Chapter 41:

the Search #2

St. Clover's Golden Academy [Cancelled, to be reworked]

Arthur sat in class, chewing on the end of his pencil and occasionally twirling it between his fingers in a fidgeting fashion, waiting for the last period of the day to end so that he could head to Bianca’s instructed location. The feeling of freedom was indescribable as somehow a professor is wholeheartedly explaining the origins of a fork, and somehow dragging that on for the entire hour– Arthur just hops the bell rings before he expires from boredom.

Ding! Dong!

“Finally!” Arthur rejoiced, sprinting out of the classroom as soon as he had the opening, “I’ve lived most of my life in school, should I skip out on some classes? Grammar and etiquette are pretty easy to ace anyway.”

With over twenty years, and counting, of experience navigating the humongous campus, Arthur breezed through like the layout was ingrained in his very being– jumping, flipping, sliding around corners, over roofs, and walls, and through secret passages and some unused rooms.

Arthur jumps out of a window, grabbing onto its window sill to swing into the nurse’s office, where his friends were being held. “I need to check on David and George before I head over to the training area to meet with Bianca–” He audibly reminded himself, the usual open window providing his entrance, but he was not the only visitor.

Arthur’s feet barely landed on the window’s frame, but the sight of a hooded figure reaching over David’s arm, just where the needle administered the vital concoction necessary for both their recovery. The idea of a mysterious figure looming over his cherished friends– made Arthur’s blood boil.

“I don’t know who you are–” Arthur seethed, shocking the intruder, “ –but you can just die.” he cursed, reaching into his leather shoe

”W-Who– argh!?” The intruder turned around at the sound of his voice, only for a piercing pain to interrupt any response as he stared at the throwing knife lodged just above his clavicle– dead center on the nerve-dense area. “Who are you!?”

”Doesn't matter Arthur takes the other hidden knife from his other shoe, and throws it, aiming for a killing blow, but the intruder dodges.


The small, arrow-tip-sized blade lodged itself deep into the wall, piercing the wallpaper, plaster, and concrete as the cloaked intruder dodged just in time. “Hold on a minute–”

“Change of plans– I can’t waste even a millisecond to draw a pistol from my inventory, I’ll just knock him out and extract the information from him.” Arthur sprinted, closing the distance between him and the intruder, with his right hand charged back, “I’ll get my answers from you later”


One strong punch to the solar plexus was enough ht push every ounce of air out of his lungs, his eyes rolled back and the intruder promptly fainted, collapsing onto Arthur's hold.

"Wow," Arthur softly exclaimed to himself, "The difference between my punches is awesome– Is that the result of 17-level stats?" he smiled, "It's just a single digit each time, but it's like my capabilities double."

Using the man's cloak, Arthur used the blade from the wall and trimmed a small line from the edge, using it as a rope to tie the man's unconscious self like a present, with a bow on top, "Gagged, tied, and barely able to breathe– perfect."

In the midst of Arthur's celebration, the squeaky wobbling of a cart, with that one faulty wheel, signaled to Arthur that it was time to escape. Carrying the wrapped body over his shoulder, Arthur exits the room through the window just in time for the Nurse to enter the room.

"Oh goodness! Who destroyed the wallpaper!" She angrily huffed, the metal tray clicking onto the cart.

"Sorry," Arthur apologized in silence, slowly climbing the walls to deposit the intruder in the empty room above. "I'll return to this guy later, Bianca is probably livid by now."


"Where is he?!" Bianca huffed, her metal gauntlets clicking against her pauldrons as she crossed her arms. "It is fifteen minutes past the agreed time."
"Bianca, please–" Her companion rolled her eyes, "Are you seriously anticipating his punctual arrival? Him?!" She asked as if she was stating the obvious.

"He is not the best example of a good student, but he is worthy of an ample amount of trust, Stephanie," Bianca turned to her, frowning, "But I will admit, I did expect better."

Arthur wandered into the training grounds, immediately catching sight of Bianca talking to Stephanie, and he waved at them. The location was not too far from the shared range of the Archery and Marksman club, but since the medical ward was a long way off, he had been a little late.

With the colosseum-like structure of the training grounds, it was surrounded by seats all around, with four gates in each of the cardinal directions. The ground was a mix of gravel, coarse sand, and wood shavings, a good recreation of unsteady ground.

“Hey!” Arthur called, jogging over to them, “Sorry, I was checking up on something important and I completely lost track of time.”

Bianca did not believe his excuse, “Whatever,” She huffed, rolling her eyes, “It does not matter if you are preoccupied, you must always be punctual,”

“Sure,” Arthur sighed sarcastically, “I’ll keep that in mind, but don’t get too excited– I’m still undecided.”

The lady beside Bianca, who was dressed similarly to her, was wearing crest-bearing armor. It was familiar to Arthur, a symbol he had associated with headaches at the unconscious level. A gold cross surrounded by wreaths– it's a crest that was almost synonymous with one of the royal guards.

“Shit– That’s Gabriel’s betrothed,” Arthur gulped on his saliva, beads of sweat produced by twenty years worth of trauma fell down his face, "Shit– Why did it have to be her of all people."

"I am Stephanie Bellringer, and you are?" She said, pointing with her armored glove, "You are known as Arthur, correct?"

"That I am," Arthur smirked confidently, trying to hide the nervousness that had been ingrained into his previous life, "What did I do to deserve this– why? Am I going to fight her!?"

"Spare me your smirk–" Stephanie hissed, making Arthur frown instead, "Bianca here has told me that she had a useful candidate."

Arthur blinked, before stepping back to look at Bianca, who just shrugged at him as He finally figured out what exactly her request entailed. He looked around, seeing rows of weapons laid on racks, and supplies stored carefully in boxes– like an army being formed after a plan had been approved.

"Bianca, I'm honored but really?" Arthur exclaimed incredulously, taking a look at his surroundings. "I hear rumors about this, but are you seriously considering adding me to your disciplinary counsel? The Disciplinary Council?"

[ A quest has been issued to you by Bianca Bayley, Ellis' aide, and a trusted friend. Will you accept her request? ]

[ Difficulty: B / Fail Penalty: Favorability Penalty / Rewards:??? / Quest duration: six months. ]

"You're crazy–" Arthur ruffled his hair, distraught and annoyed, "We don't know each other that well but you know damn well that I can't stay by the book."

"I know that with everything you have done– it wouldn't be unthinkable that you wouldn't want to serve under another's banner." Bianca sighed, shaking her head, "You are the kind of man to bend the rules rather than abide by them."

Arthur ruffled his hair, exasperated, "Exactly– so why?" he asked frustratedly, "Why did you bring me here?"

Bianca inhaled a large breath of air, before exhaling it forcefully, expelling any fatigue or unease. She reached for the sword laid against the weapon rack, drew the silver blade from the protective sheath, and raised it in the air for the light to reflect against it.

Bianca lowered the sword and pointed to Arthur, who raised an eyebrow in confusion, before turning to Stephanie and nodding resolutely.

"With Stephanie Bellringer as judge and witness– I, Bianca Bayley, challenge Arthur Haile to a duel!" She declared loudly, "What say you?"

Arthur took a step back and raised his hands, frowning at Bianca like he had been betrayed. Even with the treacherous plot, Arthur was only greeted with more penalties.

[ A quest has been issued to you by Bianca Bayley, Ellis' aide, and a trusted friend. Will you accept her request? ]

[ Difficulty: S / Fail Penalty: Favorability Penalty / Rewards:??? / Quest duration: six months. ]

[ You have denied the quest. ]

[ The Quest Penalty is being administered. ]

[ -20.00 Favorability with Stephanie Bellringer has been deducted. ]

[ You have zero favorability with Stephanie Bellringer, therefore favorability with Stephanie Bellringer shall be: —20.00/100.00% ]

[ Because of your negative favorability with the influential noble, Stephanie Bellringer, your fame stat will be penalized due to her influence. ]

"Damn," Arthur grumbled internally, "The fame stat is incredibly difficult to raise, yet I'm getting a deduction this early on?" He frowned. Arthur's status window forcibly obstructed his vision, which displayed his current capabilities.

[Arthur Haile / Level 3 / 1st-circle Magic Warrior / Fire and Earth Specialist], [Fame: 0], [Exp points needed before nest level up, 0/100], [ Strength: 17, Agility: 17, Vitality: 17, Magic: 17, Defense: 17, Magic: 17 ]

[ An Emergency Quest has been issued! ]

[ Bianca Bayley has issued a challenge! ]

[ Do you accept? Y/N ]

Arthur breathed in, exhaling strongly to settle his nerves and calm his mind. “Fuck– an S-ranked quest?!” He internally frowned, trying his hardest not to outwardly display his panic and anger, “Either Bianca is fucking strong or my chances of winning are way too shitty.”

Arthur glanced at Stephanie, who just watched the situation unfold with delight, “Sadistic bitch,” Arthur cursed her, “What did Gabriel do to deserve this abomination of a future spouse. But since Ellis is my favorite, I couldn’t care less what happens to her. Now, I just have to deal with the project at hand.”

“For a proud, hot-blooded fighter–” Bianca scoffed, “You’re clearly weighing your options, however, when a challenged is brought forth for low-ranking knights, declining the glove is never an option.”
“I’m not a knight,” Arthur corrected, “Neither am I an idiot, so it’s only normal for me to think.” he scoffed at Bianca, but when he was about to throw another remark, a golden window appeared in front of him– stopping him dead in his tracks.

[ Storyline Event #1: Dullahan Colloseum Outbreak ]