Chapter 13:

Giyu’s New Watermoon’s

Kny The 10 Traders

Addison(Me): With Giyu

Giyu (Human Form): -Walking around town-

???: -Crying-

Giyu (Human Form): -Hears someone crying-

Giyu (Human Form): -Walks towards the crying sound-

???: S-sto-stop pl-ples-please

Random Boy: -Laughs-

Random Boy: Aww but why I’m having so much fun

Giyu (Human Form): Excuse me

Random Boy: What do you want ugly

Giyu (Human Form): -Eye twitches-

Giyu (Human Form): Ugly you say

Giyu (Human Form): -Walks away-

Giyu (Human Form): -Turns into his demon form-

Giyu: -Walks back-

Giyu: Excuse me

Random Boy: Ugh what do you wa-

Random Boy: -Blushes-

Random Boy: Hey cutie

Random Boy: Want to come back to my house

Random Boy: -Winks-

Giyu: No thank you

Random Boy: Awww why not

Giyu: I am too old for you and I am already taken

Random: Well age is just a number and what they don’t know can’t hurt them

Giyu: You disgust me

Random Boy: -Slaps Giyuu’s ass-

Giyu: WHY YO-

Sabito: -Appears-

Sabito: -Angry-

Sabito: -Grabs Random Boy by his neck-


Giyu: -Blushes-

Random Boy: -Choking-


Sabito: -Lets him go-

Sabito: -Kisses Giyu on the cheek-

Sabito: Bye love, love you

Giyu: -Smiles-

Giyu: Bye love you to

Sabito: -Disappears-

Random Boy: -Runs away-

Giyu: -Turns back into his human form-

Giyu (Human Form): -Bends down-

Giyu (Human Form): Hello

???: -Scared-

Giyu (Human Form): Hey hey it's ok

???: -Shaking-

Giyu (Human Form): I’m not going to hurt you

???: -Pulls her head up-

Giyu (Human Form): -Smiles-

Giyu (Human Form): -Holds out his hand-

???: -Slowly takes his hand-

Giyu (Human Form): -Pulls him towards him-

???: ???

Giyu (Human Form): -Hugs ???-

???: -Starts crying-

Giyu (Human Form): Shhh it’s ok

Addison(Me): 10 mins later

???: -Stops crying

Giyu (Human Form): Would you like to be a demon

???: Huh

Giyu (Human Form): Oh right sorry

Giyu (Human Form): A Watermoon is a really powerful demon that servers under the demon king or queen

???: Ohhh

???: Who is the demon king or queen?

Giyu (Human Form): Well

Giyu (Human Form): -Turns into his demon form-

Giyu: I am one of them

???: Who is the other?

Giyu: A really good friend of mine

???: Oh ok

???: Oh and to answer yes I would love to be a demon

Giyu: Ok

Giyu: -Puts his finger in his arm and puts some of his blood in ???’s body-

???: -Passes out-

Addison(Me): 30 mins later

???: -Wakes up-

???: -Bows hello master-

Giyu: Hello ummm

???: Oh sorry

???: My name is….

Akihiko: Akihiko

Giyu: Well Akihiko you are now Watermoon 5

Akihiko: Thank you, master

Giyu: You can leave if you want to

Akihiko: -Bows-

Akihiko: As you wish master

Akihiko: -Disappears-

Giyu: (What a sweet boy)

Addison(Me): 1 week later

Giyu (Human Form): (I am so bored)

???: -Running-

Giyu (Human Form): -Walking-

???: -Bumps into someone-

Giyu (Human Form): -Falls-


???: Please don’t hurt me

Giyu (Human Form): How old are you

???: 15 Sir/Ma'am

Giyu (Human Form): (Poor girl)


???: -Scared-

Giyu (Human Form): (Huh)

Giyu (Human Form): (Why is she so scared)


??? Father: -Tries to grab the girl-

Giyu (Human Form): Excuse me

??? Father: What do you wa-

??? Father: -Looks at Giyu-

??? Father: -Blushes-

Giyu (Human Form): Is this girl for sale by any chance

???: -Scared-

??? Father: Yes she is, why?

Giyu (Human Form): I just want to know if I could buy her

Giyu (Human Form): -Smiles-

??? Father: You know what

??? Father: Just take her

??? Father: She is a waste of space anyway

??? Father: -Throws ??? at Giyu-

Giyu (Human Form): Thank you have a nice day

Giyu (Human Form): -Walks away-

???: -Crying-

Giyu (Human Form): Shhhh

Giyu (Human Form): It’s ok I’m not going to hurt you

???: You promise

Giyu (Human Form): I promise

???: -Smiles a little-

Giyu (Human Form): How would you like to become a demon

???: A demon

Giyu (Human Form): Indeed

Giyu (Human Form): You can even get revenge on that old man

???: But Ma'am is a hashira

Giyu (Human Form): You don’t have to call her that

???: Ok

Giyu (Human Form): So what do you say

???: Sure

Giyu (Human Form): Ok here

Giyu (Human Form): -Turns into demon form-

Giyu: -Stabs ??? and put some of his blood in her-

???: -Knocked unconscious-

Addison(Me): A few minutes later

???: -Starts to wake up-

???: -Bows-

???: Hello Master

Giyu: What is your name

???: My name is

Himari: Himari

Giyu: Well Himari you are now Watermoon 3

Himari: -Bow-

Himari: Thank you, master

Giyu: -Smiles-

Himari: -Disappears-

Addison(Me): 2 weeks later

Giyu (Human Form): -Walking around a town-

??? Boy: AHHHHH

Giyu (Human Form): (Huh what was that)

??? Girl: -Yells-

??? Girl: Otōto

??? Boy: -Yells-

??? Boy: Onēsan



??? Girl: -Runs as fast as she can to her destination-

??? Boy: -Crying-

??? Girl: Shhh

??? Girl: Your big sister is here

??? Girl: Everything is ok

???: Well well well

??? boy: -Scared-


???: -Laughs-

???: I don’t want your brother

??? Girl: Huh

???: I want you

??? Girl: -Eyes widen-

???: Allow me to introduce myself

???: My name is…

Chibi: Chibi the Sand Hashira

Giyu (Human Form): (A Hashira)

Giyu (Human Form): -Smirks-

Chibi: Now let's go little girl

??? Girl: No

Chibi: No?

Chibi: Listen here, little girl

Chibi: You don’t have a choice

Chibi: If you don’t come with me your brother will become demon food

??? Girl: -Scared-

??? Girl: Fine

Chibi: Good choice

Giyu (Human Form): Excuse me

Chibi: What do you want lady

Giyu (Human Form): Lady?

Giyu (Human Form): Excuse you

Giyu (Human Form): I am a man

Chibi: -Eyes widen-

Chibi: You look familiar

Giyu (Human Form): Will this help jog your memory

Giyu (Human Form): -Eyes turn bright red-

Chibi: -Scared-

Chibi: -Shaking-

Chibi: -Runs away-

Giyu (Human Form): That is what I thought

Giyu (Human Form): -Looks at the two kids-

Giyu (Human Form): Hello little ones

??? Girl: How did you scare a Hashira away

Giyu (Human Form): Do you know what a Demon King/Queen is

??? Girl: Yes I do

??? Girl: A Demon King/Queen is an extremely powerful demon that creates other demons and the demons that she or he creates have to follow every order that they are given by them

Giyu (Human Form): Do you know what one looks like

??? Girl: No but I want to meet one

Giyu (Human Form): -Shocked-

Giyu (Human Form): Why would you want to meet a Demon King or Queen?

??? Girl: Well I want to turn into a demon so I and my little brother will get out of this village

Giyu (Human Form): What if I told you are have already met one

??? Girl: Huh

Giyu (Human Form): -Turns into his demon form-

??? Girl: Woah

??? Girl: -Bows-

Giyu: Why are you bowing

??? Girl: Because you are the Demon King

Giyu: I know that but you are not a demon

??? Girl: Your majesty, could you possibly turn me and my brother into a demon

Giyu: -Shocked-

Giyu: Ok if that is what you want

??? Girl: Thank you

??? Girl: ___ come here

??? Boy: Ok Onēsan

Giyu: -Stabs his hand on the sibling's head and puts some of his blood in them-

??? Siblings: -Passes out-

Addison(Me): A few minutes later

??? Siblings: -Wakes up-

??? Siblings: -Bows-

Giyu: What are your names

??? Boy: My name is …

Akuhei: Akuhei

??? Girl: And my name is …

Kumiho: Kumiho

Giyu: Ok them Kumiho you are now Watermoon 1

Giyu: And Akuhei you are now Watermoon 2

Kumiho & Akuhei: -Bows-

Kumiho & Akuhei: Thank you master

Kumiho & Akuhei: -Leaves-

Addison(Me): 2 weeks later Giyu meets his last two Watermoons

Giyu (Human Form): (It’s been two weeks)

Little Girl: HELP PLEASE


Giyu (Human Form): ???

Giyu (Human Form): Are you two ok

Little Girl: No

Little Boy: Somebody killed our parents

Giyu (Human Form): (It was probably a Demon Slayer or Hashira)

Giyu (Human Form): Do you know what they look like

Little Girl: A weird uniform and a sword

Giyu (Human Form): (So I was right)

Giyu (Human Form): Don’t worry I will help

Both: Really

Giyu (Human Form): -Nods head-

Giyu (Human Form): Take me to your parents

Both: Ok

Little Girl: Here are my parents

Little Boy: And here are my parents

Giyu (Human Form): Hmmm

???: Hello

???: Do you need anything?

???: I see you met my 2 kids

The 2 Cousins: -Mouths-

The 2 Cousins: Thats them

Giyu (Human Form): I’m sorry but this has to be some mistake

???: And why is that

Giyu (Human Form): These two are cousins

???: And how do you know that

Giyu (Human Form): I was really good friends with their parents

???: Oh

Giyu (Human Form): And I never met you a day in my life

Giyu (Human Form): So, who are you?

???: Well if you must know my name is…

Sakura: Sakura the Petal Hashira

Sakura: Now who are you

Giyu (Human Form): Oh right how rude of me

Giyu (Human Form): -Turns into his demon form-

Giyu: -Bows-

Giyu: Giyu Tomioka at your service

Sakura: -Eyes widen-

Sakura: Your the-

Giyu: -Smirks-

Sakura: -Runs away-

Giyu: -Turns around-

Giyu: So would you guys like to be demons

The 2 Cousins: YES

Giyu: -Stabs his hand on the cousin's head and puts some of his blood in them-

The 2 Cousins: -Passes out-

Addison(Me): A few seconds later

The 2 Cousins: -Wakes up-

The 2 Cousins: -Bows-

The 2 Cousins: Hello Master

Giyu: Name

Little Girl: My name is…

Chandra: Chandra

Little Boy: And my name is…

Orpheus: Orpheus

Giyu: Well Chandra you are now Watermoon 4

Giyu: And Orpheus you are now Watermoon 6

Orpheus & Chandra: Thank you, master

Orpheus & Chandra: -Leaves-

Giyu: (Well looks like I’m done)

Giyu: (Let's go see what Tanjiro is up to)