Chapter 1:

My Daily Life

The Zerone: Breaking the Chain

Nothing feels better than driving a supercar late at night, with high speed while listening to banger music! I love this life. I’ve grown up a lot. I’ve everything in my life that I ever dreamt of- a large mansion named before me, tens of super cars, a good girlfriend and a great amount of respect in the whole world. *sighs* This is life baby! But wait, what’s this sound? Is someone calling me?

“Wake up, Shiba. You’re getting late for school.”

Huh? What’s this weird music! I didn’t play that.

“You lazy brat get the hell out of your bed!!”

And suddenly I fell from my bed.

“Ughh, what the hell just happened!?” I cried from my back pain.
My mind went numb for few seconds. Did I just die in the accident? Is this the afterlife?

Wait, I know this place. THIS IS MY DAMN HOME!!

“You were again dreaming about lewd stuffs? Grow up kid! Now get ready for your school.”

So it was a dream huh. I’m back to my daily life zone. I wonder if my mother didn’t wake me up, I would’ve travelled to different country just by my Ferrari! Forget about it. I should get ready for this damn school.

I brushed my teeth and got ready in 5 minutes. I was about to leave the home after my breakfast, but mom called me.

“Don’t forget to bring the report card home else you’ll be banned from playing games for a whole month!”

“Y…Yeah mom, I will bring. Afterall, I must’ve topped the class you know!”

She ignored me and went back to the kitchen. Last time, when I got fail, I used my report card to wipe off my nose since I’d cold that day and I’d forgotten my handkerchief. Afterall, who would want to see a failed report card! But my mom yelled at me, and I was prohibited on using my PC for three days! Those three days felt like three eternities.

So I reached my class and took the default bench- in the corner of the classroom where the window is the source of my survival in this environment. Today, our class was to get the report card of our quarter exams. I might not have failed this time coz I worked my ass off before the last two days of the exam day.

“Hey Shiba! What’s up mate?”

“Who’re you again?” I spoke while staring outside the window.

“It’s me dumbass. Wanna go to the park this evening?”

Oh, so this was probably my only friend in this room, Yamazaki. We are friends since we were kids. We both went to the same kindergarten, same high school and probably, will be joining the same college.

“Nah, I’ve to clear up my mission in the game! It’s the end date today or I’ll lose my bonus.” I said.

“Oh man. That’s sad to hear. Well okay then, we’ll meet in the summer vacation. See ya!”

“Yeah sure.”

He went back to his friend’s crew. I was so excited for the vacation since I’d get the free time all I wish for.

“Take your seats, you punks!”

This was our homeroom teacher. Always strict. He’s super tall and gives WWE champion vibes. Just hearing his voice made me fall from my chair.

“We’ve just received a notice from the principal that your vacation holidays be starting right after an hour. So...”

The students began shouting like hell. He couldn’t even complete his words, but looking at his reaction, I felt something horrific was going to happen.

“Shut your mouths or I’m gonna fail you all!”

All of a sudden, there was a pin drop silence in the classroom. He resumed his speech.

“So, the school will be closed for summer vacation. Today, the Principal has decided to let you people depart earlier. But since you punks will be free from now on, I’ll give some assignments and projects which you all must give to me when you comeback.”

The nightmare started. He gave us tones of assignment. I doubt if I’d be able to finish them in two months. After giving us the assignments, he left the room for some work. Chatter started in the classroom. The class got distorted. Everyone began talking about their vacation plan forgetting about the work. It was a surprise to me that several people came to me asking about my plans. Maybe it was all because of the excitement! I just told them I’ve got a part time job, so I won’t be able to enjoy much!

After a few minutes, our sensei came back with our report cards. He started distributing them by our roll numbers.

“No. 36”

It was mine turn to witness my result.

“Here” I raised my hand and then walked to his desk. Sensei stared at me for three seconds and then handed me my report card. I usually don’t care about these shits but idk why my heart was pounding. I took my result and without giving my eyes to it, I reached my seat.

Yamazaki, who was waiting for me, asked about it. Ah shit, now I’ve to tell him my result!

I saw the result. Holy fucking shit! I’ve got a whopping 89%. This wasn’t my highest score in my life, but I was pleased.

“I’ve got a fucking 89 mate! I feel so honored.” I was so proud of myself at that moment.

“That’s great bro! You did well. I’ve got 92% you know.”

“Hmm, well done!” I replied.

I wasn’t jealous. I wasn’t, really.

So after waiting for few minutes, finally the bell rang. Everyone was so excited to leave the school and enjoy their vacation right from the next moment. Well I was excited too. Now I’ll go home, and then after finishing my sleep, I’ll finally spend the rest of my day playing games and stuffs! Yeah!!

“I’m home!”

Mom was waiting for me. She came towards me and started asking about my report card. Damn she really was desperate to see my result! Anyways, I opened my bag looked around but I didn’t find it! I realized that I’m fucked up.

“What? Where is it?”

“I’m sure it was here. Dunno where did it go.”

“Again, making excuses huh?”

“I swear mom, I didn’t do anything this time. I’ve passed the exam with a whopping score of 89!”

“Okay I believe you. But I hope that you’re not lying to me. If I found out that all you said was a lie, then I’ll sell your PC”

Not the damn PC mom! But since I wasn’t lying, I just nodded and went back to my room. But I thought where exactly my report card was?
Wait, maybe I just left it in my seat drawer! Yeah I don’t remember putting it back in my bag after showing it to Yamazaki! Should I head back and get it? Forget about it, the school must have been closed. I’ll go tomorrow and get it since the teachers must be there for a couple more days. With all these thoughts, I changed my clothes, had my meals and then I slept.