Chapter 11:

Black Market #2

What Clichés has this World Wrought? [ Volume One: Another World ]

With each step Ayama took, his wonder and amazement of the underground increased, with the realization of how lawless this region was. Funnily enough, only the ceiling was well-lit, with the narrow, winding alleys and large bustling roads practically starving for light. The lack of visibility allowed crime and violence to grow in damp, unseen areas like mold and moss. At each and every turn, the two were met with all kinds of personalities, some quietly hostile and others salaciously loud.

A man could be seen holding another by his throat, his fist beings pummeled against the other's face. "Pay me back the money you owe!" he yelled loudly and clearly, even though Ayama did not understand.
Ayama winced as the crunch of a punch echoed.

"Wow~" A seductive voice calls, drawing Akrio and Ayama's attention as they crossed through an alley, "Care for a dance, handsome?" the prostitute said, her voice lulling and her words rolling off her tongue.

She was dressed quite scarcely, her apparel revealing more skin than it covered. "I'll have to pass," Ayama waved away, picking up on her intentions but not tempted by her attractive qualities. "I'm quite in a hurry."

"Was she your type?" Akiro teased, elbowing him in the side as they continued to the center of the underground city.
Ayama frowned at Akiro, "Nah," he hissed, "I have someone special, here in my heart." He put a fist on his chest dramatically, making Akiro huff in amusement.
"I call bullshit."
"Go fuck yourself."

They continued a little more, noticing that the shape of the city was concave and that the further they moved to the center, the lower they went. They also noticed that even with the significant lack of passersby, they were still not alone.

Akiro and Ayama stopped, their feet planted firmly on the ground and their bodies tensed into action. "Hey, how long have they been following us?" Ayama whispered.
To which Akiro replied with a shrug, "A while probably--" he scoffed, "I didn't even notice until they wanted me to notice-- Shit, I'm still too inexperienced."

"What do you suppose we do?" Ayama slightly panicked, his hands reaching his waist, his sword not there as they left it in their room, "We didn't bring any weapons with us! Should we make a break for it?"

Akiro considered his question, but a brief glance around told him that it was hopeless. Buildings covered them from left to right, the alley they were about to pass through being blocked by somebody. "They've been waiting for us to reach a dead-end." He grits, "We've been stumbling around for a while-- I guess they were waiting for this chance."

"Damn it-- we're pincered."

"Yeah, no shit."

While they rocked their heads for a plan, a loud, grave voice called out to them, "अपना क़ीमती सामान गिराओ!" He demanded from behind the two, making them turn towards him.

Akiro observed the man, his stature was clearly above average compared to the people he brought along with him as he was a head taller than they were-- His broad frame was impressive, scarily so, and it made the muscular entourage behind him look like boys.

"One, two, three--" He counted, looking across from them, noticing more above the buildings that cage them, "Five in front of us, one on either side and two behind."

Ayama squinted noticing a lady curled around the leader's side, his hand fondling her blossom, "T-that's one from earlier! She's the informant!" Ayama frowned, "She's the one that ratted us out."
"It's probably her," Akrio agreed, clicking his tongue. "She must've told her friends after she found out Ayama was not from around here-- that he was an easy target."  

"अंतिम चेतावनी!" The man yelled again, his troops drawing their weapons. The swordsmen drew their scimitars and the archers drew the string of their bows, the ones behind them drawing daggers hidden in their sleeves.

"Oh c'mon! This is overkill!" Ayama complained, unconsciously assuming a fighting stance, "Akiro! We don't have a choice! We need to fight our way out of here!" 

Akiro opened his mouth to reply, but the bandit leader signaled quicker than he could talk-- "गोली मारना!!" He yelled, the archers releasing their strings.


--so instead, he threw himself back and his legs to kick Ayama forward and away from the arrow's trajectory. 


"Open us a path!" Ayama hollered, stumbling slightly after narrowly dodging that arrow, but he proceeded forward toward the men with swords. Akiro fell on his back and rolled backward, taking the arrows from the ground, and ran towards the man blocking their path. "On it!"

The leader smirked, pointing forward with his spare hand, "आक्रमण करना!" He commanded, the four men behind him running to meet the one charging straight at them. Shaking his head, he insulted Ayama's attempt. "मूर्ख" 

"Haaaggghhh!" Ayama charged, "I'll take you all on!" he taunted, his shawl covering being undone as he ran.
"मरना!" The frontmost swordsman yelled back at him, his scimitar over his head, descending for a downward's attack; but Ayama didn't flinch or falter, the distance between his fist and the bandit's nose being mere inches.
"Compared to Kaiser-sensei's, you're sword is too slow."

"The archers are going to focus their fire on Ayama if I don't finish this quickly!" Akiro thought as he sprinted towards the man-wielding daggers, "So I need to make this quick! [Gunman's Manual]"
The rogue brandished his daggers with a reverse grip, assuming a stance that was the culmination of his experience; but he was thrown off-guard by the book that materialized out of blue light from the boy's left hand, and how he used it like a weapon.

"Good reflexes!" Akiro complimented, the silver spine of the grimoire being blocked by the dagger's broadsides, being pushed against him. Akiro bend his elbow, closing more distance, and with full use of the gathered momentum-- he kicked with his right leg."I can't summon a gun because that would take too much time, I'll just have to beat him with it!"


"Ughhh--!" The bandit gasped at the crushing pain on his family jewels, making his eyes roll back in shock and his arm lost a significant amount of strength.

With that chance, Akiro grabbed the man's collar, channeling as much strength as he could into his left arm-- sending the spine of the grimoire into the man's throat as he pulled him closer-- effectively crushing his esophagus and snapping his neck. "Eat shit."


But before the body could touch the ground, Akiro already turned his back, the pages of the book fluttering. "Summon--"

"Is that all you got!?" Ayama taunted confidently, ignoring the cuts he had sustained from the previous swordsmen as he smiled at the leader, standing amidst the brutalized remnants of his men-- all of which who collapsed lifeless after receiving only one of his punches.

He pounded against his chest, "Are you too scared to come forward yourself!?"His taunt was effective, a bulging vein could be seen from the towering man's forehead, and he angrily tossed the harlot to the ground, his arms now drawing his large sword. "तुम्हें अभी मर जाना चाहिए था!" he growled thraotily. "आप एक दर्द रहित मौत नहीं मरेंगे!"

"Ha~ah?" Ayama asked in a sarcastic, heavily exaggerated tone, "I can't understand what you're saying, ya' bastard!" he mocked, making an incredibly annoying face at the furious giant.

The leader seethed, his sword pointing to the buildings next to them, "धनुर्धारियों, आग!" he glowered.

Ayama flinched, looking up to either side of himself, where two archers lay patiently awaiting that command; but before their fingers let go of the string, a loud, unfamiliar sound interrupted their focus-- 

--along with one of the archers falling off the rooftop into a puddle of their own blood. "What was that!? A-a gunshot!?" Ayama turned to where the sound came from, seeing Akiro positioned behind a pillar, a firearm in his hand. 

"Run you idiot!" Akiro called, "I'll cover you!"


The second archer fell after he said that, and although he had questions, Ayama did not object.