Chapter 3:

Chapter 3: The Locker Incident


The next day, at school.....

"Hewwoo~ Justin, Josh"



"So here's the deal"

"Xei has 7 days to guess who I like"

"Oh my gosh, you still haven't told him?"

"No, and I don't ever plan to hmmp"

"Such a child"

"Sigh, it's really not me trying to be childish"

"I just don't want to ruin our friendship"

"You are actually dumb"

"You guys are basically already a couple without the label"

"What? No we're not"

"Yeah, y'all kinda are"

"You act VERY gay"

"Yeah, but that's me"


"He doesn't see me that way"



"If he can't guess that it's himself in 7 days then, well at least I know that it's never gonna happen"

"So depressing"

"I can't believe you're just OKAY with hiding your feelings for him like.... forever"

"I'd much rather not tell him and keep him as a friend, than tell him and ruined everything"

"I don't know, Florence"

"We'll see"


"Very sus"

"Oh look! It's Alexei!!"

"Ah! Both of you shut up!!"

"Hello to you as well"

"Xei, you're late"

"By one minute, Flo"

"You know the drill, Xei"

"Since you're late, you have to clean the pool after practice"

"Are you serious?"

"You haven't even changed yet"

"Sure but I was here on time"


Alexei turns away from Florence and goes towards his locker.


"You can't just IGNORE your Captain"

"Watch me"

"Such disrespect"

"You'll always be a crying snot nosed brat to me"

"... right"

"What's up with that face?"

"I was just kidding, you know that"


"Flo, are you serious? I say this type of stuff all the time"

"I know. It's not that"

"Well, what is it?"


"Oh my GOD, I can't help if you don't tell me"

"Really it's nothing, Xei"

"Don't worry about me"

Florence winks and rushes out of the locker room. Alexei let's out an angry huff and follows him after a minute or two.

"Josh, I can't take this"

"I know right"

"It's suffocating"

"They're so stupid"


The practice is kinda tense at first, but eventually Alexei and Florence return to their normal states, the locker room incident was forgotten.
