Chapter 3:

The Vet

It Came to Me in a Dream

I can't find my dog. The front gate is open and he wont come to me when I call his name. In a panic, I run up and down the streets hoping to find him. I did. He was ran over and his flattened body still it lay on the asphalt. Before I can say anything, I pick him up and bring him home where the vet was already waiting. He tells me that my dog can still make it but that I would have to do the surgery. I make it clear that I can not do it, I wouldn't know what to do. In light of this, the vet takes my dog and removes his organs, stuffing them in to a teddy bear nearby. "Practice", he hands it to me. The grotesque sight of the bloody doll stitched up with the entrails on my dog woke me up in a cold sweat.

That morning I called out of work to take my dog to the park.
