Chapter 24:


Hang in There Mister Guard!

After Ryoichi came back with the ice cream, the two of them ate it immediately.

“Ah, this is delicious. Thank God there are no clients in the store now, otherwise I couldn’t be enjoying this ice cream.”

“Do you have a fridge in here? I don’t want this other one to melt while I eat this one.” Asked Ryoichi.

“Sure thing, it’s in the back, I’ll put it there.”

And he grabbed the other ice cream and left it in the fridge.

When he came back to the front he said to Ryoichi.

“It’s weird isn’t it?”


“We used to eat ice cream and come into this kind of shop to check for the new games when we were kids, but now we are on the other side, I run this shop and you help us to keep it safe. The tables surely turned quickly.”

Ryoichi smiled and answered:

“It’s the life cycle, maybe one day we will also run a little candy shop like the ones we also used to go to.”

“I bet you would be better at that than me, I still can’t hold myself when I eat candy, I would eat everything in the store in just a day.”

“Yeah, I also think you would do that.”

Both laughed.

“Yeah, after all life is beautiful, even with all the little problems.”

And speaking of problems, here comes his wife with the lunch.

“Why are you eating ice cream? I told you I was going to make something for both of us, you hate my food so much?” Said Toshiko furious.

“N-n-n-no it’s j-j-just that I…” Said Takashi stuttering.

“He bought one for you too, he even put it in the fridge, so it won’t melt.” Interrupted Ryoichi.

“Oh my love you are always so thoughtful!” Replied Toshiko, then she went next to her husband to kiss him on the cheek. “I love you!” She added and went to the back.

Takashi looked at his friend wanting to thank him for saving him there, but Ryoichi just said:

“Now you owe me another ice cream AND a favor.”

Fair enough.