Chapter 1:

Borg Encounter

Star Trek: Backtrack


Captain Hedging is at the replicator. "Chicken Soup, please." he said, and Chicken Soup was replicated. He walked in between the tables until he reached the back one. He ate while working. BOOM! "Hedging to the bridge. What's going on?" "A Borg Cube, sir! They've locked on to us with a tractor beam!" responded Lieutenant Kembers. "I'm on my way."Briefing Room"Let's address the problem at hand. How do we break free from the Borg's tractor beam?" asked the Captain. "Maybe we could send an electromagnetic pulse through the beam to disable it" suggested Ensign Wyatt. "Good Idea, anything else? No? Well then, let's get to work." replied the Captain.BRIDGE"Sending the pulse... no effect." "Damage Report!" requested Captain Hedging. "Several small hull breaches from decks 3-5." responded Lieutenant Kembers. "Send damage control teams. Try again." "No effect. Trying again. Still no effect." "Go to maximum warp! Engage!" ordered Captain Hedging. TO BE CONTINUED

Star Trek: Backtrack