Chapter 5:
From Nowhere to Sender
"So I say 'Have you spoken to him recently, course you haven't, old timer kicked the bucket almost four months ago', guy just stares as me like I'm the one that killed him."
"What was the guy's plan? Convince you that he convinced him to be put in charge of the new venue?"
"I'm not even the only shareholder of the business, my brother owns the other half of it. Go take your crap to him!"
"Fuckers probably never even been to Sumida."
"Venue could still use a few singers by the way, feel free to disseminate."
Off the top of her head Lux couldn't think of anyone that would qualify, she tossed Tristler's half carton of smokes around as she tried to recall who'd been with her during the last karaoke night a few weeks back.
With departure roughly twenty minutes away Lux, Evan and Tesra had come together to kill time. Well the other two were killing time, Lux still had one or two more crewmates to pat down before they could board. As the three socialized, Lux spotted someone she didn't recognize entering the terminal, before they were swiftly stopped by Flannery.
Running into Flannery again had been a pleasant surprise. To her understanding she'd recently entered her notice period after getting engaged. Whenever someone entered they're notice period they usually avoided field service outright or took jobs inside Upper Luridia. With Flannery's resume no one would have complained or thought any less of her. It had been the first thing she'd asked her mentor's little sister.
Apparently some higher ups in the Council of Trade and Commerce, which oversaw the LCF, requested she watch over a few convoys with sensitive regional and political implications. After hearing Cade's rundown from earlier this convoy fit the description. And while Flannery couldn't explicitly state how much, she'd been offered a considerable amount of extra pay for taking these jobs so close to her dismissal.
Lux watched as little sister set the new arrival free in favor of berating the overdue CC. Convoy Commander Heenan by the looks of it, they could do worse. Suspicious that someone so uptight would show up this close to departure. Whatever the reason he didn't look upset or show any hints of urgency as he strode through the terminal, tongue lashing from Flannery notwithstanding.
"I think well manage with those two in charge." [Evan Browder, 20, Security Division]
"Sure about that Ev, can't imagine Heenan offering sympathy or understanding to civilians hell bent on causing delays." [Tesra Eaves, 25, Engineering Division]
"That's assumes we even encounter any, you really think that they'll venture outside of the city."
"I think it's entirely possible that will happen."
All three girls shifted their attention to the source of the new voice. All three immediately tried to match a name to the face and came up empty handed. Sensing the confusion the girl offered an introduction.
"I'm Esma Villard, the communications officer for Crusader C248. This is actually my first convoy so none of will have met or seen me before." [Esma Villard, 19, Communications Division]
Esma had long brown hair parted to one side and inquisitive green eyes, she was just about taller than Lux but much more on the slender side. Despite her willingness to cut into a conversation full of people she wasn't acquainted with, she didn't seem the confident type. Her movements were swift but not graceful, almost like she was cautious of where to step. Yet her eyes told a very different story as her emerald green clashed with her own sky blue head on. When had that happened?
Evan had been the one she'd been responding to and yet their gazes had locked at some point. It didn't feel like a challenge per se, more like she was looking for the person in charge.
The other two also noticed this but chose not to draw attention to it. Instead Evan opted to carry on the impromptu conversation.
"Well Esma, what makes you so certain civilians will involve themselves?"
"I'm not certain of anything, not at this point. But I'd imagine there are those desperate enough to stop the transport by any means necessary. Assuming a raiding party takes advantage and finds a backer, their leader might try to convince civilians to ride along and act as deterrents to the use of deadly force."
"You want to talk about complicating the rules of engagement."
In the back of her mind Lux had come close to reaching a similar conclusion, with the influence of Cade that is. Those two would get along well. Enough to annoy Cade at least, ever insistent on avoiding others.
"Things have the potential to be even more troublesome if you'd like me to get into it?"
"Let's go ahead and cross that bridge if or when we get to it please." Evan replied, readjusting her rifle before stuffing her hands into the pockets of her oversized jacket.
Esma nodded and turned her attention back to Lux. "I think you're supposed to check me for contraband."
"Why? You rolling dirty?" Lux couldn't keep the smirk from her face, especially when the new girl seemed to mull her jest over.
"I don't have much to search, figured traveling light would be best."
"Heard that one before." She continued to tease. "Come on over, Evan will be keeping a close eye on you so no funny business."
As Esma walked over for her pat down,Tesra said a quick goodbye to the others. She was one of the engineers on Crusader C326, the Crusader serving as the command center for the duration of the convoy.
Esma came up clean, no surprise there. With her onboard Crusader C248's entire crew was present and accounted for. Lux flashed the waiting support staff a thumbs up before heading into the cargo bay after Evan. The staff member pulled the shutter of the cargo bay down before fastening all four heavy duty locks. Two on the bottom and one of each side.
A confirmation whistle rang out across the terminal to announce that the convoy would now depart.
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