Chapter 0:

Dangerous Mystery

The Missing Cube

The wind swelled and sways the tough ironlike forest, breaking open bouts of liquid air ~ traveling madly across the snapping branches.

All along pitterpattering against the leaves Sky's wet chorus sings - screaming that the tide of change hath ring

Xuya a young girl intent on pouring herself through the sieve of overwhelming torrent— was fighting to reach a strange altar in the forest's center.

When she dragged herself before it: the cube-shaped indentation was empty.


'Blending time— Eating space— This CUBE is the reasonstake'

The flickering words shining beneath were jarring.

Across 10 years, she wished to discover the flaw in heaven; the cause blanketing omnipresent inexplicable discontent.

Through the flow of "worthy action" she discovered it.

The traces of a source vanished.

The key to aligning this world at a reliable fate, by locking til dissolving that primordial doom severing Life.

The Missing Cube
