Chapter 1:

From Home to Shot Up School

Through the Stars

"Ah!" I gasped, waking up from a nightmare. I don't remember much, but it felt really real. I removed my blankets and looked at my room. Still not unpacked, there were boxes everywhere, stacked, pushed over, ripped up, there were boxes even on the foot of my bed. "Guess I'll unpack today..." I sighed as I got up and changed into my school uniform. The uniform consisted of a white short sleeved button-up, a red tie, a gray jacket, a green skirt, green socks, and gray shoes. I left my room and had the sudden urge to jump the whole way down the stairs. "What in the actual fuck?" I said aloud. Oh shit... My mother and father hear me say a swear word like a fox hears its prey underground. "Yuii Aya Sarai! What word did you say this time?!" I heard my mother yell. I also heard her angry footsteps coming up the stairs. I'm dead. I turned around and smiled. "What are you talking about, mother? What do you mean? I never said a thing until now!" I lied. "Oh, really now?" she said skeptically. "Y-yes, I didn't say anything. Mother, please stop, you're scaring me!" I said, backing away. She started to advance with her slipper in her hand. "Are you perhaps... lying?!" she asked angrily. I ran to the side to make her think I was going over there, then I ran past her and down the stairs. "Dad! Dad, help me, please. Mom's crazy!" I said as I hid behind my father. I saw mom walking down the stairs, blood thirsty. I screamed and ran out the door. I heard her chasing me, slowly closing the space between us. I sprinted faster so I could get to the school, and safety. I could see the brick building in the distance. I inhaled, exhaled, inhaled, and exhaled. I spit on the ground and kept running. I shut my eyes and I felt gravel. Gravel... Yes! I'm in the school parking lot! I felt my backpack bouncing against me. I burst through the school doors and ran down the hall. I ran into the office and hid behind a desk. "Yuii? What are you... Oh!" the secretary said. "Hello, Mrs. Kioki, is my child here? Perhaps maybe I should check?" I heard my mother say.  "No, I haven't seen her, maybe she's in class?" I heard Mrs. Kioki say. "Oh, thank you! Have a nice day, I will be going home now~" my mom said. As soon as I heard the school doors shut, I got up from behind the desk, thanked Mrs. Kioki, and went to class. "Hello, Namedai-Sensei!" I said cheerfully as I walked through the green, wooden doors.  "Kani- Whoa, what happened to you?" she cut herself off by asking a question. "Um, my mom-" I tried to reply but as soon as I said 'my mom', Namedai-Sensei had a hold of my arms. "Tell me everything, sit down." she said while also gesturing to a desk seat.

"U-um, I accidentally swore, and my mom heard it. So, she chased me all the way here." I said simply.

"Oh, Sarai-chan... Here, take some of these." she handed me some chocolate roses. "You'll feel better soon, don't worry. Class will start in a few minutes, why don't you get to your favorite seat, hm?" Namedai-Sensei said, turning around so she could write on the board. She wrote 'Good morning, class! Today we will talk about home safety. We will also be talking about how your parents treat you when you make a minor mistake. Example: Accidentally dropping your parents' phones.' I sat in the chair beside her desk, since it was my favorite. About a minute later, students poured into the classroom as the bell rang. This dumb bitch, Niala, came up to me and slapped her hand down on the desk. "Move. Now, you useless worm." she said. I looked at her for a second and scoffed. "Ha, you think I would move for you? As if!" I laughed. Her face got red and she slapped me across the face. I looked at her, fire burning in my eyes. I grabbed her wrist and started to twist it, as if to break it. "Ow, ow! Stop!" she yelled in pain. I twisted it a bit more and heard a cracking sound. "Oops, did I break your wrist?" I asked sarcastically, grinning murderously. "Namedai-Sensei! H-help, please! Help me!" Niala said in pain tears rolling down her cheeks. "Okay, Yuii, that's enough!" I heard Namedai-Sensei's voice behind me. I felt hands grabbing my arms. I whipped my head around and my mouth hung open. That wasn't Namedai-Sensei. My mother grabbed me! Namedai-Sensei was the one talking, but my mother had a hold on me.

"Let go! Ugh! Let go of me, now!" I struggled to get free of my mother's tight grasp. "No, I will not let go of you until you calm down." she replied. I ripped my arms free and ran out of the classroom. I felt tears pricking my eyes and let them fall. I hid in the restroom, even after the bell rang. The bell didn't stop, though. The principal, Mrs. Nahema, started talking on the loudspeaker. "Code Red, please do not leave the classrooms. Code Red, I repeat. Code. Red." I started to panic. I ran out of the stall, out of the restroom, and down the hall back to class. I banged on the door a few times, and my mom let me in. After I got back into the classroom, I went back to my seat, only to find Niala there. "Niala, I think it would be best if you move." I said, warning her it was a bad idea to steal my seat. "No, Namedai-Sensei said I could sit here." she said. "Namedai-Sensei... Tell Niala to get out of my seat!" I whined. "Niala, please get out of her seat. If she wants to sit there, let her sit." I heard her say. Niala reluctantly got out of my seat, and moved to the empty seat in the back. I smiled smugly, and sat down. My mother walked towards me, stopped, turned, and stood right beside me. She started to speak, "We will line up beside the door, as the drills should have trained you." I knew, that if I didn't listen to her, when I got home she would yell at me. I stood closest to the door, holding a bat I had found in the cabinet. The door was busted open and a man in black walked in, carrying a gun. As soon as he turned towards us, I swung the bat and hit him square in the face. He staggered backwards a little bit, groaned, and looked back at me. I swung the bat again and knocked him unconscious. Namedai-Sensei and my mother stared at me, and so did the rest of the class. I dropped the bat and covered my face in embarrassment. I totally forgot they were there! Namedai-Sensei grabbed my hands and moved them from my face. She made eye contact, nodded, and hugged me. "You are so brave, Yuii." she said through my hair. I imagine she got some in her mouth. She backed away, towards my mother, and whispered something to her. My mom nodded and took her phone out of her pocket. She dialed the police and said there was a school shooter in the classroom. While that was happening, I took everything out of the shooter's pockets, grabbed some extra shoelaces from the cabinet, and tied him up. I turned around and my mother suddenly hugged me. I looked at her with an open mouth and wide eyes. I didn't know what to do since she's never hugged me before. "I love you, Yuii..."

A.N: Pronunciations) *Nah-me-die* *You-ee ah-ya sah-ry** *Nah-heem-ah* *Ny-all-la* *Key-o-key* Thanks for reading the first chapter, I'll try updating as soon as possible!

Through the Stars
