Chapter 7:

The Vampire Skull 2.4 The City Of Dawn

Echoes of the Void

Ellie had not thought about her mother in a long time, she used to take Ellie for walks. They went deep into the green woods, picking leaves and rocks. Seeing what bugs hid under the blankets of green moss.

“Ellie, remember to look twice, there is always something hiding underneath.” She would say. They danced in the creek, pretending to be fairies of the forest, and she would tell stories while Ellie lay back looking up at the clouds. They passed by too fast. She could still hear the stories in her head, of pirates, adventurers, thieves and kings. The forest of eternity her mother called it, because no matter what time they spent there it always seemed like an eternity.

“Hey, Ellie, wake up.” She heard Skully calling her. She felt heavy, her head was buzzing frantically, and for some reason her hand hurt like hell.

“Vampire!” She exclaimed loudly as she sat up. Mr. Fitz was pouring some hot tea into a tiny floral porcelain cup.

“You are awake Miss.” He muttered as he brought the tea cup over to her. She put her feet down on the floor, still sitting on the sofa, she looked at Mr. Fitz.

“What just happened?” She asked as she accepted the tea cup, bewildered Ellie glanced around the room, checking her neck for any wounds. She found Skully next to her, and held on tight to the skull, she felt a small knot at the pit of her stomach, wondering if she should be worried.

“I must apologise.” Mr. Fitz spoke calmly while sitting down on a chair next to the sofa.

The room held some charm, being less dusty and dim compared to the rest of the manor; he had lit a few small oil lamps around the room.

He continued. “I don’t know what came over me just now, I am afraid I’m getting old and the people of this world are entirely lost on me.”

Ellie let out a small sigh as she heard him speaking so calmly.

“Are you a vampire?” She asked adamantly.

“You can’t just ask people that so bluntly.” Skully warned her.

Mr. Fitz looked straight at her, her blue eyes seemed endless as if he would be consumed by her if he stared too long. He swiftly glanced down at his tea and took a breath.

“Yes. I am a vampire. But that’s nothing new to you right?” He nodded his head at the skull. Ellie was surprised that he actually had answered so honestly.

“Oh, I have not really met any other vampires, except you and Skully.” She hesitated, did she tell him too much by mentioning Skully.

Mr. Fitz took another breath, drank a sip of his tea and stood up. He peered out through the cracks in the planks that covered the windows.

“You didn’t tell me your name.” He commented.

Ellie felt a bit embarrassed suddenly, how could she forget such a simple thing.

“I’m sorry, I am Ellie Thorne.” She pushed her walnut brown hair behind her left ear.

“What happened just now? I don’t seem to remember, did I pass out?” She asked Mr. Fitz.

He was still looking out the window while he replied. “Ah, yes, it’s my fault really, I do apologise. At least it seems like I did you no real harm.”

He turned around, walked over to her and sat down on the chair again.

“But I would like to make it up to you. Is there anything I can do?” He added with a shred of sympathy in his voice.

She didn’t have to think long. “I have a silly request, years ago I found this skull in the woods. He is a vampire and he can speak but only I can hear him.” She was confident, she needed to do this to find answers.

“What are you doing Ellie? Don’t just tell random vampires that try to bite you my story.” Skully pleaded with Ellie.

She paid him no mind and continued.

“He needs to find his body, and we think that Dawn is the place to find it, or at least find some clues… Do you know anything about a vampire who lost his head maybe?”

Mr. Fitz gazed at Skully. His body stiffened slightly, his fists clenched up for a moment, he bit his lip before he abruptly got up again.

“I am sorry Miss. I don’t know anything about such a vampire. It is true that Dawn has a lot of vampires, my master’s family being one of the prominent ones. As such I might know someone who knows something.” He stopped while gazing at Skully again.

“These people won’t give you anything for free Miss, but I can think of a way for you to get in their favour.” Mr. Fitz smiled at Ellie. Up until now his face had been quite emotionless.

Ellie smiled back. “What is the way? We really need some good information here, and as long as it holds an adventure I’m all in.” She declared with great enthusiasm.

“Ellie, don’t just say yes to things, at least think things through.” Skully warned her again, he was tired of Ellie just throwing herself in the way of danger.

Mr. Fitz went over to a small mahogany desk at the end of the room, he opened a drawer and took out a map of Dawn.

“Lately there have been some disturbances. Old vampires slumbering in their crypts suddenly turned to ashes. Mysterious markings around the sarcophagus they slept in. Maybe a young mind like yours could have a look, see what you can make of it all.” His lips quivered as he spoke, opening another drawer he pulled out some photos. Mr. Fitz put it all out at the table. Ellie got up to take a look. On the map the crypts were marked, she could see the ashes and the markings in the photos.

“I will give you all the information, and if you do find out anything, in return you will get a chance to speak to someone important.” Mr. Fitz added.

“Ok. I will do it! This is like a quest! Every hero needs a great quest.” She exclaimed, all fired up.

”Oh dear.” Skully remarked. “Is this even gonna end well, she’s too fudging naive for this.” He sighed, knowing that whatever he said wasn’t gonna change anything.

As they walked out of the manor, Mr. Fitz kept his eyes on Skully.

“I’m sorry I can’t let you find your body, old friend.” He said under his breath as he watched them leave.

“Well, that wasn’t so bad. We’ve got a quest now!” Ellie told Skully, thrilled at the turn of events.

“Don’t forget that he tried to bite you and strangle you, I don’t trust the guy.” Skully responded, he still felt a bit off from earlier. Did he really take over Ellie’s body for a little while there? He didn’t want to tell her just yet, she would just go bananas and tell him to try it again.

“You always worry too much, Skully. Why is my hand hurting so much though, did I hit something with it? “ Ellie stated while they were walking back home.

“Anyway, we are so much closer to finding your body, I’m sure of it. And I met an actual vampire! I will have so much to write down after this.” Ellie carried on and on with excitement about the things that had happened all the way back to the apartment. 

Echoes of the Void
