Chapter 42:

The Equituum

Fragmented Blade

Darris suppressed his churning blood as he arranged himself upon the throne to look more dignified.

"Equituum," he called, "You may come in."

The doors opened, and the Four entered. Vir was leading them, with the other three standing shoulder to shoulder. They could only get through the door because of Grimlow's thin frame.

Darris scrutinized them all, especially Vir, as she glanced around the room from behind her helmet. Her eyes fixed momentarily on the portal, though the expression in her eyes did not change. Grimlow looked as gaunt as ever—Darris spared him a contemptible glance. Warrick just looked happy to be here. And Oriander…

Oh, poor sod.

Oriander's mustache drooped slightly. His orange eyes no longer burned with the same fire. Darris's heart went out to the man. Despite not officially being the Champion, he took the role seriously and served him loyally for over ten millennia. Darris regarded him as the closest thing to a friend. He'd kill him instantly if he had to. But he enjoyed his company when reading no longer satiated his hunger for interaction.

He was taking his loss hard but hid it well behind his stoicism. And second place was no joke. Oriander was still a powerful Ahngreel.

Yes, they are indeed powerful, he thought as he watched the Four take a knee to bow at his feet. He wondered if they could take him on if they fought him together. Maybe with Vir. But he had doubts.

The whole hierarchy bored him. He didn't care if the whole of Sohaud faced him, but they had all these rules that prevented that—and even more, imposed by his predecessor. It was all too strict.

Discipline was one thing, but there was no point in anything that did not build strength. All that man did was try to breed weakness within the Ahngreel. It was not worth setting limitations unless one put them on themselves. Forcing others down a particular path with expectations only fosters resentment.

To reach true strength, one had to break the shackles imposed by others. Any other way would lead to downfall, just like with his predecessor.

Darris stood, eyes fixed on Vir, whose face remained hidden behind her helmet. "I'm afraid I cannot allow you to wear that armor any longer, Vir. I'm not one for secrecy." He smiled, "We're all comrades now. So, there is no need to hide."

Vir bowed deeper. "Yes, of course, my Hidaar." With that, the armor fell from her body with a symphony of clangs. She raised her now bare hands to her helmet and lifted it from her head with a slight scrape of metal on metal. The helmet fell from her grasp with a deep, hollow thunk.

Darris was surprised at how unremarkable she was. Her face was slightly soft, perhaps with youth, perhaps not. And most of her black hair was shaved low but for a pile of silvery locks sitting atop her scalp, which fell over her forehead. It was a popular style for some Ahngreel, and black roots growing into silver was not unseen. The Rau in the air did some strange things to the body. The tips of her pointed ears were pierced with several studs. But again, nothing strange.

Despite her typical appearance, there was something about Vir that bothered him. Perhaps it was something in her eyes, green and bright as emeralds. There was an intensity there that most Ahngreel lacked.

"Rise, Vir. Tell me who you are, really."

The other Equituum remained silent and bowed as Vir stood. She was not very tall. Nor was she particularly large beneath the green gambeson she wore under the armor.

"Forgive me for the disguise," she said, "My full name is Viridia. I am a Roamer looking to prove myself in battle."

Ah, a Roamer. Not every Ahngreel stayed in Sohaud. Though Roamers had become exceedingly rarer since Darris released the restrictions laid down by his predecessor. Some left to begin their own societies—though there were no signs that any had succeeded—while others left to train against the creatures of the wilderness.

Viridia continued, "I was wandering in the wastes when I heard the rumor that the reorganizing was going to resume. I worried that some would recognize me from my time in Sohaud and prevent my entry, hence the armor. I didn't want to cause undue death, especially before a tournament."

"I see." Darris folded his arms, deep in thought. Her story may be true. It wasn't impossible that a Roamer would want to challenge the ranking. He'd fought many a Roamer in the past. But he'd never heard of a Viridia until Oriander told him her name before the tournament.

He'd let it go for now. Darris was more curious about her than fearful. She could have whatever agenda she wanted. "Very well. Now that you're the Champion Equituum, what do you plan on doing? Will you return to your wandering?"

Viridia shook her head. "No. I wish to fight you one-on-one."

Warrick and Oriander looked up with a mix of surprise and excitement. Grimlow lay down, using his pet as a pillow, and closed his eyes. A small smile traced his cracked lips. No one had been bold enough to challenge Darris one-on-one in centuries.

Darris's eyes narrowed. A typical Roamer response. An ignorant response. "And if I say no?"

Viridia blinked slowly, then smiled. "I am patient. And in no fear of losing the Champion rank. You may set the time and place if you so wish. I am in no hurry."

That response excited Darris to no end. She was not eager to prove herself like any Roamer he'd encountered. Viridia was absolutely confident in herself. He could tell from her fights that she was powerful. More powerful than the other three combined. Perhaps what he had been searching for was under his nose all along. His blood quivered once more.

No. Darris couldn't. He had what he was looking for. If he nurtured her right, Noel would prove herself to be more powerful than even Viridia. He was sure of it. It was like a fisherman using his catch to grab gradually bigger fish.

Viridia would only serve as the biggest bait before catching his real prize. So, Darris smiled. "Very well. I will challenge you. But not now. We must talk business first."

She looked at him a moment longer, then nodded and resumed her place among the other Four.

Warrick looked confused. "Business, Hidaar?"

"Indeed," said Darris, "surely you didn't think I'd reestablish the Equituum on a whim, did you?"

"Uhh," said Warrick screwing his face up in concentration.

"It seems to me," said Darris, "That you don't think about much at all."

Warrick grinned, "Nope! An Ahngreel's got no time for thinkin' when there's fightin' to do!"

Grimlow gave a croaky laugh, eyes still closed, "You must be in a never-ending fight, then. And yet you're as weak as you are. What a pitiable existence you have."

Warrick laughed, "Ya think so? I think I'm doin' just fine."

He was not wrong. You could do worse than become an Equituum. He had always liked Warrick's simple-minded approach to life. It was refreshing to have someone who didn't overthink.

Viridia rolled her eyes at the conversation and said, "You mentioned a deeper reason for reforming the Equituum."

"Indeed," said Darris. Though he had been enjoying the banter, he was happy to be back on track. "I suppose you and Warrick have not had the privilege of stepping foot into the Hidaar palace before." He observed Viridia's reaction.

"I have not." Her face was stone cold.

Warrick shook his head.

Darris pointed to his right, where the portal sat. "But you know the stories, correct? Of the portal given to the Ahngreel by a god."

Both nodded, turning to look at the white arch. Warrick was dumbstruck, and Viridia's eyes were intense.

"For too long, the Ahngreel were oppressed by that god," said Darris, "But thanks to Grimlow here, the Ahngreel are trapped no longer."

The two looked down at Grimlow, who appeared to be napping. Darris gave him a disgusted look. How he hated this man. 10,000 years imprisoned below the Zeroth was not nearly enough punishment for his crime.

"You are all Equituum. That means you have free access to the portal under certain conditions: Do not put yourself in harm's way until I say you can. So, no dangerous fights or starting wars."

Warrick clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"Next, wanton destruction is also not allowed. I don't want unnecessary attention on us." He glanced around to ensure they were all looking at him—except for Grimlow, whose eyes remained closed. "And lastly, do not, under any circumstances, go near the human called Noel Miller or her loved ones. Don't even think about harming them."

Warrick looked at him with surprise, Viridia's eyebrows furrowed, and Grimlow opened his eyes to regard him shrewdly. Only Ordiander did not react. They all remained silent as they waited for his explanation.

"She is the sole reason that I have reformed the Equituum."

"For a mere human?" For the first time, Warrick seemed offended.

Darris sneered at him. He had expected this reaction. He could tell the others were thinking similar thoughts. Even Oriander. "Oh, my dear Warrick, she is so much more than a mere human. You will understand when you meet her. And are crushed by her."

Warrick's eyebrows raised. "You're that confident, are ya?"

"Indeed, I am, Warrick. Indeed, I am."

Darris certainly had their attention now.

He continued. "And if you do exactly as I tell you, I promise you the fight of your lives."

Warrick was the only one who blatantly expressed his excitement. But Darris could tell by their aura that the other three were just as eager to begin.