Chapter 6:

The Journey #2

What Clichés has this World Wrought? [ Volume One: Another World ]

The quest paper was approved by another clerk, standing in place of Mary, who still continued to chat with Kaiser. Their request for the temporary formation of their party was also approved, with the written agreement only lasting two weeks.

"This world's party system is exceptional," Akiro thought as the party slowly entered the Western Paytun woods. "With a contract being drafted by law-informed clerks, party members are guaranteed rights, privileges, set wages as per their agreement, security against injustice and protection."

“Is this it?" Ayama hummed, cracking his knuckles as they entered the forest's shade. "Let's proceed with our agreed positions."

Ayama positioned him at the forefront of the group, the vanguard, his small shield at the ready at all times; Otome was in the center; Sume at her right and Akiro to her left, just a few steps behind-- forming a protective triangle.

"Honestly, this is quite an eerie forest, are you two sure that you want to cross to the west like this?" Ayama curiously asked, not breaking his view of their front. "I feel like they're going to jump out at any minute."

At his presumption, the surrounding thickets of shrubbery began to shake. Ayama just sighed, his sword almost completely drawn from its sheath. "I jinxed us, didn't I?"

Three creatures jumped at him, their green bodies blurring at the speed of their attack. Ayama fully drew his sword, his body leaning to the left, and swinging in an arc-- his entire body adding to the power of his attack-- the tip of his longsword cleanly cut the three monsters.

[ +25 Exp ] [ +25 Exp ] [ +25 Exp ] [ You have leveled up! ]

At the end of the sword's trajectory, the red blood on his blade was thrown off "Soft like butter." Ayama hummed, keeping a neutral reaction so as not to lose focus.

He adjusted his stance to the plow guard, his hands holding the sword close to his abdomen, as one on both sides ran towards him. Turning his sword horizontally to the right, Ayama stepped forward, and using the small shield strapped to his left arm, he clobbered the one on the left with the edge of his shield--

--and trusted forward his right arm, skewering the green creature straight through its head.

[ +25 Exp ] [ +25 Exp ]

"How are you two back there?" He asked, throwing the dead goblin off of his sword, and flicking the blood off his blade once again, "There may be more, so please stay alert!"

"No problem," Akiro replied quickly, "You handled them quite nicely-- we didn't even need to step in," he said, stooping down to the corpses to slice the ears off, collecting them in a pouch for the ques reward.

"Whoa! You're so strong!" Otome gasped, cheering ecstatically, as she joined in with Akiro "You killed them all in an instant!"
"Yes, your swordsmanship was indeed refined." Sume complimented, standing guard with her sword as the other two were collecting the parts for the quest's completion. "With this, we only need twenty-five more before this quest can be submitted as complete."

Akiro curiously observed the corpses, taking note of their distinct composition. The goblins they encountered were as ugly as he had imagined, maybe worse. Their heads were almost triangular, their jaws and eyes much larger than that of normal humans; and their pronounced noses and ears larger than their own hands. "Considering their larger eyes, they must have great vision, but to compensate, their brains are much smaller considering their head size. Yuck."

"Are you done?" Akiro asked Otome, offering her the bag of their spoils.
Otome nodded smiling at him as she put in the two right ears she had collected into it. "All set!"

The party ventured further into the forest, Akiro slicing against the trees as markers for them not to get lost. Ayama continued forward, confidently but cautiously, and calmly dealt with any that came directly at him with ease. Sume and Akiro were not slacking either, pulling their own weight by fending off the frequent flanks.

[ +25 Exp ] [ +25 Exp ] [ +25 Exp ] [ +25 Exp ] [ You have leveled up! ]

"This makes thirty-two." Otome counted, almost unphased by the carnage her three party members left. "After we collect their ears, we are ready to return for the quest completion!"

"Huff-- I see," Ayama huffed, slightly tired as he did much of the heavy lifting. "We should head back. We've ventured too deep into the forest-- frankly, I don't like fighting in the dark."
"I concur," Sume nodded at her leader's words, "Goblins have excellent night vision. Fighting in the dark will put us at disadvantage."

[Gunman class is now unlocked]

"It's settled then!" Otome clapped, jumping up happily as she threw her fist in the air in celebration, "To our first successful mission!"

Her bright, sun-like personality and energy were contagious, and Ayama and Sume joined in with gusto.

Sume was more strict with her wording, but that was just how she was. "To our first victory!" she said.

Ayama stabbed his sword into the ground, punching the air with his right fist. "Yeah!" He said, "C'mon, Akiro-- you should celebrate too!"

Akiro just shook his head, putting his hands on his hips exasperatedly, "I'll celebrate after we get out of this forest, you're volume is going to alert the rest of the monsters around here!" he hissed.

The three flinched, Akiro's logic making complete sense, and they scampered back to formation, their weapons at the ready. Only then did Akiro chuckle, "Seriously, what am I going to do with you guys."
"I learned many things today, mostly about goblins--" Akiro recounted, walking back into formation as the group then proceeded to follow the marks he had left beforehand, "but I guess only Ayama and I, or the other summons, can see status windows. Although I am not entirely sure, Otome and Sume are level two's like us. There is no way they would've seen the messages except for today, but they didn't show even the slightest hint of it-- therefore only we can see these windows."

[ Name: Akiro Hiroto / Age 18 / Job: Assassin / Sub Job: Gunman ]

[ Level: 2 ] [ ATK: 97 / STR: 56 / DEX: 93 / SPD: 89 / DEF: 15 / INT: 86 / MANA: 100 ]

[Gunman's Manual]

"Aside from that, I've unlocked my first skill. It's also pertaining to my second class, but because Kaiser asked us not publically proclaim ourselves as summoned heroes, I can't test it anytime soon. Bummer."

The journey back to the circular city was quick, the town stood in contrast to the rapidly darkening surroundings, its walls separating the cold and dark with light and warmth. The town was bustling with activity, bright and warm magic lamps lighting up streets, homes, and local businesses. The Adventurer's guild was no exception, clearly more boisterous than earlier morning, with many of the adventurers returning home.

"I'll reserve ourselves a table at the local tavern," Ayama pointed to the building neighboring the guild across the street, "We can use the money we earned today for our meal. Ceremonially even."
"I like the sound of that idea!" Otome agreed, "But only this once! We need the funds, remember!" She poked at Ayama.

"Did I miss something?" Akiro thought, departing from the three, "Ayama's awfully buddy-buddy with Otome. Whatever, it isn't my business anyway. Ayama's always been popular with the ladies."

"Oh! You're one of Kaiser's students, aren't you?" Mary beamed, standing quickly from the chair behind the desk.
Akiro looked at her with confusion as he submitted the paper and the bag of goblin ears, "Yes, I am one of his students. You are Mary, yes?"
"Yup! That's my kiddo!" Mary smiled, processing the items. "Only for a few hours huh? Not a bad kid. You'll be a fine adventurer if you keep at it."
"Sure." Akiro nodded as he watched her count the money they had earned.
"Well! Fifty silver, here you go." Mary hummed, pushing five stacks of ten coins into a pouch, "Take care!"

"What an interesting woman." Akiro hummed in reply, taking the money pouch before turning away, not giving her much thought. Eating the food bought with their first quest reward was a different kind of satisfaction.