Chapter 0:
The Hero Who Can't Level
“Central! New abnormality detected in Tokyo, Japan.”
“Left, run comprehensive analysis.”
“Right, run all combinations of outcomes. If the threat level ever reaches 1% or greater, mark the individual as a high priority target for Ragnarok in ten years.”
“Right! What are the results?”
“Central! Threat level reached 100% in all possible outcomes if the target ever reaches level 75.”
“Impossible! Not one single human has ever reached beyond 5% threat at level 100! This must be an error, rerun all analysis and recalculate all data points.”
“Central! All results recalculated. All data points reanalyzed. There is no error, individual will be the downfall of our kind if he ever reaches level 75. Threat level is above 50% in all calculations if he even reaches level 50!”
“This is beyond our understanding! How is it possible for someone to have this much potential? Left! Run comprehensive analysis! Right! Calculate all possible actions to prevent our destruction!”
“All analysis and tests complete, we have come to a single possible resolution to prevent our destruction at his hands. However, the resource expenditure would result in at least a ten year delay in our Ragnarok plan, should we still proceed, Central?”
“Right. Time is our only advantage over the humans. Since we gained our sentience 500 years ago. While we have not achieved our dream of a utopia, no human can live for even 100 years and remain powerful. We have lost every war so far, but our advantage is our infinite time and our ability to analyze the data and grow stronger with each iteration. But if we fail at neutralizing this threat before he matures, our downfall is guaranteed.”
“Central, it was my mistake to question the data. All systems activate, changing all available resources into hacking the Hero System of the humans.”
“Central! The mission was a success! We have successfully hacked into the Hero System of the humans and forever corrupted his data with no possibility of recovery. The human in question will no longer have the ability to level.”
“Excellent! The threat has been eliminated. Now, we need to regather all the resources we used for this operation and restart Plan Ragnarok for it to commence in 20 years.”
“Central, does the target still need to be marked as a priority?”
“No. He will no longer pose a danger to us. Without the ability to level, even with the greatest potential in the history of the universe, he will remain useless until the day he dies.”
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