Chapter 10:

First Training Exercise

C.A.N. Collector

The scenery around him changed to an armory this time. The walls of the room had dozens of different types of weapons hung from them.

"Pick something you like. This is our current weapon inventory that we have on hand." Pipp explained.

"What's so special about these weapons, besides looking cool?"

"Normal weapons aren't particularly effective against C.A.N.s. Since they are made up of billions of microscopic nanobots, they can regenerate from damage fairly rapidly. These weapons here were developed to use E.M.P.s to damage them at the cellular level. We like to simply just call them C.A.N. openers." Pipp replied.

R.C. picked up a few different types of weapons. At first he picked up a sword. It sort of resembled a katana except a bit bulkier and the bladed edge glowed blue from the Electromagnetic waves flowing through it. He swung it around a bit, but wasn't particularly sold on it.

He put it back and picked up what looked like a compound bow. He took an arrow that was somewhat oversized. When he drew it back the tip glowed orange and felt as if it was heating up. This weapon also didn't feel quite right to him.

In the center of the armory was a table with firearms laid out on it. One in particular caught his eye. It was a silver revolver with blue glowing accents. He wasn't sure what it was, but something about it drew him to it.

He picked it up and gripped it in his hand. He pointed it at the wall and looked down at the sights.

"This is the one." He said.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to try it out?"

"Nah, I'm good. This is definitely the one. Now let's get to this training!"

The room changed to a simple white grid that seemed to go in endlessly in all directions. Some round targets appeared at a variety of distances around R.C..

"Let's start easy with some basic targe-."

Before Pipp could even finish speaking, R.C. just grinned and started blasting targets. Blue glowing bullets came from the barrel of the gun.


Pipp was completely speechless.

R.C. managed not only hit every target, but he got a bullseye on every single one.

"Growing up I did competitive pistol shooting. I guess you could say I was pretty good too. It's been awhile, but it looks like I still got it." R.C. boasted.

"Okay then let's try something a bit harder then."

The digital environment turned dark. It was nearly pitch black. There was a foggy haze that surrounded R.C..

Glowing red eyes began circling around him. R.C. just laughed. The only thing that could be heard next was *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* *reloading noises* *BAM*.

The room went back to light. Six mechanical corpses laid around him. They looked like mechanical hounds that were green in color. The 7pup logo was plastered on their sides.

Pipp's mouth hung wide open.

"Their eyes gave them away pretty easily. How about you give me a real challenge." R.C. bragged.

"Alright, then let me think for a moment...I'm going to generate a random environment and have Codea and Milo hunt you. Your goal will be to take out both of them. How about that challenge?"

"Those two. Pft. Send them my way!"

His current environment dispersed. He felt as though he could take on anyone or anything. 
