Chapter 2:

An Unexpected Encounter

Fangs and Facades

The day drew to a close as the twins headed home from their after-school activities, each absorbed in their own thoughts. While Mika was enthusiastically discussing the upcoming festival, Yuna, with her characteristic thoughtful silence, found herself observing the houses they were passing by. The sleepy town of Sakura was gradually changing its colors under the gradually sinking sun, painting an idyllic picture with its charming, rustic houses and lush green fields, a stark contrast to the sense of foreboding she had been experiencing all day.

Their usual path home was a meandering trail that snaked through a narrow stretch of woods. The chirping of crickets and distant hoots of an owl added a layer of melody to the serenity of the evening. Yet as they moved deeper into the woods, the tall shadows of the trees became unnerving. Yuna clutched Mika's sleeve tighter. She felt an overwhelming sense of discomfort each time they passed by the forsaken mansion that lay along their path, its empty windows gaping like sightless eyes into the dying light of the day.

"I still can't help but get the creeps from that place," Yuna admitted, glancing apprehensively towards the ramshackle building.

In stark contrast to her sister's unease, Mika merely chuckled, her eyes sparkling with the last rays of the setting sun. "You've got to stop being such a scaredy-cat, Yuna," she replied, playfully nudging her sister's shoulder. "There's nothing to be afraid of. It's just an empty house."

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by an eerie rustling sound, causing both girls to halt in their tracks. Yuna's heart pounded in her chest as a gust of wind swept through the trees, seeming to carry with it a sinister whisper.

"Mika...," Yuna began, but her words were cut short as a menacing figure leapt from the shadows. The girls screamed as the figure lunged towards them, its glowing red eyes a horrifying beacon in the dim light. They tried to run, to escape the clutches of this unknown terror, but their efforts were in vain.

In the ensuing struggle, they felt sharp fangs sink into their necks, their screams swallowed by the uncaring darkness. They could feel their strength waning, their vision blurring as the creature continued its ruthless assault.

Just when they thought it was their end, everything went dark.

Awakening in their own beds the next morning, Mika and Yuna felt disoriented, their minds trying to decipher whether the horrifying encounter had been real or merely a terrible nightmare. No visible injuries marked their bodies, further confounding them.

"Did...did that really happen, Mika?" Yuna asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she touched her neck, half expecting to feel the lingering sting of a bite.

"I... I don't know, Yuna," Mika responded, equally baffled. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, she attempted a small smile. "Perhaps we just had a shared nightmare. You know, from all the stress of the festival preparations and schoolwork."

Their attempt to laugh off the frightful event seemed to lighten the mood slightly. With a semblance of normalcy restored, they went about their morning routine, although the horrifying memory of the previous night still lingered in their minds.

As the day progressed, the sisters tried to put the terrifying incident behind them. But the peaceful mundanity of their daily life would soon be shattered, plunging them into a reality far removed from the quiet serenity of Sakura.

While checking their lockers at school, Mika's phone buzzed with an urgent message summoning them to the student council room. There, they were met with a grim scenario, their fellow council members huddled together, whispering worriedly.

Seeing the usually lively council room steeped in anxiety sent a shiver down Mika's spine. "What's happened?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

A council member turned towards her, the pallor on her face evident even under the room's stark lighting. "There've been attacks in Sakura, Mika. People are being found drained of blood. The police are clueless."

The horrific revelation sent a wave of dread washing over Mika and Yuna. They exchanged glances, their minds connecting the dots to the encounter they had dismissed as a nightmare. Could it be possible that the terrifying creature from their 'dream' was real?

Their thoughts were interrupted by another buzz from Mika's phone. With a sinking feeling, she glanced at the message, her face losing color.

"Yuna," she choked out, her voice barely a whisper. "Our parents... there's been an accident."

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