Chapter 10:

Five Minutes

My Mentor is A Jerk But I Love Him?!

Ellenore City, Outskirts, Midday

Approaching from behind, the group quickly slipped into hiding places with the girls crawling under the connected carts whereas the boys climbed into them. Enjoying a brief snack, Kaki grinned at Nashi who could only roll his eyes. Ringo and the Hooded Girl adjusted themselves under the cart and nodded to each other as they approached the gates. After holding herself up, Kiizu noticed Kien next to her with his back facing her.


"Quiet, we're almost there."

Pouting a little, she turned her head towards the city gates where she could see the city guards already halting the driver as they began their inspection. Quickly turning, she patiently waited for the guards to finish.


"No, seems clear."

Waving to the driver, the guards returned to their posts as the carts moved into the city. Feeling the tug on her collar she felt a soft breath on her neck which had her ears perk up in surprise as he neared her.

"Five Minutes."


Soon after the carts stopped as the driver and merchants began to unload Kiizu turned her head towards the girls as they all nodded and began to remove themselves. Meanwhile Nashi and Kaki had already leapt out of the carts with some snacks in hand before the merchants took notice as they began making their way towards the rendezvous point.

"Oi! Ringo, Kiizu, Hoodie! Want some snacks?!"

"Kaki! This is no time for snacks, we're on a mission!"

"Lighten up man! Call it a parting gift from our friends."

As the boys continued their banter the girls sighed in unison to this behavior but even better as they had recognized their shared response they all took a moment to laugh which caught both Kiizu and Ringo off-guard as their fellow teammate had been rather silent this whole time.

"You know, you never did tell us your name."


"It's true, I mean we're in this together aren't we?"

"...Iris." The girl calmly spoke then turning her head away as she suddenly moved faster.

"Eh?! W-Wait up!"

"Why are you running?!"

As the group made their way through the bustling crowd Kien watched them from afar already at The Church then scoffing at the sight of their budding friendships. Taking a moment to look at his hand, memories of his comrades slaughtering each other filled his mind as he scornfully looked towards a building in the distance.

'Kaia, you will be avenged.' He said in his mind.

A few minutes later...

Kiizu soared upon the roof of the building along with Ringo and Iris as Nashi and Kaki slowly found their way up.

"This sucks!" Kaki groaned finally grasping the ledge.

"Oh, stuff it, we're almost there." Nashi snapped back also grabbing a ledge.

As they climbed up, they noticed that they had a decent view of their comrades to which they looked at each other briefly with a light grin then standing up clasping their hands with satisfaction on their faces.

"Good, you're here."

Appearing before them, Kien stood firmly as he immediately motioned towards a building in the distance. It was a rather quaint and respectable sight to behold as a light wall separated itself from other properties in the area. What surprised them more is that the area this building was set in was in the wealthier quarters of the city.

"Our objective, like I mentioned before is to eliminate the target Len Drago, tonight will be his demise."

Kien kneeled then taking out a scroll of parchment as the group also kneeled around the document which shortly glowed lightly displaying what looked like the building they had just looked at.

"Accord to our intel, Len's due for a brief respite back home with his family. While our objective is to simply remove him from power the option to also silence his bloodline is also something to consider."

"Ki- " Kiizu attempted to speak as she was soon cut off.

"Of course, I leave that to you to decide."

Tracing a line from the rear into the home on the simulated model it glowed softly as they soon realized the soft glows created were in fact the target areas in the home.

"We will enter here and then separate to our posts. Kiizu, you are with me. Nashi and Kaki will watch the foyer while Ringo and Iris will take care of the West Wing where his family will be. Understood?"

"Understood!" They said in unison though Ringo furrowed her brow at this decision.

"For now, take this time to understand the city. We will rendezvous near the objective later tonight; I expect you to be well rested and prepared then. Move out."

"Yessir!" They replied in unison as they all scattered leaving Kiizu alone with Kien.

Sighing with relief, Kien walked towards the wall and laid against it. Puzzled, Kiizu also rested beside him.

"Why are you still here?"

Already bitter, Kien questioned Kiizu to which she puffed her cheeks and began pointing at him as her ears and tail perked up in frustration to his attitude.

"We're teammates now aren't we?!"


"Don't you TCH me! Grrr!"

Suddenly she felt a light pat on her head as her mood changed from anger to surprise as she soon saw something, she has never seen this whole time.

"Just like a feline."


A genuine smile was on his face, she could not even speak as if processing this moment was hard enough as it was moments soon passed with him rubbing her head. Shortly after, he brought himself up as she was still left fazed by what had just happened.

"Hmph, let's get moving then."


Flushing red, Kiizu was still processing what happened but was soon tugged on her cheek by his soft glove as his face neared hers as if looking into her soul, she waited for what was to happen. Of course, much to her surprise, he simply tugged on her cheek.





Taking their leave, Kiizu followed after Kien off the church building as the glaring sun beat down upon them soon after the clouds had parted.