Chapter 12:

Status Quo

There's a Reason I Don't Want To Know Who's Behind the VTuber

My work consists of the mundane tasks one in IT might find themselves in. Which is unfortunate for me seeing as I’m not trained nor qualified for such a position. I’m just a guy who works retail in an electronics store who happens to have an interest in such a subject.

It’s also not like I can expect Sena to be of great use for me. All I can assign for her is just to lug out the many wires and servers I have to pull out that have been damaged as a result of this fire. After that comes the connection of good wires, where I take due diligence in ensuring it’s all properly seated. I’d hate for them to suffer from another fire due to faulty wiring. Not that I care about them, but we all know they’re calling me to work for them again if that happens.

“Thanks again, Sena.” I say once it’s time to grab those new server racks. “You certainly were there for me.” I wish she could’ve been more helpful without requiring me to point out where each cable went. We would’ve been done much sooner with two pair of hands handling that task.

“Glad I could help.” She doesn’t even pick up at all on my sarcasm. Or maybe she chose to ignore it seeing as we’re in a professional setting. Honestly, I should be taking this more seriously, but something about having her besides me causes me to be more loose than usual. “Now, let’s take out the trash and you can install those servers for us.”

“Got it.” We grab the boxes I’ve filled to the brim with burnt pieces and head out to take care of the trash first. As we walk along the halls, I can’t help but get this feeling that I’m being watched.

And it’s not like I’m being hunted by a stalker, but it’s like this entire office has their gaze fixated on me as I walk past. As if there’s something wrong with me. “There’s nothing on my face, is there?” I ask Sena to break out of the awkward silence, more than anything.

“You look good to me.” She answers, not appearing to notice anything up. “What makes you ask that?”

“It’s just that… Well, I think everyone here to looking at me funny.” I hope she doesn’t take offense to that statement seeing as they’re her coworkers after all. “I feel like they don’t like me.”

“It’s probably because you’re making me do some heavy lifting.” She says casually, as if she had already expected such a reaction from the others. “They must not be used to seeing me do that, seeing as I’m one of their managers.”

“You’re a manager?” This woman never fails to surprise me with every facet of her being. This entire time, I assumed she was simply just some average officer worker who had a dead end job. There’s nothing about the way she acts that would make me think she has a leadership position.

“Guess I haven’t mentioned that.” She nervously laughs as we get into the elevator. Even though she might mean in person, which is true, I know she also means in her vtuber persona. As someone who’s watched a lot of her online content, I’m pretty sure she’s never mentioned what she worked as to the viewers. So I’m certain the majority of the audience assume that streaming is her full time job. I know I was in that boat until recently.

However, the looks on her subordinates didn’t look like people surprised to see her doing some manual labor. First off, because I could tell it was aimed at me, not her. The other thing is that had a look as if they disliked me for some reason. I can’t help but wonder if they think I was disrespecting her in some way and that she somehow had no choice but to listen to me.

Even though she doesn’t act it, I realize her opinion is greatly valued at this company. They didn’t just ask for me to work here just because she mentioned me, it’s because it came from someone like her that they could trust an outsider like me. Of course, not everyone agrees with that, as I could see in the hallway.

Finally we make it outside and take out the trash. Normally I’d say to keep it for the sake of recycling, but I think it’s far too late for any of that. At least I can install the new servers and be done without complaint soon. “Phew, that was heavy.” Says Sena as she stretches out her back.

“I can handle the rest without you.” I tell her that she can take a break and let me go without wasting her time. Now that I know the truth, I realize that I’ve been taking her away from important tasks. Likely another reason for the animosity coming from the office space.

“Are you sure?” She’s resistant to the idea, but I have to be firm this time. It’s about time I realize the differences between people like her and me when it comes to the professional world.

“Yes.” I speak with a stern voice. “Look, I’m fine and almost done anyway. Besides, you don’t know a thing about this, so leave this to the professionals.” For a moment there, I viewed myself as a cool guy. Too bad it’s just for some work I’m barely qualified for.

After this, we separate to take care of business as quickly and efficiently as possible. There’s no reason for me to spend all day here. This isn’t my workplace after all.

And it turns out that Sena had been slowing me down all day too. I carry up the box to the server room and have it all set up in less than an hour. Seeing as I’ve been here for several hours just cleaning up, it sounds like I’ve spent more time as a janitor than a technician here today.

I should tell her the news so she can report this and I can leave. As I roam the hallway looking around for her, I can’t help but hear some people talking around some water cooler. It’s cliché, but it’s also where I see her standing too.

So for some reason, I lose my nerve upon seeing her not alone and hold off from announcing my presence. After getting those stares earlier, her coworkers are not people I want to be talking with. Even though it’s not like any of them would harm me or anything.

“How did you find a guy like that?” One of them asks her, which pique my interest and only serves to have me continue to hide out and eavesdrop on them. I should be above these types of actions, but I just can’t help but satisfy my curiosity.

“The store he works at is close to where I live.” She answers in a tone I’ve heard her speak in when seeing her at this office for the first time. So this is how she address those during work and it’s nothing like the woman I’ve grown accustomed to. If I didn’t know any better, then I’d say this is merely a doppelganger of hers. “I’ve gotten a lot of help from him, so I know about his skills.”

I can’t believe she was so embarrassed about me knowing she’s mentioned me during work. If this is what she sounds like, then it’s about as cold and distant as I could imagine one could talk about someone.

“Can’t believe the nerve of that guy.” Another one says as they take a sip of water during this bit of gossip. “Having you do all that work. Doesn’t he know who you are?” I’m not a fan of that tone. It’s not so much about them viewing her highly due to her position, but that disgust is as if I’m too lowly to even be considered on their level.

“Yeah, where does he get off acting so familiar to you?” The first one says with a laugh. “He barely knows you, but it’s like the two of you are friends or something.”

“He is an acquaintance after all.” She responds in that same calm manner. I wish she’d stand up for me and call me a friend. Who knows, maybe that’s what she means when she said what she did in this context. Yet it kind of hurts hearing her in this act. I can’t even call this woman Sena. I can’t listen to this conversation anymore.

“Hello.” I speak in my most professional voice, removing any sense of emotion running through my heart. “I’ve completed my task.”

“Good job.” For a moment, I see a glimpse of that old Sena as she lights up upon seeing my face. But only for a fleeting moment as she quickly regains her composure and continues speaking in her office style. “I’ll let my superiors know about this. You’re free to go now.”

“Thank you.” I bow down to her, properly treating this woman the way I should’ve in the first place.

As a superior, not a friend. 

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