Chapter 1:

Birth of the Crux

Particles of Paradise

   Urban legends, those whispered tales that spread like wildfire, capturing the imaginations of countless individuals. They are as abundant as the grains of sand in a vast desert, weaving tales of terror and wonder. From the infamous Slit Mouthed Woman to tales of extraterrestrials, monsters, ghosts, and the supernatural, each state boasts its own legend that has haunted residents for generations. These myths have fueled a multitude of chilling literature and films, captivating audiences with their spine-tingling allure. Yet, beneath their captivating façade, urban legends are often nothing more than fanciful tales, woven by human fear of the unknown. As knowledge advances, these legends retreat into the shadows, losing their grip on our collective consciousness.

But what many may not realize is that amid the sea of myths and legends, some hold a kernel of truth. Yes, hidden among the countless fabrications lies a select few legends that defy explanation. One such legend is whispered earnestly across the vast expanse of the internet—a tale of a place known as "Avalon." This surreal rumor suggests the existence of a realm populated solely by chosen individuals, a place where knowledge flows freely, where one can shape their destiny, and where the boundaries of learning know no limits. They speak of a place where every particle shimmers with its own unique beauty, where the very atmosphere exudes a captivating charm, and where freedom reigns supreme. It is said to be a world so wondrous and perplexing that one could mistake it for a dream—a place that challenges the very fabric of reality.

As you read these accounts from various individuals, a vivid image may begin to form in your mind—a utopian society, perhaps even a glimpse of heaven itself. But the truth, as it often does, diverges from our preconceived notions. In reality, this purported place is none other than a school—a notion that may elicit disdain or apathy in many. It is believed to exist in a realm adjacent to our own, accessible only to a chosen few. You may find yourself incredulous, exclaiming, "No way!" Rest assured, such disbelief is commonplace. How could such a place exist, hidden from the prying eyes of the world? How is it that no one has stumbled upon its remarkable presence? These questions, and more, swirl within the collective consciousness, fueling the birth of ever more extraordinary rumors.

Some claim this enigmatic place is associated with the elusive Illuminati, while others believe it is under the control of a clandestine government conducting secretive experiments. Speculation abounds, giving rise to a new urban legend that slowly takes root within the fertile soil of human imagination.

And so, the cycle of urban legends continues, perpetuated by our insatiable thirst for the extraordinary and the unexplained. While some remain mere figments of our collective fancy, others blur the line between myth and reality, leaving us to ponder the hidden mysteries that lie just beyond the veil of our everyday lives.

But now enough talking about this “Avalon” place.

It’s time for the story to commence.


“Man... what a boring day it was, there's nothing special about this school. I wonder why everyone wants to get their kids in here. The only thing I found fun in was basketball, but now I can’t play that too, duh…”

It was 3:00 PM, and a young man walked down the road in his school uniform. The expression on his face was far from pleasant, reflecting the turmoil that had engulfed his once blissful existence. In the blink of an eye, his life had transformed from a delightful dream into an unfathomable nightmare.

The young man stepped wearily into his modest single-room apartment. Without a second thought, he flung his school bag into a neglected corner, where a collection of posters adorned the walls, serving as mere camouflage for the underlying cracks. Despite the wear and tear, the room maintained a semblance of cleanliness, a testament to the young man's diligent efforts.

A table occupied the center of the room, its surface housing a laptop adorned with various peripherals. One screen displayed the open interface of Dickzcord, while the other showcased a web browser with multiple tabs vying for attention. A dustbin nestled in a corner, its contents revealing the remnants of consumed food wrappers. Nearby, a chair groaned under the weight of a haphazard stack of clothes. Across the table, a mattress beckoned, offering respite from the weariness that plagued its owner.

With a sigh of exhaustion, Yuki changed out of his school attire and sank onto the mattress, as if the weight of the day demanded an immediate reprieve. Fatigue etched into his features, he absentmindedly reached for his phone, scrolling through social media applications without a genuine interest in finding solace. After some time, he mustered the energy to consume a hastily procured packaged meal, fueling his body for the hours ahead.

Respite, however, remained elusive as he surrendered himself to the digital realm, engrossed in the virtual landscapes of his gaming escapades. Midnight approached unnoticed, and with the toll of countless battles fought within the pixelated realm, Yuki succumbed once again to the welcoming embrace of the mattress, the looming specter of unfinished homework temporarily forgotten.

“Hey! Will you stop talking shit about me? I’m the protagonist.”

No… You’re “a” protagonist…

Tachibana Yuki, his name embodying the kanji for "happiness," stood at a height of 176 centimeters, a figure cloaked in introversion and immersed in the virtual world. His raven-black hair framed a countenance that concealed a kind yet sharp voice, an emblem of his identity. Clad in orange, his shirt bore the simple yet profound word "人間" (humans) as a constant reminder of his place in the world.

In this humble abode, amidst the flickering glow of monitors, Tachibana Yuki navigated the complexities of adolescence, seeking solace and connection within the confines of his modest sanctuary.

✳ ✳ ✳

28th July

The clock struck 6:00 AM on a Wednesday morning, piercing through the serene silence of Yuki's room. The shrill sound of the alarm jolted him awake from his slumber. Rubbing his drowsy eyes, he swung his legs out of bed and embarked on his morning routine.

With a toothbrush in hand, he vigorously brushed away the remnants of sleep while the aroma of tea wafted through the air. Yuki prepared a warm cup of tea, savoring its soothing embrace before embarking on the day ahead.

Nothing new he thought.


“Goooood Mooorninggg”

"Good morning, everyone!" greeted our teacher with a hint of cheerfulness as we entered the classroom and took our seats. The familiar routine of settling in for the day began.

"Please be seated," Miss Nakamura instructed, her voice commanding attention.

Before she could proceed with the day's lesson, she paused to make an important announcement.

"I have an exciting update for you all," she declared. "Starting today, we have a new student joining our class. Please come in and introduce yourself."

The classroom door swung open, revealing a girl with short brown hair and eyes that shimmered with anticipation. She radiated a vibrant energy as she addressed the class.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Sasaki Naomi," she introduced herself with a warm smile. "I'm thrilled to be joining you all, and I'm looking forward to making new friends and having a great time together."

Applause filled the room as we welcomed Naomi into our class. Miss Nakamura directed her to sit beside Harada Daisuke, who would assist her in acclimating to our school and getting to know her classmates.

Yuki's eyes briefly met Naomi's, and for a fleeting moment, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of admiration. Yet, his self-doubt quickly overshadowed any chance of pursuing a connection.

She looks cute, but she is far out of my league. Boring dudes like me can only have our pillows cuddling us. Better to keep my fantasies confined to the realms of fiction. I'll just continue with the class. Let's see what they are teaching today.

“So continuing with the class, today we are going to learn about Greek Mythology.”

Oh... looks like I’ll just complete my sleep... I’ve played King of War so many times that I know about Greek Mythology more than the teacher... haha…

The teacher continued teaching and Yuki showed no interest in the lecture and just completed his dear sleep…

Or so he thought, despite his attempts to fall asleep even after being so tired, he just couldn’t, there was this ominous feeling surrounding him, as if someone’s gazing at him…


As the school bell chimed, signaling the start of the lunch break, Yuki jolted awake, realizing he had slept through three consecutive classes.

Three classes? How did I manage that? he muttered to himself, somewhat surprised at his own ability to sleep through the morning.

Feeling the pangs of hunger, Yuki decided to head to the school canteen for a quick meal. He purchased the most affordable food option and settled into a secluded corner, engrossed in his novel titled "Ways to Survive" that had caught his interest during one of his random online browsing sessions.

Lost in the world of words, Yuki was interrupted by a familiar voice that broke through the pages of his book. He looked up to find Naomi, the new transfer student, standing before him.

"Hello, are you eating alone?" she asked with a friendly smile.

Yuki, caught off guard, replied, "Yes, why?"

Naomi seemed undeterred by his response. "I thought I could join you. Mind if I sit here?"

Yuki hesitated for a moment before saying, "I don't mind, but I suggest you not."

Curiosity shining in her eyes, Naomi disregarded his suggestion and took a seat anyway. "I'm not looking for amusement, but you've piqued my curiosity."

Yuki sighed, averting his gaze back to his book. "I'm the epitome of introversion. I won't be enough to entertain you."

Naomi, undeterred, responded, "Oh my, that wasn't the kind of response I expected. I'm not here for amusement. Now you have my curiosity."

Yuki raised an eyebrow, slightly intrigued. "...So... I think I made a wrong assumption. Care to explain?"

Confused by his question, Naomi asked, "Huh? What do you mean by explain? And look at me, not that book!"

Letting out another sigh, Yuki clarified, "I meant, why are you so interested in me? There are other interesting characters in our class."

Naomi chuckled. "Oh, yes, there are, but none of them have managed to sleep through three classes straight, hehe."

Realizing her observation, Yuki retorted, "I see. So you're one of those observant ones."

Naomi grinned playfully. "No, I'm not."

She's cute, but she's also strange. Dealing with odd people isn't my cup of tea. I'd rather not engage with them, Yuki thought to himself.

"Hey, stay here. I'll refill my water and come back. Don't move," Yuki said suddenly.

"Oh my, you look progressive, I'll wait for you here."

And Yuki lied. He ran off not to fill water but to get rid of her. 一Tsk, what a weirdo, I clearly don’t want to interact with these people, I'll just go on the terrace and read my novel…


On the terrace of a three-story school, sat Yuki, a sixteen-year-old boy who preferred solitude. With a book in hand, he sought solace and tranquility, finding refuge in the world of literature. Yuki was introspective by nature, capable of engaging in conversations when necessary, but he often chose to abstain from them, considering them a futile expenditure of time and energy. He found little value in casual interactions, perceiving them as lacking substance or meaningful connections.

His love for books was profound, and he had delved into countless literary adventures, primarily through the vast expanse of the internet. With limited financial resources, physical books were a luxury, so he resorted to reading pirated copies online. The internet became his sanctuary, a realm where he could escape from the burdens of reality. However, Yuki understood that no matter how far he ventured into the digital realm, reality would always find a way to catch up with him. The boundary between escapism and reality was never truly impermeable.

The sound of the school bell signaled the end of recess, prompting Yuki to return to his classroom and take his seat at the back. As he glanced around, his eyes met Naomi's, but her expression was far from pleasant. Understandably so, as she had been stood up. Classes resumed, and once the final bell rang, students dispersed and headed home. Yuki was no exception, but he soon found himself being chased by Naomi.


Silent and determined, Yuki tried his best to ignore her persistent cries.


She caught up with him and began shouting into his ears, but Yuki remained steadfast in his determination to tune her out.


"What are you even talking about? We never even started anything to begin with. Now, please, just leave me alone."

"HMPH! I'll let you go this time because I have things to do, but I'll see you tomorrow. Don't you dare forget!"

"It's not wise to torment your fellow classmates in a school you just transferred to... And as for tomorrow, don't waste your time trying to find me."

"Yeah, yeah, we'll see about that. Bye for now! See you tomorrow!"

"...Bye... hopefully never again..."

Yuki returned home, changed into more comfortable clothes, and resumed reading his novel. After some time, he decided to take a short break and indulge in a game of Counter Attack: Condition Worse. However, even after playing for a while, he couldn't fully immerse himself in the game. He quit and sat in his chair, staring into the void for a moment. Eventually, he opened an old video of himself playing basketball in high school tournaments, reminiscing about the past.

✳ ✳ ✳

29th July

It’s 6 o'clock on a Thursday morning and the alarm goes off. Yuki repeats his daily activities and goes off to school.

On his way to school, to his bad luck, he ran into Naomi一

“Heyyyyy! I have something interesting to show you today, meet me during break time.”

“Huh? Didn’t I tell you yesterday to not torture your classmates at the school you just transferred to… I don’t want to see anything… I won’t com一”

“You WILL come, it’s really important and interesting hehe.”

Yuki couldn't help but wonder what Naomi was up to this time. Ever since she joined the school, she had been a constant source of annoyance for me. It was as if she had taken a peculiar interest in me, always finding ways to pester me or involve me in her schemes. Now, she claimed to have something interesting to show me during break time. What could it be? What was so important that she had to drag me into it?

These thoughts raced through Yuki's mind as he observed Naomi's cheerful but mischievous smile. He couldn't deny a sense of curiosity building within him, despite his initial resistance. Perhaps there was more to Naomi than met the eye. Maybe, just maybe, she had stumbled upon something genuinely intriguing. The allure of the unknown and the possibility of a unique experience compelled him to give her the benefit of the doubt, at least for now.

"....fine... I'll come," Yuki reluctantly agreed.

"HUH!? Did you just agree with what I said? Am I hearing right?" Naomi was taken aback.

"I take that back," Yuki quickly retracted his agreement.

"NONONO! DON'T! You are coming," Naomi insisted once again.

", okay," Yuki sighed, giving in to her persistence.

"...," there was a brief silence between them.

“Okay! See you soon”

“...,” Yuki remained silent, staring at Naomi's retreating figure as she left. He then proceeded to his class, contemplating the upcoming encounter. Despite having had enough sleep the previous night, he found himself disinterested in sleeping or paying attention in class. Instead, he spent the entire period gazing out of the window, lost in his own thoughts and perhaps even contemplating life's deeper questions.

As the break time approached, Yuki made his way to Naomi's desk, finding the classroom empty. Soon enough, she entered the class with a bright but rather concerning smile, concerning for Yuki that is一

With a mixture of apprehension and a flicker of genuine interest, Yuki spoke up, "Alright, Naomi. I'm here. What is it that you want to show me? I hope it's worth my time."

Naomi's smile widened, a spark of mischief gleaming in her eyes. "Oh, trust me, Yuki. It'll be worth your while. But first, we need to make a quick stop. Follow me."

Yuki reluctantly complied, trailing behind Naomi as they left the empty classroom. As they made their way through the corridors, Yuki couldn't help but notice the curious glances from other students.

As Yuki and Naomi made their way towards the back of the school, traversing the sprawling playground, a mischievous glint appeared in Naomi's eyes.

"Can you tell me where you're taking me?" Yuki asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Oh, you'll soon find out," Naomi replied with a playful smirk.

Just as they were walking, a group of guys from their class decided to interrupt, displaying their typical bully behavior.

"OYE! HAPPY BOY! LOOK HERE!" one of them shouted, drawing attention to Yuki.

Yuki sighed, exasperated. "Huh? Why are you calling me? What do you want now?"

Naomi chuckled at the comment and teased, "Oh ho, why do they call you 'Happy boy'? Is it because you're with a cute girl like me? Hehe."

Yuki rolled his eyes. "No, my name actually means happy."

"...Ironic," she retorted.

Yuki glanced at Naomi, deadpanning, "I know, right?"

“Hey! What are you guys talking to yourselves? We’re talking to you.” the bully retorted.

“Oh yeah? You know what happened to the other guy who tried this with me?” Yuki revolted.

Before things could escalate, Naomi jumped in between the bullies and Yuki, addressing them with sass. "Yo big bois, we're kinda busy right now. Mind talking to him later?"

The bullies, taken aback by Naomi's confident demeanor, questioned, "Huh? Aren't you the new transfer student? What business do you have with our 'happy boy'?"

Naomi leaned in, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's some really private business. Got a problem with that?"

Yuki panicked and tried to intervene. "Hey, stop! You'll give them the wrong idea, you idiot!"

The bullies, sensing the unusual dynamic between Yuki and Naomi, looked visibly weirded out. "You guys are weirdos!" they exclaimed in disgust. "Honestly, we're not interested. Just fOck off."

With that, the bullies left, giving Yuki one last strange look before disappearing.

Yuki and Naomi ventured further away from the school campus, leaving Yuki increasingly perplexed. Irritated, he couldn't help but voice his annoyance.

"Hey, at this point, I don't think we're even on the school campus anymore! Just where are we going?" Yuki complained, his frustration evident.

"Shhh! Do you see those trees over there?" Naomi whispered, pointing towards a dense patch of woods.

Yuki's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "The woods? That place is abandoned. There used to be a small residential area there... In fact, I used to live there. But after an accident, it was completely abandoned... What on earth are we doing here, Naomi?"

Naomi flashed him a mischievous smile, her excitement growing. "That's exactly why we're here. Trust me, it's going to be worth it."

Yuki crossed his arms, skeptical. "You better have a good explanation for all of this. I don't want any more surprises."

With a wink, Naomi replied, "Don't worry, Yuki. You're in for a wild ride."

Despite his irritation, Yuki's curiosity got the better of him. He followed Naomi deeper into the overgrown path that led to the abandoned residential area. The atmosphere felt eerie, as if the ghosts of the past still lingered among the dilapidated houses. Yuki looked at the buildings nostalgically, walking through the woods reminiscing about the past.

The duo was now secluded from the school, away from the bustling hallways and prying eyes. Naomi turned to face Yuki, her expression now serious. "Before I show you, Yuki, I need you to promise me something."

Yuki raised an eyebrow, cautiously asking, "What kind of promise?"

Naomi took a deep breath before speaking, her voice filled with a mix of determination and vulnerability. "Promise me that you won't judge me based on our past interactions. Give me a chance to show you a different side of me. Can you do that?"

Yuki hesitated for a moment, contemplating Naomi's request. He had grown accustomed to dismissing her as an annoyance, but there was something about her earnest plea that tugged at his curiosity. Perhaps there was more to her than he had realized, and this could be an opportunity to uncover a hidden layer beneath her relentless persistence.

Finally, Yuki nodded and replied, "Alright, Naomi. I promise to keep an open mind and give you a fair chance. Show me what you have."

Naomi's eyes lit up with a mixture of relief and excitement. "Thank you, Yuki. You won't regret this, I promise."

With that, she led Yuki further into the secluded area, ready to unveil the mysterious and intriguing surprise she had prepared for him. As they ventured deeper into the unknown, both Yuki and Naomi couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, unsure of what awaited them but willing to embrace the unexpected.

As Yuki and Naomi ventured deeper into the secluded area, the surroundings took on an air of mystery. The area grew dimmer, with flickering fluorescent lights casting eerie shadows on the walls. Yuki couldn't help but feel a slight tingle of excitement mixed with apprehension. Whatever Naomi had in store for him, it was certainly different from his usual mundane routine. It was where an old shed-like structure caught their attention. Yuki pointed towards it. "I never entered that, but it's apparently a storeroom."

Naomi grinned mischievously. "Why do you think there's a storeroom out here?"

Yuki shrugged. "I don't know."

"Because it's not a storeroom," Naomi declared, adding a hint of intrigue.

Yuki couldn't help but play along. "Then what is it? A secret lair?"

Naomi chuckled. "No, something even more exciting. That's what I'm about to show you."

A mix of disbelief and amusement crossed Yuki's face. "You joined this school just yesterday, and you're already onto some wild stuff. Just what are you?"

Naomi leaned in closer and whispered, "I'm from another dimension."

Yuki burst into laughter. "Haha! Funny. So now you're Ms. Alien?"

Naomi winked playfully. "Yep, that's me. But trust me, there's a reason for all of this."

Yuki raised an eyebrow. "What reason?"

Instead of answering, Naomi pointed towards the so-called storeroom with an enigmatic smile. Yuki glanced at her and simply said, "I see."

As they approached one particular house, Yuki couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. "Naomi, this place gives me the creeps. Why did you bring me here?"

Naomi stopped in front of the old, weather-beaten door and turned to face Yuki. Her eyes gleamed with excitement. "Remember when I said I was from another dimension?"

Yuki's annoyance shifted to confusion. "Yeah, and you were obviously joking."

"Well, I wasn't," Naomi replied, her voice tinged with seriousness. "This storeroom holds a secret portal to my dimension."

Yuki's jaw dropped from Naomi's silliness. "Are you serious? A secret portal in a seemingly abandoned storeroom?"

Naomi nodded. "Serious as can be. And you, Yuki, are about to embark on an adventure like no other. Are you ready?"

Yuki was seemingly getting annoyed at this point and wanted to get this fun trip over with. “Fine! Let’s just see what’s in that shed!”

Yuki's annoyance had reached its peak, and he couldn't wait to get this whole excursion over with. "Fine! Let's just see what's in that shed," he grumbled, his impatience evident in his voice.

As they approached the entrance of the room, a mysterious man emerged from the shadows, startling Yuki and Naomi. The man, appearing to be in his late twenties or early thirties, had a tall, imposing figure and a goatee beard. His deep, salty voice added to his intimidating presence.

"You brats should not go in there. It's not a place for people like you," the man warned, his voice filled with a hint of menace.

Yuki, not one to back down, immediately retorted, "What? That aside, who are you? I've never seen you around here. Are you some homeless guy squatting in there without permission?" His words carried a touch of sarcasm.

The man stepped out of the shadows, his attire and physique contradicting Yuki's assumption. He wore a dusty white shirt, brown pants, and a hat. His well-defined muscles and visible abs indicated that he maintained a regular exercise routine.

"Do I look like a homeless guy to you, brat?" the man retorted, a mixture of irritation and amusement in his voice.

Yuki took a moment to observe the man's appearance more closely, noting his distinctive features. "No, you don't. Then what are you doing here? Just who are you?" he asked, genuinely curious.

The man, now introducing himself as Shin, responded, "My name is Shin. You should not go in there. It's not safe."

"Why are you telling me this?" Yuki questioned, his suspicions growing.

Shin briefly glanced at Naomi, his expression momentarily changing before returning to its original state. "Looks like you brats will just argue. Fine, do whatever you want," he muttered, leaving the scene abruptly.

Yuki couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. "There's definitely something wrong... This guy, this place... Everything seems off," he thought to himself. He turned to Naomi, asking if she was sure about their course of action. She simply smiled and reassured him that there was nothing to worry about.

With a mix of apprehension and curiosity, they stepped into the dusty storeroom. Yuki couldn't help but ask Naomi, "So why did you bring me here?"

Naomi handed him a peculiar flyer-like paper, resembling an advertisement of sorts. Yuki took a closer look and read its cryptic contents aloud.

Yuki's immediate reaction was one of disbelief. "What kind of bullshit is this? You actually believe in this nonsense?" he exclaimed, his frustration evident. His tolerance to annoyance had reached its limit, reacting on impulse even though he said he will keep an open mind.

Naomi remained calm, unfazed by his outburst. "Well, I know it sounds like a joke, but actually..."

"How can you possibly have an explanation for this?" Yuki interrupted, his patience wearing thin.

"Listen to me, it has to do with..." Naomi began, attempting to provide an explanation.

But Yuki had already reached his breaking point. He quickly searched the coordinates mentioned on the flyer and discovered they led to their current location—the storeroom. Frustrated and angry, he turned his back on Naomi, ready to storm out of the

Naomi watched silently as Yuki stormed off, her expression betraying a mixture of concern and determination. There was much more to this adventure than Yuki could have ever imagined, and she hoped he would eventually come to realize it.


Let me take you on a journey into the world of urban legends and rumors, where reality blurs with imagination and the boundaries between fact and fiction become hazy.

Urban legends often emerge from a combination of curiosity, fascination, and a desire for something extraordinary. It starts with a simple thought: "Wouldn't it be cool if...?" From there, these tales take on a life of their own, growing and evolving as they are shared and passed on from person to person.

Have you heard a rumor that goes like this?

They say that people who are chosen one day receive an invitation from an anonymous to a place一that doesn’t exist, if you accept it, they say you disappear from this world. And then… they say you're taken to another dimension.

But the question remains, do we believe it? Belief is a complex thing. Some dismiss urban legends as mere fabrications, products of overactive imaginations or exaggerations of real events. Others find a glimmer of truth in these tales, a hint that there might be more to our world than meets the eye.

The power of urban legends lies in their ability to ignite our imagination and make us question the boundaries of reality. They serve as a reminder that there are still mysteries waiting to be unraveled, secrets yet to be discovered. Whether we choose to believe or dismiss them, these legends continue to fascinate and captivate us, weaving a tapestry of wonder and curiosity.

So, my friend, as we delve deeper into the realm of urban legends and rumors, let's keep an open mind and embrace the stories that ignite our sense of adventure. Who knows what truths or fantasies we may uncover along the way?

…Do you believe it?
