Chapter 28:

Coffee and Mr. Allspice

Theodora Plays to Win (With Cheat Codes)



“You want-Do”

As they passed through the market Katya was stopped by an octopus looking thing, it had blue stripes and a person’s face with closed eyes. It gave a tranquil smile as tentacles with mouths began sliding out from underneath it. They began nattering at a rapid pace.

“It’s good-Do.”

“Tried it-Do?”

“20 per dozen-Do”


It raised it’s tail high above it’s round head, revealing a giant eyes which stared menacingly down at Katya.

“I was just asking!”

It’s eye spun around in exasperation.

“Ask but do not buy-Do?”


“No collateral-Do”


“Closed shop-Do” It spat in her direction and backed away while shoving all of it’s blue pear shaped fruits in a basket. It closed it’s door with a loud clang.

Katya hadn’t even been the one to approach the creature. Opal pulled her forward.

“What was that about?”

“Don’t worry about Ritz,” Everest spoke up behind her, “he’s a harmless curmudgeon. C’mon we’re almost to Madame Ginger’s.” They began to move a little faster, excitement entering into their steps.

It was several more minutes before, and a few odd turns before they finally made it to their destination. Once at the door, Bellamy let himself in and the rest followed. The lights were dim and the place was silent. It had a completely different vibe to it than Everest and Opal’s place. It felt like they’d stepped into the old American sitcom, “I Love Lucy” it had a similar aesthetic. Everything was colorful and quaint, frills and lace appeared to be the order of the day, the place was covered in really girlish patterns and colors, she would never have guessed- actually, it fit Madame Ginger perfectly, though most men probably wouldn’t be able to put up with this level of…well, it was doubtful her boyfriend had a say in it.

As Katya looked around she noticed a counter with cakes behind glass, and what looked like a milkshake bar. There was also a coffee machine. It was completely nonsensical. These things were somehow more anachronistic than anything she’d seen up to this point, aside from Bellamy’s device.

Opal ran over to a rack filled with Coffee Pods and grabbed one, “Hey, little kids probably shouldn’t be drinking those.”

“Aww, but I always have a cup.” She looked at the pod and then to Katya, extremely conflicted.

“Do you know what that machine is?” Everest leaned in.

“No! No.” It was best, for now, to try and keep quiet about the other world. She would tell them soon, but now was not the time, it was best to side-step the topic for now.

“Hmm…” Everest stared, waiting for her to elaborate, when a large boar-headed man stomped down the stairs. That was another thing that was different from Everest’s place was this had two levels.

“I thought I heard the sound of two good-for-nothing layabouts intruding in my home once again.” He glared at Bellamy who was draped lazily across the couch. The scene gave an impression of an adult intruding on a children’s sleepover, not that Katya had ever attended a sleepover to her knowledge. A loud cry disturbed the boar’s intense glare.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Allspice, I apologize. I didn’t mean to upset you!” Opal was crying like a child, she was a child, so it wasn’t unusual but in her case it came across as her trying diffuse a situation.

Mr. Allspice was suddenly in an apologetic panic, “I didn’t mean you. Please stop.” His intimidation factor dropped like a boulder as he began shoving lollipops and cookies into Opal’s face to make amends. She accepted this as recompense and took a seat in a high chair by the counter, with a large mug of coffee and a contented smile.

Mr. Allspice, having calmed the girl down, turned back to Bellamy and Everest, who had joined him on the couch.

“You two! You can’t just barge in here and make yourselves at home. I put in so much effort to keep this place tidy and homely for my Meaty-Sweety – err, the Madame – and then you two sausages come running through and turn it into a P.I.G. sty. You hearing me!?!”

Bellamy distractedly stares at his mystery device, tapping buttons while crouching on the couch with his shoes on. When did he change positions? Why would you sit like that?

“Shoes. Off. The. Couch.” The pigman tried to grab hold of him but Bellamy sprang backwards behind the couch before he could lay a hand on him. They continued this game for another ten minutes. By the time they finished the couch was upside down with Bellamy perched on top and Mr. Allspice exhausted, huffing on the floor. Bellamy wordlessly flashed a victory sign.

It was at that moment Madame Ginger returned home.