of War, Sun Tzu says 'To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.'"

Artifice-attacker sways as he gulps the contents of his cup.

Artifice-attacker in slurred speech: "You're probably thinking, hiccup, that I don't look like much."

Artifice, looking at the jug: "Not at all, I'm just observing that in spite of appearances, the aroma wafting out of your jug is actually a fine breed of rare vintages. Mind if I sample it?"

Artifice-attacker: "Nooo, ish mine, and besides you're too young to drink!"

Artifice: "Fine then, I'll just have to take it."

Artifice-attacker: "You jush try it. Hey, why are you standing so still, why aren't you attacking?"

Artifice: "You're the guest here, it's only proper for me to allow you to go first."

Artifice-attacker: "Suits yourself."

Artifice-attacker launches into a stumbling, but surprisingly very skilled attack. Even so, Artifice is able to gracefully counter each attack. At one point, she deflects the attacker's arm, bending it so that his wine bottle pours its contents directly into her mouth.

Artifice-attacker, backing away: "Hey, no fair, you drank some of my wine. What's wine got to do with those books on your arms?"

Artifice: "Alcohol was the muse of many of the world's great writers. I thank you, that bouquet was inspirational — hiccup."

A fierce battle ensues, with Artifice mimicking her attacker's drunken fighting style. Artifice attempts to poke her attacker in the eyes, so he drops his jug to protect them. Artifice snatches the jug, stepping back.

Artifice-attacker: "Thief! Give that back. ish mine."

Artifice: "Do you concede defeat?"

Artifice-attacker: "I never surrendra."

Artifice starts drinking from the jug.

Artifice-attacker, panicking: "No, stop stealing my wine, I give in, I surrendra."

Artifice hands the jug back to her opponent. Artifice-attacker appears relieved until he tries to pour wine into his cup — only a single drop comes out, so he sits down, sobbing uncontrollably. 

Terridus battle

Terridus' attacker is male, several inches taller than her, sports a wide handle bar mustache, and wears a glittery masquerade mask covering his eyes. 

Terridus, gulping: "Why are you wearing a mask? Are you trying to hide something? Do I know you?"

Terridus-attacker, in a feminine, drawn-out voice: "Well, that is a secret."

Terridus-attacker launches an assault against Terridus, but Terridus manages to block every punch and kick.

Terridus-attacker, pausing the fight: "Well, you're pretty good, you managed to block all my moves. But you can't win a battle by playing defense all the time."

Terridus: "I'll show you I can fight then."

Terridus launches into a frontal flip high in the air, landing on her attackers' shoulders, proceeds to yank his mustache as she does a backflip, then lands at her prior position on the ground in front of him.

Terridus-attacker, touching his mustache: "Well, that really hurt. You've caused my dear mustachio such grievous harm. You really are cruel. I'll just have to punish you then."

Terridus-attacker goes after Terridus again, and she continues to block his blows.

Terridus-attacker, smiling: "Well, you can't keep this up much longer."

Terridus, thinking: "Actually, with my stamina boost, I can."

Hiro battle

Hiro's opponent is a burly woman.

Hiro-attacker: "You look strong boy. I hope you make this interesting for me."

Hiro: "I've been training my whole life."

Hiro-attacker: "Ha! You're still just a baby. How about a little mano-a-mano then?"

Hiro-attacker extends her hands out with her fingers spread wide in invitation. Her sinewy arms and legs are bulging.

Hiro-attacker: "What's the matter? You scared?"

Hiro, unconvincingly: "I'm not scared. Ok, then."

Hiro moves forward and locks hands with his opponent, and instantly feels the wave of strength emanating from her as a visible shockwave.

Hiro, thinking: "If it wasn't for my strength boost, I wouldn't last a second against this monster."

Hiro-attacker: "I'm surprised you didn't instantly crumple like a cheap paper bag. Congratulations, guess I'll need to double my power output to 20%."

Hiro, face in agony: "Aaaahhhhh"

Hiro, thinking: "I can't win this fight on her terms, I have to put what I learned from Uncle to use."

Hiro lifts his left leg up, placing it on his opponent's mid-section, leans backwards and flips her up and over him, where she lands hard on her back.

Hiro-attacker, dusting herself off: "Good one kid. I was starting to think you were an idiot when you let me goad you into a one-on-one test of strength."

Sloth battle

Sloth's attacker is towering over him.

Sloth-attacker: "That was easy. How about one more blow to finish the job?"

As Sloth's opponent brings his right fist down to where Sloth's head is, Sloth, still asleep, turns his head to the side, avoiding the blow.

Sloth, asleep: "No, I don't want to eat my veggies."

Sloth-attacker: "Acting out your dream, huh? Try avoiding this then."

Sloth-attacker lets loose with a left-right barrage combo. 

Sloth, shaking his head side to side, avoiding all the blows: "No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No."

Sloth shifts position, in the process kicking his attacker in the head, knocking him backward.

Sloth-attacker, rubbing his face and peering in at Sloth: "You sure you're asleep?"

Sloth bounces off the ground and locks his arms and legs around his attacker.

Sloth: "Mommy, I missed you!"

Sloth-attacker: "Hey, you must be dreaming, I'm not your mommy. Get off me kid, what are you doing? I can't breathe. Let ... me ... go."

Sloth-attacker passes out.

Acies, transmitting to all students: "Remember, you're not just individuals you know. You're all part of a strong, reliable team."

As she hears Acies, Parvul moves onto a rise in the landscape, stopping to survey the other battles.

Parvul, thinking: "Getting close to my opponent would be a mistake, but I can't win this by running around all day. Looks like Terridus is in a stalemate too. Maybe we can help each other."

Parvul, communicating directly to Terridus: "Terridus, If I give you a countdown, can you get your opponent really angry, and then give him an opening to strike you?"

Terridus, nervous response: "ummmmm, if you say so Parvul."

Parvul, to Terridus: "Don't worry, I have a plan."

Parvul races back to a point just beyond where her opponent is following, and waits for her. When her opponent shows up, Parvul is sitting on the ground holding her leg, crying.

Parvul-attacker, doubled over and out of breath: "Ha, I finally caught up with you. What's the matter, the little baby got a booboo?"

Parvul: "You shut up you stupid-head. It's all your fault for chasing me."

Parvul-attacker: "I've had enough of you. You're gonna get it now."

Parvul-attacker moves towards Parvul. Parvul gets up, holding her leg as she limps away, while still managing to maintain some separation.

Parvul, to Terridus: "I'm about to start the countdown, copy?"

Terridus, to Parvul: "Got it."

Parvul, to Terridus: "Starting countdown now. 10 9 ..."

As Terridus is dodging an attack, she slides feet first under her opponent's legs, grabs his privates and uses the halting momentum to send her up into the air where she lands on her opponent's shoulders facing in the same direction as him. She proceeds to grab both sides of his mustache, pulling back as hard as she can. Her attacker goes down on his knees, clutching his privates as he roars in agony. Terridus leaps off his shoulders, and lands facing him.

Terridus-attacker, staggering to his feet, enraged, face red: "Well, now I have to kill you!"

Terridus stands her ground as her attacker jumps in the air, readying himself to come crashing down on her.

Parvul's countdown is heard nearby "5 4 ..." as she closes the distance with Terridus. At the same time, Parvul allows her opponent to close the distance with her.

Parvul-attacker: "I almost have you now. Get ready for the finishing blow, my super-duper-wowerful-powerful punch!"

As her opponent's punch is about to land, Parvul turns on a burst of speed, letting her momentum carry her into Terridus, knocking her out of the way of her opponent's flying attack. The faces of both enemies register shock, recognizing what's about to happen, but unable to stop it. 

Parvul: "0"

Striking each other with massive blows, their enemies knock each other out.

An explosion sounds, as a dust cloud of debris and Hiro are blasted into the air.

Hiro: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Parvul, Terridus, Artifice, and Potesta start running in the direction of Hiro's scream. As they come into sight of Hiro, he is lying on the ground, bloodied, dirty, and barely conscious. Hiro is watching his opponent's advance through blurry vision. A sequence of coin flips is reflected in Hiro's eyes — heads, heads, heads, heads, heads, heads, heads. His opponent's next step disturbs a scorpion's nest, causing the scorpions to swarm over her as she runs off screaming. Hiro's comrades converge around him.

Artifice: "Looks like you had a tough opponent Hiro. I didn't know if we were going to get to you in time."

Potesta, emotionless: "That scorpion nest was some stroke of luck."

Hiro: "What about Sloth? Is he ok?"

Commander and Acies appear on hologram.

Acies: "Sloth is asleep as usual. Don't worry, he incapacitated his opponent rather quickly. Awesome fights by all."

Parvul: "So we won?"

Commander: "Yes, collectively you won. Although Hiro, I can't say that relying on 'luck' can be considered a true victory. After a trip to the infirmary, you'll need to work harder."

Hiro: "Yes sir!"

Potesta, aside to Hiro: "Is it my imagination or did your cap emit sparks during the battle?"

Hiro, nervous: "It must have been a trick of the light from the sun behind me."

Potesta, narrow eyed, thinking: "But from my angle, the sun was in front of you." 
