Chapter 0:

The World fading behind

Stromentide: The World Arching Ahead

As the sun set on November 16th, the streets were alive with the rush of people returning home from work and school. Tsuda Shigeki watched envious of the carefree attitudes of his friends and acquaintances. They knew how to enjoy this brief moment of freedom, but he always felt trapped in his own cynicism and boredom. He sought solace in the digital world, neglecting the pleasures of the physical one. But despite his detachment, his studies never suffered, and he consistently topped his class. As the cold breeze of the street settled in, Shigeki wondered if he would ever learn to appreciate the simple joys of life. “The feeling of being close to everyone, yet drifted so far away.” always loomed the boy’s thoughts.

Shigeki's once-outgoing personality had faded into obscurity, replaced by a singular focus on academic success. He had no time for the frivolities of socialising or enjoying the simple pleasures of life. But today, his childhood friend Kaede had other plans. She suggested they walk home together, and though it went against his instincts, he found himself agreeing.

Two years his junior, Kaede had been a constant presence in Shigeki's life since they were children. She had always been the cheerful, outgoing one, with a smile that could light up a room. Shigeki often felt he didn't deserve such a sweet and caring friend, especially after his recent shift in personality. But Kaede never judged him for his choices, and was always there to support him when he needed it. In many ways, they were like siblings, with a bond that went deeper than blood.

Shigeki stood outside the cafe, he took in the surroundings - the sign board with its beautiful calligraphy and charming chalk designs, and the cosy yet bustling atmosphere inside. It was the perfect spot for a casual meeting with Kaede.

As he scrolled through his phone to pass the time, Shigeki's chatbox suddenly lit up with messages from his classmates, all asking for homework help. It grated on his nerves, particularly when three messages in a row asked him to solve the tricky maths question. Shigeki sighed in annoyance, feeling as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

“You’re joking? How can I work that out while standing next to a cafe? These lazy idiots can’t use their brains for once.”

Lenting out an exasperated sigh, Shigeki knows that he has to deliver them the answer as soon as possible, else he will suffer the berate of his peers.

“Get off my back. Can you all just bother some other smart guy?”

To make things worse, he doesn’t know the answer immediately; rather his high grades are rewarded for his method and diligence. It wasn't just his natural intelligence that propelled him to the top of his class, but his relentless dedication and unyielding work ethic. While others crumbled under the weight of stress, he remained calm and collected, taking solace in the world of anime and the vast expanse of the internet. For Shigeki, the key to success was a balance between hard work and working smart, a strategy that had served him well throughout his academic career.

Shigeki had learned the hard way that every choice came with a price, and his academic success had come at the cost of his social standing in school. But it was a sacrifice he had willingly made, knowing that the pursuit of knowledge and his future career were far more important.

No longer did he crave the validation of his peers, content with the knowledge that he had become a model student through his own hard work and ingenuity. While others slacked off and relied on shortcuts, Shigeki had mastered the art of working both hard and smart.

But even with his accomplishments, he couldn't escape the fact that his classmates only valued him for his answers. To them, he was little more than a walking encyclopaedia, a tool to be used and discarded at will. And yet, Shigeki couldn't bring himself to regret his choices, knowing that the price he had paid was necessary to achieve his dreams.

“Can’t believe how far I have degraded in letting people copy my homework and getting scolded for responding late.”

The introverted boy’s lament was followed by relieful exhale, all that is left of him is this repressed youth who almost fell into the clutches of being a NEET, if not for Kaede’s support over the last couple of years.

After a moment he realised he'd been waiting for half an hour straight. It has started to frustrate him for how long Kaede is going to take.

“Gahhhh! Where is this girl?! Hurry up!”

“As if I’m gonna wait for another half an hour!”

Impatience and frustration were the only emotions present within Shigeki as he dialled Kaede's number. Her procrastination had already caused enough delay for their meeting. But all he got was the same "call back" message, again and again. Just as he was about to give up, something caught his attention-

There, across the street, was someone who appeared to be Kaede, basked in the warm glow of the evening sun. But upon closer inspection, Shigeki realised it was her. “That airhead”. Kaede is the girl with distinctive mint green hair and delicate features standing next to a figure he did not recognize. The stranger's slender form slouched lazily, with hands hidden deep in his pockets, making his movements seem unpredictable. A hoodie and mask concealed half his face, giving off an air of suspicion.

The black motif on his clothing seemed to suck in all light, making him appear like a black void. It was unsettling to see Kaede, normally so full of life, beside someone so dark and ominous.

"Who is that?" Shigeki muttered, studying the scene with growing unease. "What does he have to do with Kaede?"

Shigeki's intuition rang like a warning bell. Something was off. Why was Kaede hanging around with a mysterious stranger, shrouded in a cloak of blackness? He couldn't ignore the alarm bells ringing in his head and so he made the decision to tail the two, careful to keep a safe distance and blend in with the crowds of people around him.

The pair led him into the unknown, into the northern part of town where unfamiliar buildings and alleyways replaced the sights he knew so well. It was a world that Shigeki had never ventured into before, a place of shadows and secrets. But he had to know what was going on with Kaede, and he wasn't about to turn back now.

“That is totally not someone who dresses normally, don’t the other people feel weird by that outfit?.” muttered Shigeki under his breath, closely analysing the suspicious man-in-black next to his dear friend.

Clouded with a substantial awe of intrigue as well as great concern for dear Kaede, “A school friend?” “No, we go to the same school, and I’ve never seen the boy next to her before.” “Her cousin?” “If I remember, his fashion sense is somewhat archaic.”

There is no assured condition Shigeki concluded that the man is somewhat trustworthy. However there are several ways to antagonise the man and the reason is justified.

To Shigeki’s resolve, he branded the man a hazard.

“Although I am certainly judging a book by its cover. There is no way he is someone who seems to be a decent person to approach a teenage girl dressed like that.”

Assume the worst - the antithesis of "benefit of the doubt" - perfectly sums up Shigeki's cautious and vigilant personality, as he takes calculated steps 90% of the time.

Off he went to give chase, like a knight on a rescue mission to retrieve a princess stolen by a ferocious monster.

Unfortunately, he hit a snag at the traffic lights, causing an unwelcome delay. What felt like mere seconds seemed like an eternity as Shigeki desperately attempted to keep up with the mysterious duo, walking at an unimaginable pace.

The bustling crowd acted as a sturdy barrier, providing the perfect cover for Shigeki to trail them without being detected, like an assassin stalking his prey from the shadows.

With his phone clutched tightly in his hand, he dialled Kaede's number, and her iconic ringtone - a sweet melody that reminded him of simpler times - sounded like a blessing. At last, Shigeki had located Kaede, and now it was up to him to rescue her from the clutches of the mysterious man.

“I must find somewhere with less people, I don’t want to cause an awkward scene especially in front of a crowd.” Huffed Shigeki, as he waits for the traffic lights.

Once the lights turned green, Shigeki took a step and stopped his entire body.

In a sudden burst of adrenaline, Shigeki froze in his tracks as a truck zoomed past him, the wind from its force blowing against his clothes. It was a close call, a hair's breadth away from meeting his untimely demise. He couldn't help but let out a shuddering gasp, grateful for his unexpected stroke of luck. It wasn't his cautiousness that saved him this time, but simply being in the right place at the right time.

Despite his narrow escape, the attention of the crowd was now trained on him. The aforementioned “Cautious” Shigeki was indeed minterperted, instead he was only lucky. Shigeki cursed his carelessness as he tried to slip away unnoticed, but it was too late. The damage was done, and it seemed as though the events were orchestrated to foil his mission. Kaede's captors were one step ahead of him, and he had to act fast to catch up.

“Are you alright? Damn driver, put your eyes on the road!” a mindful civilian with a bit of a strong opinion assured Shigeki.

“I’m fine- I’m in a hurry anyways-”

Lifting himself from the asphalt ground, Shigeki bolted to catch up with the duo. It was a miracle Kaede did not bat an eye, perhaps the man-in-black was in such a hurry, they couldn’t care less about the commotion behind their backs.

“Strange… that isn’t like Kaede at all. She would’ve gone up to the person, ensuring their well-being before moving on. In my case, she’ll bother me for weeks asking if I’m alright.”

Shigeki decreased his pacing to gather his speculations and observations, followed by some heavy panting while taking a small break from the constant awkwardly desperate jog on a busy evening street.

“It is evident that something strange is going on, the sudden call of meeting today, the ominous man-in-black, Kaede’s unresponsive attitude, just what on earth is happening? I need to get down to the earth of this!”

The insistent chime of his phone's notification echoed in Shigeki's pocket, grating against his nerves like a discordant melody. Without hesitation, he snatched the device out of his pocket and glared at the screen, as if the act alone would quell the obnoxious noise. Sure enough, it was the dreaded loan sharks, clamouring for answers from their human encyclopaedia once again.

"Can't they leave me alone for even a moment?" Shigeki grumbled to himself, frustration evident in his voice. With a swift movement of his finger, he silenced the device, savouring the sudden peace that followed. The jingle was like a bell summoning a servant to his master's beck and call, and Shigeki refused to play the role any longer.

Dusk has transitioned into night, the flickering street lights illuminated the dim pavements, casting an eerie glow on Shigeki's surroundings. He had been "stalking" for quite some time now and had found himself wandering away from the city, into the unfamiliar rural outskirts.

"It's getting late, Kaede. Your parents must be worried. Not mine, though. They're out of the country for the rest of the month," Shigeki muttered to himself, his breath visible in the chilly night air.

As he pulled out his phone, he was bombarded with a flood of messages, most of them from impatient classmates demanding screenshots. “That was a mistake.” Shigeki's mind was a mess, but he knew he needed to stay focused. Ignoring the messages, he continued on his mission.

Paired with the night breeze gusts, it's not very pleasant during wintertime. However, Shigeki must endure and push through the cold that bites deep in his spine, the triumph he must go through in order to save Kaede. After all of this, Shigeki might treat himself to a nice warm bowl of ramen while surfing the internet.

“...Uh!” Shigeki's heart was pounding with a mix of fear and excitement as he gazed upon the derelict building. The rusted walls were peeling, and the shattered windows appeared as if they had not been touched for years. What secrets were hidden behind those walls? And why would Kaede agree to meet here?

As he approached the building, Shigeki noticed that the iron fence surrounding the premises had been tampered with. The opening was just large enough for a person to slip through, inviting Shigeki to take a closer look. But was that the right decision? Should he really be venturing into this place alone?

Shigeki's instincts told him to call the police, and he quickly dialled the emergency number. However, the impatient teenager was finding it hard to wait for their arrival. His palms were sweaty, his breaths were shallow, and he felt as though time was running out.

"Why did I not think of this before?" Shigeki scolded himself, feeling foolish for not considering the safer option earlier. But the urge to know what was happening inside that building was too great, and his impatience was growing with each passing second.

Finally he got into contact with a dispatcher on the other side.

”Uhm.. H-Hello?” Shigeki anxiously uttered his words under the chilly cold wind.

“I’m calling from my phone at the old abandoned warehouse outside the city in the North. My friend, a 16 year old girl wearing a school uniform has been taken inside the building by a suspicious man with a full black outfit.”

“May I have your name? Your appearance?”

“S-Shigeki. Tsuda Shigeki. I am also wearing a school uniform, we’re both from the same High School.”

”Thank you for your cooperation. An officer will meet up with you soon. Although it may take a while due to the heavy snowfall.”

Shigeki lends out an exasperated growl in frustration but somewhat brings satisfaction to his wonderlust. The Police would have to take some time to arrive. Now this leads to the initial plan to face what lurks inside head on.

There is not a single shadow nor movement within the vicinity, it is awfully quiet, too quiet in fact. It is very unwise to stand in an open space vulnerable to attacks, let alone standing there would be an extremely frightening sight to experience, who knows where they will strike?

“This may be the end of town, but it would not be the end of Kaede!”

A word of courage and strength, becomes a surge of motivation that lightens Shigeki’s bravado.

Shigeki's heart was pounding as he sprinted towards the entrance, his breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. He could feel the burn in his lungs and the ache in his legs, but he forced himself to keep running, to push through the pain and reach his goal.

Finally, he saw the entrance looming ahead, a dim rectangle of light in the darkness. With a burst of energy, he sprinted the last few metres and skidded to a stop in front of the rusted metal door.

Bent over, hands on his knees, he gasped for air, trying to calm his racing heart. He could feel sweat beading on his forehead, his back, his arms. But he didn't have time to rest. He had to keep going.

Taking a deep breath, he straightened up and reached for the door handle. It was cold and rough under his fingers, and it creaked loudly as he pulled it open. He stepped inside, the musty smell of old wood and dust filling his nostrils.

He was here. He had made it. And he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

As Shigeki took his first steps into the abandoned warehouse, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. With a deep bow and a respectful "Ojamashimasu," he entered cautiously, his senses alert for any sign of danger.

The door creaked open, revealing a world of darkness and cold. Snow began to fall outside, a reminder of the dangers that awaited him if he didn't hurry. Shigeki took a deep breath and steeled himself, knowing that he had no choice but to proceed.

The atmosphere inside was ghastly, almost suffocating. The labyrinthine stairways and corridors twisted and turned, making it hard to keep his bearings. The walls were filthy and decaying, the floor tiles shattered and misplaced. It was like a scene from a survival horror game, and Shigeki couldn't shake the feeling that he was in real danger.

"Damn, this place has seen better days," he muttered to himself, trying to steady his nerves. But the neglected hallways were littered with rubble and trash, a sign that nobody had been here for years. The adventurer felt a chill run down his spine. In a video game, he could respawn and try again, but here in the real world, he only had one life.

The long, narrow passages set off a feeling of uncertainty, followed by a tremendous unease. The shadows seemed to stalk and pry with their non-existent eyes, and every door seemed to hide a new horror. Shigeki couldn't help but regret his choices in life, especially the decision to venture into this abandoned warehouse with so little preparation.

But he had a mission to fulfil. Kaede had stood by his side during his darkest days, her encouraging words the only thing that kept him going. Without her, he would have become a NEET, trapped in a cycle of loneliness and despair. Saving her was his way of repaying her kindness and doing what was right.

As he made his way deeper into the labyrinth, Shigeki couldn't help but think about his past mistakes. But he also knew that he had to stay focused on the present, on the task at hand. With every step, he drew closer to Kaede and to his destiny.

“Did someone lose their razor cutter?” Shigeki took a glimpse at the rusty blade, it seems to be left here for quite some time.

“The handle’s a bit rusty.. But for a fighting chance, what choice do I have?”

As Shigeki held the rusty cutter in his hand, he couldn't help but wonder how long it had been abandoned in this forsaken place. Despite its age and the rust that coated its handle, he knew that this crude weapon might just be the difference between life and death in this desolate labyrinth.

With the razor cutter held out like a sword, he cautiously made his way through the halls, straining to hear any sound beyond the silence that surrounded him. His mind raced with thoughts of what dangers might be lurking in the shadows, and the weight of the cutter in his hand was a comforting reminder that he had something to defend himself with.

The voices he heard in the distance only heightened his sense of dread. He knew that he had to move quickly, but with each step he took, he felt as though he was being watched. The old building's labyrinthine layout seemed designed to confuse and disorient him at every turn, and he had no idea how much time he had left to find Kaede and save her.

Descending down the staircase towards the basement, his heart raced with anticipation. He could hear footsteps echoing through the halls, growing louder with each passing moment. Was it Kaede and her captor? He pulled out his phone and called her, using the same tactic he had used to identify her on the street.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of danger lurking behind him, and his instincts kicked in. He quickly darted to the side, evading the attack just in time. Turning around, he saw a masked man with a black motif, his face obscured by the dim lighting. Shigeki could feel the feral rage emanating from him, and his large, bear-like frame only added to his imposing presence.

As the masked man bellowed in fury, Shigeki braced himself for what would come next. He knew that he was in for the fight of his life, but he also knew that he had to save Kaede, no matter what the cost.

Overwhelmed with fear, Shigeki reminded himself,
“I must survive to save Kaede, a flesh wound is a small price to pay.”

A small gist of adrenaline filled his mind, but determination alone cannot counter the effects of stress.

The arena is set in a dim light room, on its ceiling a half working light rod that buzzes on its last breath, it's not the best but it allows you to see the opponent most of the time. Grimish grey industrial flavour, the concrete floor, all simulate a scene out of a video game. And to win, Shigeki must defeat the boss of the dungeon.

With no time to think, the man-bear lunged at Shigeki, catching him off guard. In a split second, Shigeki raised his razor cutter and extended the blade, hoping to fend off the beast.

But the man-bear was too quick and strong, swatting the cutter out of Shigeki's hand with a swipe of his paw. Shigeki watched in horror as the blade skittered across the floor, leaving him defenceless.

“Damn, I need to retrieve my blade!”

As the man-bear closed in, Shigeki tried to wrestle free, but the beast's immense strength made it nearly impossible. Pinned against the railings, Shigeki desperately searched for a way to break free.

With a sudden burst of inspiration, Shigeki swung his bag at the man-bear's head, using the distraction to slip out of its grasp. Free from the monster's grip, he quickly scanned the room for his razor cutter.

As he spotted the blade, a rush of emotions flooded Shigeki's mind. Fear, anger, and determination all mingled together, spurring him to take action. Gripping the cutter tightly, he charged towards the man-bear with all his might, determined to end the fight once and for all.

Save Kaede, that justified the reason for using this razor, only greater violence can exterminate violence, there isn’t another way where things can be solved peacefully.” Naively, he instructed himself.


Cries of a girl echoed downstairs, and the sound of footsteps grew louder.

“Kaede! Run, it's not safe!” Shigeki warned the girl as she ran up the stairs.

Kaede seemed petrified with all that was happening, but she stood in front of Shigeki and stretched out her arms to shield him from the attacker.

“Don't you dare hurt Shigeki-kun, you scum!” Her voice thundered, surprising the attacker. Kaede was normally a soft and gentle girl, but she could be tough when things got serious.


As Kaede's body fell down the stairs, Shigeki's heart was engulfed in a raging inferno. The anger inside him burned brighter than any flame, and his desire for revenge consumed him completely.

Without a second thought, he charged at the man-bear, razor cutter extended to its full length. But in his blind rage, he made a fatal mistake. The man-bear easily overpowered him, and as he teetered on the edge of the stairs, he lost his grip on both the cutter and his balance.

In one swift motion, the man-bear snatched the cutter and plunged it into Shigeki's abdomen. The blade tore through his uniform and flesh like it was nothing, piercing his innards with a sickening squelch.

Shigeki's screams of agony echoed through the halls, but there was no one to hear them except for the man-bear, who cackled with manic glee like a hyena feasting on fresh prey.

A gaping hole was punched through Shigeki’s stomach, as a stream of blood flowed down the stairs. The excruciating pain was unbearable, his uniform now soaked in blood, the white fabric received a new red recolouring fresh from the entrails of Shigeki.

“This isn't it, tell me this is not the end of everything! I haven’t failed Kaede, I haven’t failed myself.. Everything is not in vain. We will be saved!..“ Shigeki desperately outstretched his arm for Kaede for one last struggle. Unfortunately she is beyond his reach. Closing his eyes while anticipating his fall.

At last hitting his head onto the concrete floor, lying in a pool of his and Kaede’s own blood.

‘I am dying? Am I? Heh… this feels strange… It hurts! It fucking hurts! I’m so stupid! Why am I so retarded?! I should’ve-should’ve given the patience to wait for the cops! We’re both dying here now! There is no way, no way, we’ll make it out alive! Dammit! Damn it all! …. I’m… I’m sorry Kaede… I’m sorry mother… I’m sorry father…I’m sorry everyone.. I’ve failed you all…All that change I went through, it was all for me to escape this suffocating reality! All I did was escape! I did not… I… I di-...-nnnt…‘

In the end, what’s left of Tsuda Shigeki was an empty shell devoid of life, soaked in a pool of his own blood with more flowing like a fountain, lying alongside his truest of friends. 
