Chapter 3:

Castle of doom

Hello Future Me!

That's how it was and so we all made our way to "enjoy" our "date" only I couldn't enjoy a dang thing Toshimeto kept my hand in his while Takeshi watched in horror boy please im in more horror than you.

Toshimeto:sasuki is something wrong 
Sasuki(the only thing wrong here is you)
Takeshi:she hates you holding her hand like that
Toshimeto:your so nice but I dont remember asking you
Sasuki:um I need to go to the bathroom
Toshimeto:no your not
Sasuki:what but I have to go
Toshimeto:well that's too bad what if you don't find your way back this is a amusement park
Sasuki:what are you my dad I have to go
Toshimeto;huh? it can't be helped can it If that's the case im going with y-
Sasuki:what am I four you say your protecting but i think it's your excuse to unleash your inner pervert
Toshimeto:me a pervert fine go but if you don't come back soon I will report you missing
Sasuki:yes DAD!
Takeshi:think she will be okay
Toshimeto:(damn i should have never let her out of my sight I swear if Makege does anything to her I will)
Sasuki:(sigh) (boys are so protective)
???:my my my what a gorgeous young lady it's not everyday we see some what's wong?
Sasuki:wha who are you?
???:the names Makege how do you do what's your name
Sasuki:my name is sasuki nice to meet you but I have to go back
Makege:what do you mean 
Sasuki:I have a brother and friend waiting for me sorry goodbye
Makege:bye too bad I needed your help really bad
Sasuki:what's wrong
Makege:this maze house is called the castle of doom my sister is stuck in there she can't solve the mysteries to get out and im scared to go in can you go in for me
Sasuki:im sorry but I can't
Makege:its ok i'll report her missing my poor little sis my parents are going to beat me up 
sasuki:ok im sorry
Makege:(damn this girl is hard to get) you won't come to me then i'll just take you instead 

Makege grabbed my arms as I looked in his eyes I felt tired I fell asleep that's all i can remember but what's going on my body felt really weak im sorry Toshimeto.

Takeshi:what what's wrong 
Toshimeto:stay here and wait for her nature calls 
Takeshi:(what a jerk) 
Toshimeto:(this is what I feared would happen and now it happened ) castle of doom ehe here I come
Makege:wow you actually came I never thought you would WELCOME TO CASTLE OF DOOM
Toshimeto:castle of doom my dead body where is she?
Toshimeto:don't play dumb with me or you will die where is Sasuki
Mkege:oh her I don't know where is she 
Toshimeto:I don't have time for your stupid games where is she Makege 
Makege:this is your fault stupid Time spirit for bringing a human to her future what if she goes back and blabs to the world what you did 
Toshimeto:if had enough of you Time spirit transform (VOSH)
Toshimeto:I will find her myself
Makage:oh good luck trying 
???:help Toshimeto help me 
Toshimeto:sasuki is that you
???:no it's me your lovely bride Long time no see Toshi
Toshimeto:Susan what are you doing here?

Authors Note:hey guys im not the best writer but I am one with big dreams I would love it you would read my book I put out the first three chapter see you in future four pardon me I mean  chapter four.