Chapter 16:

Before the Storm

My Little Sister is an Akaname!

Hyakuya-san slid his arm back inside the yukata’s sleeve and sat still, signaling the end of his story.

“Still, your ability is still nothing to laugh at.” Fumi commented. “That, and the fact that you run a bathhouse… It’s no surprise that PUPA suspects you of holding illegal youkai gatherings.”

“Yet, I cannot lead a Night Parade. The youkai are a proud group; a foreigner like me will not be accepted as their leader. Such a feat is impossible for me.” Hyakuya-san spoke slowly and calmly.

“What kind of knowledge does your kind pass on to mankind, Hyakuya-san? And what do you mean, you can see visions, but not at will?” Izayoi asked.

“I do not know what kind of knowledge it is, since it has been lost for hundreds of years. As for my visions, I cannot control when I will have them, or what they will be about. However, I guarantee their accuracy.”

Izayoi went silent. Right, the man she likes is a race of ex-mythical beings. She’s being surprisingly calm this whole time, considering that.

“If that is all, then I have nothing more to add. I will excuse myself now. If you would like tea or snacks, do not hesitate to call me. They are free of charge.” He bowed and left.

My dad, Kaname-san, and Investigator Fumi sat in silence for a few seconds.

“Rock, paper, scissors, Kana-chan. The loser has to explain.” Dad finally spoke.

“That is not necessary. Let me explain, but I welcome any additional input from you.” Kaname-san shook her head. “Investigator Kawaguchi, what have you told him so far?”

Fumi repeated what she told me about how mom is trying to form a Night Parade and about how someone saw her in Ibaraki.

“We have the same information, then.” Kaname-san nodded. “To make sure that Daiya-san and Yuuya-kun understand the whole story, I will start from the beginning, about why there are rumors of a new Night Parade.”

I pushed my glasses with my clammy hand.

“A few years ago, the yukionna under their leader, Yukihimegami, tried to hold a mass resurrection ceremony. The ceremony failed, and the yukionna lost all their authority after Yukihimegami’s arrest. The remaining snow youkai managed to maintain their territory despite external threats, but they are very weak. We do not know when they will yield to other major clans.”

“And that’s the reason why some people want to hold a Night Parade?” Dad asked. “To claim the snow demon territories as their own?”

“That is one of the reasons.”

“So, that is where Kazakiri Kuuga-san comes in.” Fumi said.

“Yes. Kazakiri Kuuga is an enigma, but at least we know that she had a husband and a son. Her son may possess the same powers as her, after the awakening. The reason I married into the Kazakiri family is to keep watch over the two of you, and mitigate any damage that may incur from Yuuya-kun’s awakening.”

“Huh? My awakening?” I raised a brow.

“That’s the reason I married Kana-chan. Loneliness hastens your awakening, so I had two choices: either make sure you’re not lonely, or find a youkai whose powers can disturb your awakening.”

“Dad, I don’t understand. What the hell is an awakening?”

“Maybe it’s about time you tell us what kind of youkai Kazakiri Kuuga—no, the Kazakiri clan is.” Kaname-san said, her smile disappearing from her face.

“I don’t know the specifics. I know that she’s related to calamities. Even if I knew, I don’t want to tell you.”

“That’s not enough! He won’t return my badge if he doesn’t get answers!” Fumi pointed at me. Sorry, sis. I simply can’t let go of my leverage.

“Stop it, Investigator Kawaguchi. There are no records related to the Kazakiri clan or any folktale anywhere. Daiya-san is a regular human. It’s not surprising that he doesn’t know.”

“She said it.” Dad winked.

“Let me get this straight.” I spoke, because I felt the adults were leaving me out, even though this whole conversation is about me. “What the heck do you mean, mom is related to calamities? And does this ‘awakening’ thing have anything to do with my illness?”

Dad and Kaname-san looked at each other. After that, dad sighed and placed a hand on my shoulders.

“Kuuga’s last wish was that you could grow up happy, so I kept it from you all along.” He swallowed. “Yuu-chan, this may sound very stupid, but soon, a pair of wings will sprout from your back, and when your awakening arrives, calamities will befall those around you.”