Chapter 1:
Murder of Hornets.
A wish? what exactly was a wish? something I desired? something that only the mind could conjure pleasant nothings about? something unattainable? a goal? I never really thought about what I wanted out of life...what I wanted to achieve. all I had known in my old life was working hoping I could get to age 60 without my heart giving out from stress.
The words that God had spoke--the end of our meeting. the declaration echoed like war drums in my mind.
"Any wish you desire can be yours. all I ask is that you use my gift to save others from the fate you suffered"
yes...that is my wish. wipe out any trace of despair. the revelation dawned, cheeks pulled back. a Cheshire's grin washed over my face. the laughter returned once more and all the memories of my inaugural battlefield came with them. spurred by my chuckles the king stiffened, muttering a great many things under his breath, things perhaps I wasn't intended to hear; perhaps in his mind: I was unconscious, my mind rattled by the things I witnessed upon that battlefield.
but why would someone willingly go out of their way to help me? why risk one's life to save one? such kindness.
"God if you can hear me, I wish. O' I wish to have the power to save these people from the grips of despair" the prayer, my wish echoed from deep within my being.
I had a very specific idea of what a castle is supposed to look like; especially in my old life--surrounded by history every which way, the idea of what a castle--a kingdom was supposed to look like was something that constantly lingered in the back of my mind.
yet the kingdom of 'Kaiz' as it was called seemed: dead. as if a botanist colony was left out in the sun and abandoned for several centuries. the entire premises seemed as though nature had taken it back, colonizing the colonized and somehow dying partway through their grand campaign. The king, and all his men stopped. a small celebration broke out amongst the ranks, they had made it home: safe and sound. The King set about barking his orders making sure that my 'wounds' be taken care of. once again I was wrestled by several soldiers, dragged me away before I could even process.
the decaying overgrowth from the outside of the castle seemed to inch its way inside the castle's interior. a time capsule of a war eons old, I simply walked through it like it meant nothing whatsoever. all at the behest of the soldiers who carried me. laid down, eyes glued to the ceiling...I was alive, and whoever my new rescuers were certainly wished to keep it that way.
the overgrown walls of the castle soon gave way to a much more sparce infirmary. there I saw a man: slouching his eyes seeming glued to a novel in his hands. his eyes shifted, line by line--suddenly his eyes darted to the side.
"Doctor!" one of the soldiers called.
"Farid sir" called another squealed. the doctor now Identified as Farid stood up. the man had a face that seemed to grow with exhaustion with each passing second. he blinked a couple times and pointed.
"Whatcha got there?" he asked. He sighed, rubbing his temple. it seemed he knew the answer before it could even be spoken. "Leonidas...that fool" he murmured. "Leave 'Im...I'll 'ave 'im right as rain" the medic tapped his chin a couple times, parsing his thoughts and wondering what exactly he wanted to ask. He nodded and outstretched a hand. "W'at's 'is breath?"
no reply.
Farid stiffened, the silence itself was far more deafening than a single sonic boom; the man sighed, covering his mouth once more he knelt.
"Just awakened 'ave ya?" Farid shuffled making his way closer to the bed. it wasn't a simple walk to, more of pushing his way through the congregation of slack jawed soldiers. "well then w'ats ya breath?" the medic posited to all the gathered. "we can't be too sure! could 'ave been from Olympius. Could be one of those 'burning' goons!!!" the medic spoke, his brow knitting, pushing around his tongue it writhed from underneath his mouth. raising a hand and smacking his lips; all of everyone in attendance seemed to fall in line with a stunned silence. Farid cocked his brows, rubbing the back of his neck the man jostled where he stood. "right...none of ya bothered...examining 'im 'fore 'e got 'ere?" There was no reply just more worried glances exchanged round the room. the solider however had other ideas, from all the gathered it was as if the veins in his head began to bulge out of his skin, if you stood just a little too close you could hear his teeth grinding against one another. "This son of a bitch could be a cursed of arcana!" the solider pointed fingers and glares at the congregated mass of stirring soldiers. "Could be next of kin of Meggido. But we will never know"
"Farid sir, we--" The soldiers mewed.
"Leonidas is an old good hearted fool. let...lets at least work towards not 'aving that kindness bite 'im in the ass; its our job as his majesty's royal guard" Farid rubbed his eyes a couple times, a long sigh rolled out of his mouth. "just. leave 'im. I hope this doesn't bite us in the ass"
To Be Continued!
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