Chapter 136:

Possible Temporary Hiatus

The Children of Eris

Hi everyone - TheGrompFather here.

I don't know if you all saw my post on my Instagram yesterday, but I am going to be on holiday from tomorrow in Japan, which means this will greatly affect my upload schedule for just about everything to Honeyfeed. This past week alone, I've barely had any time to write or edit, just to get ready for this trip in between my shifts at work.

I'm going to try my absolute best to get a new chapter of The Children of Eris up at some point this week; if it doesn't go up this week, or next or the week after, I apologise but it's the first time I've been on holiday in about 6 years and I don't know how much, if any, down time I'll have to write.

I hate how often I've had to write announcements like this for the Year 2 Arc as there's so, so, SO much I have planned for it and so much I want you guys to see and look forward to. If I'm fortunate, perhaps there'll be a new chapter posted tomorrow before I fly to Japan but it's highly unlikely.

If I'm unable to write at all during my trip, then the next new chapter of The Children of Eris will drop on the 29th of May - if, however, I have the time, I shall be posting as normal. I'll update you as it goes, but thank you for taking the time to read all this and my deepest apologies for doing this to you, my wonderful readers, again.
