Chapter 1:


Kigurumi Syndrome

It’s 1:11 am…

One thing you should never do is write an essay the night before however, I’m writing this essay a few weeks before. There’s a reason why and it’s not about being productive.

I sort of bumped into a problem.

I checked every search engine and yet I got the same results.

“No results”

Ironic, isn’t it? Could this be a mistake? Am I overthinking things? Or did it not exist to begin with? Is this some kind of joke? Is the professor joking with me and wants me to fail?

The answer is simple.

The Kigurumi Syndrome doesn’t exist.

“Screw it, let’s just make something up and hand it in.”

But that doesn’t feel right either. There has to be some sort of reason why I got chosen for this topic. After all, I picked it from the hat and it was on the list of topics. So, it can’t be a mistake…

Ugh, I knew it! I shouldn’t have trusted that professor! Just because we’ve known each other since I was five doesn’t mean he’s trustworthy! No wonder my parents kept warning me about him (in a jokingly manner). From the moment I entered the room, I felt like I was going to be so screwed in his class. He definitely wants me to fail. Also, I didn’t bother looking it up until a week later. It’s probably too late to ask him about it. But hopefully, this is all a mistake.

Frustrated, I turned off the computer and decided to call it a day.

Afterall, the Kigurumi Syndrome doesn’t exist.

*cue in the music bois*
