Chapter 17:

Cloudfruit Tea

Theodora Plays to Win (With Cheat Codes)

Katya stood on a white gangway with a dais at it’s center. There stood a woman who reminded Katya of the actress Cate Blanchett. She had long blonde hair, a pointed nose and square jaw, and was incredibly tall. She cut an imposing figure yet Katya mindlessly strode up to her and kneeled.

“These aren't the same places or people. This world has changed. I've created a game just for you. Will you play it? You will be the hero and the villain. That sounds like fun, doesn't it? This world was changed for you, but can it be changed by you? More importantly, how will you be changed? Will you be a harbinger of the end or a scion of peace? What nature truly lies at the core of your soul?” She recited these words as if she were rehearsing for a Shakespearian play. She kept her gaze firmly locked on Katya the entire time, not blinking, barely moving at all for the duration of her short monologue. A smile broke the woman’s stony façade. Katya tried to process the words this woman spoke but her brain was just as frozen as her body. The words blew through her like a breeze.

The woman opened her arms as a conductor cutting off the orchestra and the place went silent. The room was already silent but it was now somehow even more so. “I’m about to give you some information, most of which you will soon forget. I left you in the hands of some capable people. It’s imperative that you not offend them, they are your only chance for survival as you get acclimated to this new world. As I mentioned, I’ve set up this world as a game. There are 10 levels. 11, technically. Your goal is to clear them all and arrive back here; here being level 11. This world of course had a pre-existing ecosystem and governance much like your previous world and has since fell into anarchy due to my meddling, but I’ll let your new friends fill you in on those details. You are currently level one which is extremely week considering your location. And though I’ve given you some special permissions it will not be enough to get you here, in fact you will have your own objectives to clear before you can move to the next game level. Aiding your current allies in their mission will aid you in yours.” She beckoned Katya up and tenderly grasped her hand. “You should also note that you are not the only player in this game. Putting the population of the continent aside, there is someone in similar circumstances who will become quite the thorn in your side later on.” The warm smile was transforming into something manic, the woman’s excitement building, “I’ve also made arrangements for several challenges to pop up as you make your way across the map. Your journey will certainly be an interesting one, and the experiences you’ll gain…” She trailed off apparently thinking better of what she was about to say, “Well, that about wraps things up. I look forward to chatting again with you soon.” Katya wanted to say something but with a flick off her wrist, the woman sent her back to sleep.

Katya disappeared and the Adjudicator stood for a moment deep in thought, still giddy from the excitement of unveiling her game. “I should have thought of this ages ago, if it weren’t for that angel and the girl, I’d have never thought of doing this. I really want to entertain you this time.” She listens for a moment as if there’s another person in the room, “Yes, I suppose I’m doing this for me as well.” She listens then cracks up laughing, “Fair is relative. What’s that saying about you and dice, I’m sure whoever came up with that would be rolling right now. Now go back to sleep, old codger, I’ll wake you when it gets interesting.” She conjures up some wine and gracefully falls back into an oversized chair. “Game start.” She smiles, “and away we go.”


Katya woke up with an outrageous headache. She looked about the room but found no way to discern the time. She’d been dreaming about something but she couldn’t quite focus on it, much like a lot of her memory at the moment. She sighed and climbed out of bed. She opened the door, stepping into a narrow hallway.

“You’re awake, already? Why don’t you take a shower, alright?” Everest grabbed her forearm and led her to the bathroom which was across the hall of the right of the guest room Katya was staying in. Everest’s room was next door to the guest room and Opal’s was diagonally left. “I’ll get you something to wear while you’re in there. I think I might have something that’ll fit.” Katya eyes Everest doubtfully, “I’m serious, you’ll see.” Katya acquiesced and entered the shower. Everest was at least five inches shorter, a cup size smaller, and had a wider waist, but if she was sure then what point was there to doubt, maybe her mother had something. Speaking of, what would her parents say about the two girls taking in a strangely dressed stranger when they weren’t home? Could they be dead? Or maybe their parents walked out on them; not everyone is cut out of that sort of thing. Surely there must be someone looking out for them, but then again…

Katya finished her shower and wrapped a towel around herself just in time for a knock at the door. “Yeah?”

“I put some clothes on your bed, let me know if you need help getting them on.”


Katya left the bathroom and entered the guestroom to find a set of red leather armor. “Ha. Ha. Very funny. We going to Ren Fair or something?”

Everest stopped outside the door, “What’s Ren Fair?”

Right. Katya kept forgetting that she wasn’t on Earth anymore, or perhaps it was some alternate reality, either way this was probably how people dressed here. Katya glared at Everest while processing this information.

“Why do you keep staring at me like that?”

“Sorry. Forget I said anything. I’ll get changed.”

“Good, dinner’s almost ready.” Everest left and Katya closed the door.

Katya emerged wearing the armor set, though she hadn’t been able to do the shoulder or breast plate properly. She’d have to ask Everest to help her. Speaking of, Opal and Everest were sitting at a large wooden table in the center of the main room. It looked like a picnic table. A slight vibration caused Katya to stumble. Everest grabbed her drink to steady it. The living room was lit with candles but there was an electric light in the shower and kitchen. It was really hard to gauge the level they were at technologically.

“The armor looks good on you.” Everest gave a sad smile and stood up. She circled around and grabbed the laces in the back pulling them tight.

“There a story behind this? I’m sensing a story.” Katya was semi-curious, though she was mainly just looking for a good starting topic. She’s never been a particularly social person, in her old world… she hit a wall, drawing yet another blank. Everest tied them off and brought herself back around.

“No story, per se. It was our dad’s though he didn’t get much use out of it. He was a really tall, gangly man; not much of fighter, not if he could help it. His brother and father however-“

“They were brutes!” Opal chimed in. Annoyance crept into Everests melancholic smile.

“Mom, wasn’t very fond of them. She was very vocal in her dislike of our uncle and grandfather. They weren’t nasty or mean or anything, not that I have any need to defend people you haven’t met. I thought they were noble. They had a mission, you know; a reason for being. My uncle and grandfather were the protectors of our former village, self-appointed, I guess, but they never put on airs about it. They weren’t stuck up, or unnecessarily verbose. I think people respected them…” Katya thought back to the sketch in the drawer. If it was drawn by Opal, then the two men must have been her uncle and father. As far as she could tell, it was just the two girls living here. There wasn’t any sign of anyone else having ever lived here. The mystery of these two’s circumstances deepened all the more.

“I’ve been talking for a while now, haven’t I? Why don’t you take a seat? You must be hungry. We have soup, and how about some tea?” Opal ran to the kitchen to grab a cup before Katya could even answer.

“I guess I will, since you’ve already poured me a glass.” Opal foisted the cup up to Katya’s face. Katya took it and thanked the girl who gave a beaming self-satisfied smile in return. Katya sniffed the murky white liquid inside, it had a fruity smell. She took a sip and her eyes opened wide in shock. It was blueberry. It was slightly sour like had been cut with citrus but it was far stronger and more pleasant than she had anticipated.

“What is this?

“Cloudfruit tea.”


“Cloudfruit.” She confirmed.

“Cloudfruit!” Opal exclaimed.

“Repeating it doesn’t explain what a cloudfruit is.”

“My apologies, I forgot about your amnesia. Cloudfruit is-”

The vibration suddenly became a rumble shaking the entire room. The kitchen light began to blink and an alarm sounded piercing Katya’s eardrums. It was like a school fire alarm only somehow more shrill.

“What’s that?”

“We’ve made it to the next settlement. We should get ready.” She began to clear the half eaten dishes off the table.

“Ready for what?” Everest dropped the dishes into the sink and runs over to a chest placed near the door. She reaches into the chest and pull out a two handed battle axe. The handle expands in front of her, she spins it and strikes the floor with the bottom of the elongated handle.

“For war.”