Chapter 0:


Greetings, Earthling. Keep the Camera Rolling.

“Keep… the camera… rolling!” a man fully clad in a bright golden space suit barked at me in between gasps.

He was running at full speed. The pauses in his speech weren't caused by being out of breath, though. That’s just the way he talks.

“Also… keep it… pointed… at the… creature!”

“That’s impossible!” I replied with exasperation as I ran beside him.

We both were running at relatively the same speeds, zig-zagging and hopping over tree roots and big rocks, and swatting large leaves that got in our way.

“Do what.. I’m paying you… to do!”

“First off, you’re not paying me!” I said as I skipped over a tree that’s fallen over. “Second of all, it’s impossible to keep filming that thing when it’s chasing us!”

“Just… point it… backwards!”

“I need both hands to run away!” I screamed as I skipped over another fallen tree.

As soon as I said that, a very loud sound of wood snapping made the two of us look behind. It was the aforementioned creature that just stepped on the first fallen tree that I had just skipped over, and broke it in half.

It was already standing at least ten meters high. I shudder at the thought of how heavy it was to snap a tree that’s around a meter and a half thick. Then again, its short stumpy legs look like it’s made of pure muscles.

However, that’s not even the scariest part of it. Its torso seems to be as wide as it is tall, and on top of that is its head, which seems to only consist of a flower-shaped mouth. On top of its petals contain countless long, pointy poles which act like its teeth. It may not have hands, but just under the petals there are probably around a dozen thick vine-like appendages that it uses to grab objects, specifically prey.

How do I know this? Well, I was grabbed by this creature with one of its vines and almost dropped me to its orifice at the center of its petals just some moments ago. I would have been its lunch if I hadn’t been rescued by my golden space suit companion.

But, obviously, I was not out of danger yet. It had given chase when its food - namely, me - was taken away.

We had run into a forest because we thought, with its size, we could lose it. Unfortunately, we did not expect it was able to skillfully navigate through the trees. Luckily, its short legs meant it couldn’t run fast, but we were not lucky enough to outrun it completely as it was still capable of matching our pace.

“Cliff!”, my golden companion shouted as he pointed forward.

The two of us then stopped at the edge of the cliff. It was the end of the forest as well as we were met with a view of the ocean and the horizon. There were no prizes in guessing that it was the sea below the cliff we were standing on.

I look back to see the creature gaining on us.

I then looked at my companion to tell him, “Jump!”

“Are you…”

I knew what he was going to say, but I unhesitatingly grabbed him without hearing the rest of it as I dragged him down from the cliff with me.

As we descended, I couldn’t help but regret uploading that video, which led me to this situation.
