Chapter 85:

Do Jewel Stores Have Jewels? Appearently Not

Destiny Destroyers

"You sure you're doing okay?" Ulrich asked. He couldn't really think of anything to talk to this guy about, and it's been silent for fifteen minutes. So he thought it best to strike up a conversation.

"Yeah, I've been strangled before." Andrei replied nonchalantly. "It's not really a big deal."

"Oh…that's good to know." Ulrich replied.

Before either of them knew it, they were both in front of the gem store that was on Ulrich's watch. The MaTa gem store. A deep green sign and a nice green door showing a bunch of gems placed on black satin cushions. None of them looked the same shade of red as the one on the screen.

"Think they have more in the back?" Ulrich asked.

"Well, it is hidden." Andrei agreed calmly.

Ulrich tried opening the door, but it was locked.

"Hey man, it's cool. I got this."

Andrei summoned his greaves and put a simple stamp forward on the door. It looked incredibly sloppy, with hardly any weight put into the move. And yet the crashing noises from inside the doors was incredible, to the point that anyone within three blocks could probably hear it. Ulrich looked inside, and the door was on the other end of the room. Honestly, he was surprised the place was still standing.

"What the hell?" Ulrich whispered.

"Hm? Oh, guess I still got it." Andrei replied calmly. This guy probably had the power to kill everyone here and escape himself. But considering the information that could be spilled at any moment, Ulrich thought it best to not mention that, and just focus on finding the gem. He would stick to the main area, and Andrei would check the storeroom.

Ulrich picked up all the gemstones as he went through them, wiping them with his fingers just in case they were painted over. None of them seemed to be, anyway.

"Hey, I think I found it." Andrei yelled from the door behind him.

Ulrich immediately dashed in, tripping over a box on his way. He was just in a normal storeroom, with around a dozen gems stored neatly in boxes. One of which being the same shade of crimson as the picture on the watch.

"Wait, didn't she say we needed a clear mind?" Ulrich asked, stepping back. "How clear is your mind?"

"I mean, that was probably just advice on how to find it in the first place. Like a hidden in plain sight kind of thing." Andrei replied calmly.

"Oh. Right. Obviously." Ulrich replied. "So, wanna pick it up and report it?"

"Yeah." Andrei picked the red gemstone out of its box, Ulrich looking away in case the worst happened.

Nothing so far.

"Oh. Guess you were right." Ulrich said with a wary smile. Maybe when Andrei wasn't looking, he could test the gem by…actually, he didn't know how. This whole gemstone business was Dominic's thing. So what would he do? Throw it really hard, maybe? Seemed like something Dominic would do.

"So, should I call Leonie?" Ulrich asked, hitting the numbers before Andrei could reply.

"Hellllooooo, Mr. A!" Leonie yelled out over the watch.

"Uh, hey." Andrei replied, confused. Oh thank God, she left it there.

"Anyway, A-team, what can I do for you?"

"We think we found the gem!" Andrei yelled.

"As to be expected from men of your calibre!" Did you guys pick it up?"

"Yeah, we have it in a box." Andrei replied calmly.

"Okay, I'm gonna need you to pick it up." Leonie instructed, sounding way too nurturing for it to not be suspicious.

Andrei did as he was told and picked up the gemstone, very few thoughts seeming to go through his head. All seemed normal for a second, and then the beeping started.

"Uh, it's beeping now?" Ulrich informed quickly.

"Well then, that's a booby trap!" Leonie replied merrily. "Good luck with that!" her sentence ended, as did the call.

"Andrei, drop the gem!" Ulrich yelled, running out of the store. Andrei did as instructed, following him out of the store.

Once they were out, they stood back, and saw as the explosion shattered the glass windows, one particularly big chunk flying past Ulrich's head.

"So, where next?" Andrei asked.

"I dunno." Ulrich gasped. "The...Bonfire dance halls?" Sounded good. Seemed like a place that wouldn't have to deal with any gemstone related nonsense.

"Guys, what was that?" Wendy asked.

"Some kind of explosion?" Yun-Yeong replied, her voice wavering.

"That, my dear, is the sound of a fake gemstone!" Leonie explained casually, after her voice broke its way into Wendy's watch. "Pick up a fake, and it'll explode after a few seconds!"

"Stellar." Eric mumbled; his eyes already glazed over.

"Happy hunting!" Leonie said calmly, before Yun-Yeong's watch shut off.

"So, where should we check, anyway?"

"Gem store? Or would that be too obvious?" Yun-Yeong asked.

"Well, I don't have any better ideas." Eric sighed, fixing the collar on his jacket. "That where we going?"

"That would be unneeded."

Eric looked up, and Micah, Amber, and Vanessa were standing in front of them. Vanessa looked well, so that was good.

"Ulrich blew the place up." Amber added calmly. "Saw him and Andrei leave the place just before it exploded."

"Yeah, the fake gems explode if you pick them up." Yun-Yeong replied. "That was probably it."

"Well, that's more assuring than what I expected." Micah sighed, adjusting his glasses with the back of his hand. "But on the topic of Ulrich, I feel that if any of us find the gem, voting him off would be the best course of action."

"Ulrich?" Vanessa asked, her voice bitter. "Don't need to ask me twice."

"I'm down, sure." Eric shrugged. "But why are you interested?"

"Because of this challenge." Micah replied calmly. "It's safe to assume neither you nor Amber are the person who knows about the relic, which we can assume to be otherworldly in nature."

"Otherworld-wait, what?" Eric asked. "Could just be some level five bullshit."

"With the knowledge at my disposal, I doubt it." Micah replied, shaking his head. "Something from another plane of reality is the only explanation."

"We don't even know what it does." Yun-Yeong added. "Could be some kind of performance enhancing drug or a one-time use weapon."

"Very possible, I'll admit." Micah nodded. "But remember, Ulrich claims to be from another world entirely. That alone is enough to make me think he's the mole."

"I'm convinced." Vanessa nodded.

"So, what are you hoping to do?" Eric asked. "Kick him out if one of us finds the gem?"

"Precisely." Micah nodded with a smile. "So, do we have an agreement?"

"Sounds good." Eric replied, putting his hand out. Micah replied with a limp wristed handshake, which he quickly withdrew.

"Now, the next question is where to look for the gem next. There are five locations I feel it's most likely. Club Simple, where we'll check. There's also the Richman smoke stop, Clandest Casino, Lon-Ley-Man spa, and the Bonfire Halls. I'll let you decide where to go."

"I dunno, the casino?" Eric asked, turning to the girls. "Anywhere but the spa, I'm not good with pools."

"Sounds alright?" Yun-Yeong replied.

"I don't really care." Wendy added.

"Wonderful." Micah smiled. "See you later."