Chapter 25:

The Kingdom of Scavia #6

What Clichés has this World Wrought? [ Volume One: Another World ]

Ayama and Akiro sat side by side, comfortably on cushioned seats. The king had to lead them to the War room, a room about the size of a college auditorium. The room was tiered, with each row of seats higher than the previous, giving the seated heroes ample view of the large map wall at the front of the room.

King Stephen was in the middle of his explanation. "Here is our kingdom." he pointed with a long stick.

In the north, was the Republic of Havana; in the east was the Kingdom of Earlside, and in the west was the kingdom of Scavia-- also known as the Human triumvirate. The fourth kingdom was the Holy Empire, which was as large as the other three combined, but they were seperated from the Triumvirate by a long mountain range that touched the northern coast of Havana and the southern coast Scavia.

Unfortunately, the mountain range proved to be the wall that shielded the Triumvirate from the rest of the continent, and the thing that separates the fourth human kingdom from them too. Stephen then used the large pointer stick to point at the large island southeast of EarlHide, an ominous mass of land about twenty-thousand miles away.

At first the scale of the map seemed wrong, as that would be about half the circumference of the earth, but Akiro was reminded that they weren’t on earth, and this planet was larger.

“The prophecy gives us about ten-to-nine years to prepare for their arrival to our shores—”

Akiro crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair, taking in the world map. "Now that I think about it, we never really discussed geography in our remedial classes on how to fit in this world. Odd."

"Why did the king not discuss that? looking back, security was pretty tight around the night hours, especially around the libraries.” Akiro looked down at the rest of his classmates, who were all busy paying attention to whatever King Stephen explained that none of them seemed to realize.

“I noticed after Kaiser showed us the maps of official security-perimeters. Why were they withholding information? What's your angle King Earl?” Akiro thought. “I’ll have to ask Kaiser about that later.”

Contrary to the dignified royal King Stephen was during their introduction, he was very passionate about geography, and he was skilled in explaining everything in a way that caught their attention. So unfortunately, by continuing to explain everything on the map with great detail, Stephen lost track of time, and ended up teaching until dinner time.

"Now, enough of that," Stephen smirked, looking out the window and noticing the sun had gone down. "We have discussed long enough and I suppose you are all famished.”

"The maids and I, shall lead you to the banquet hall." Stephen pointed, and a maid appeared by the entrance. The heroes got up and started to file out in an orderly line, with Akiro and Ayama at the back.

"Yes!" A few cheered, but many didn’t pick up on the mischievous shine Stephen had on his eyes. Earlier this morning they were instructed to come to the assigned meeting place in full equipment, which was why it was incredibly odd that they were changed into formal attire. The reason for the odd instruction was all for this.

The king lead them to a large space above the roofing of the castle, a training-space that had been refurbished into a temporary, but luxurious hall. But to the keen and experienced eyes of Kaiser, he noticed immediately.

This is not a banquet hall.” Kaiser thought, looking around in his surroundings and the ground, “This is a training ground!” he exclaimed in a panicked whisper to Olivia and Sebastian.

The layout of the rooftop was large and simple, it was rectangular in shape and it was spacious enough for two long rows of tables on either of the longest sides, leaving a large space in the middle. By the entrance, from where they entered was on the left, was a table for three; while a small, elevated tower was on the right, one with a better view of the city below, had a circulr table for six– where the queen and the princesses were already waiting.

Even if it did have the best view, If one were to travel to the edge of the space and lean on the protective railings stationed with guards, they would still be greeted by a full, top-side view of the capital. The sun had long set and the moon was high in the air, the stars shining as they peppered the midnight sky.

The bright lights of the city below were powerful and the sight was absolutely breathtaking.

"haha, such energetic youth." The king nodded, much to the embarrassment of Kaiser. He watched with interest as they began to scramble to the edges, looking about like innocent children.

King Stephen then snapped his fingers, the maids immediately springing into action. Twenty-five maids filed in, each attending to one person, all excapt two.

"Ah! before you all go," King Stephen interjected. "I would like to speak with Ayama Nobu and Akiro Hiroto. May I have a raise of hands?"

Akiro and Ayama share a look before slowly raising their hands. "Here sir." Ayama said, with more energy than Akiro.

“Oh, so that’s how they look like. What fine young men.” The king observed them momentarily with eerie silence before speaking, noticing that they have been avoiding his gaze the entire day. "Come," he said. "Have dinner with me and my family."

The two visibly flinched, eyes blown wide in shock as they looked behind the king, who was motioning to the other two seats on the circular table across the stage. Some classmates gasped, but they held their peace, awaiting why, but the reason was simple.

"We would be honored." Akiro and Ayama bowed with practiced ettiquette.

The king approached them, while they were still bent in the bow. "Now," Stephen chuckled, "I can't treat my daughters' comrades so formally, no?" he chuckled, ruffling both their heads.

Akiro and Ayam gulped nervously at the King's very friendly attitude. "Yes... your highness."

They wordlessly follow after the king, their posture straight and proper, and their mouths shut. The extravagance of the palace’s rooftop was almost blinding, priceless china used for decorations and chandeliers of various precious stones glimmered.

To fill the awkward silence, Stephen coughed. "So, I heard a lot from my daughters," he said, making Ayama and Akiro nod at each other nervously.

"All good things, I hope." Ayama nervously jokes.

Stephen smiled. "Yes actually, especially you, Ayama. Otome-chan was quite fervent in her praises towards you." The king said his tone in between amusement and suspicion.

"Whoa, did you hear that?" Akiro waggled his eyebrows. Ayama threatened to hit the cheeky grin Akrio wore after hearing King Stephen's affirmation.

They stopped walking in front of the small separated area, in which the sentries gave a low bow. "Good evening, your majesty!"

"At ease."

A chilly, but comforting breeze met their faces along with the mouth-watering aroma of the delicious food set on the circular table. Before they were the table seated in the center of the patio, with six chairs set around it.

"Ah! Oto-san!" A sweet, melodic voice greeted cheerily. The beautiful princess waved with a wide smile, making it seem like she was radiating sunflowers.

"Hello, daughter, did you wait long?" Stephen asked, embracing Otome.

"Not too long." His wife replied, her voice soft and happy. "Hello dear, did the meeting go well?"

Akiro and Ayama bristled with nervousness. The king had not just set them apart for a private talk, but he invited them to eat dinner with them. It dawned on them that they were invited to the Royal Family's family dinner, or as private it could be considering they were still in full view of the others.

In a panic, they bowed at a sharp ninety degrees, letting the king walk up the two stepps ahead of them. "W-We greet the royal family!"

"Ohh, how well-mannered you are~" The queen chuckled, watching her husband take a sweet beside her. "At ease, children."

Akiro and Ayama gulped down on their spit, before taking their respective seats across from the royal family, their backs turned away from their peers. "T-Thank you, your majesty."

Sume giggled at the two boy's plight. "No need to be so stiff, we actually prefer casual speech." She said, just like her father.

"Yeah!" Otome added. "No need to be so uptight."

“That’s easy for you to say!” Akiro retorted sharply in his mind, masking his true reply with a nod. He turned behind him, the maids already waiting behind the people they were serving, the foods and platters in their hands. They were just waiting for a non-verbal signal, and that was when the king picked up his utensils and started to cut the steak in half with his knife.

Ayama and Akiro deduced that the king must take the first bite before anyone else, and followed accordingly despite the food already in front of them. When King Stephen swallowed the steak, the maids immediately moved.

“Oh, I forgot!” Stephen chucked, “the reason I brought you aside is to hear of your exploits, both during the time of being my daughter’s party members, and other adventures.”

Ayama turned to Akiro, who nodded fervently, “Yes, we would love to, Stephen, sir–” He said, but not before telling Ayama with his eyes to heavily censor or alter some details. “Don’t blurt out weird stuff.”

“gotcha!” Ayama blinked back.

Slowly, taking turns to speak and eat, the two began to recount their adventures. Stephens’ eyes brightened up with excitement, after hearing the tales and escapades of his daughters and the two heroes.

Akiro smiled and listened in, as Ayama was asked most of the questions and did most of the talking. They focused mainly on the details they did that were publicly seen by their peers and mentors instead of escapades to the black market and such. Ayama also noticed that the king appreciated humor, so he made sure to add some of the funnier moments.

“O-Oh– dear–” Stephen guffawed, his wife trying to hide her amusement and failing. Akiro and Sume were chuckling as they witnessed Otome playfully punching Ayama with spiteful fury.

"Why did you tell them that!! That was so embarrassing! die! die!" She fumed, pink and scarlet, her cheeks puffed up cutely.

"...That's why moments like that should be kept a secret! Do you understand!?" Otome glared, still embarrassed.

Ayama was on the floor, on his knees, apologetic. "I'm sorry...Otome-san...please forgive me."

Ayama laughed after her, blocking a few of her strikes here and there, completely at home in the presence of the royal family. By the time the story was over, not that he could finish, King Stephen was on the verge of tears, the queen finally broke and laughed. Akiro and Some were already hurting from the laughter, both from the story of their adventure and that Ayama was getting the lecture of a lifetime.

“My, my— What fun,” Stephen looked proud, his eyes full of affection and pride for his children, “I am glad you experienced such bliss…” Akiro heard him mutter underneath his breath.

“I see,” Akiro thought, finally understanding why the king acted the way he did. “The prophecy gave us ten years, and since Otome and Sume were our age, they would probably be fighting alongside us by then– or, leading a whole country.”

“I can respect that.” Akiro turned to the king seeing the seriousness of a monarch finally appear, “Stephen is not a fool, and despite his happy-go-lucky facade, he is still a king and a father.” He thought, looking at the area, “And I’m sure this arena is not for show either.”

And he was right, Akiro predicted it correctly; Stephen collected himself before rising from his seat. “Now,” he broadcasted with authority, rather than volume, “I am sure you all have enjoyed yourselves, and I am glad that you did; however, as Heroes, you need to be ready at all times.”
The guests became silent, sensing the seriousness in the king’s voice, “You have been summoned to protect, thus as king, I will be the judge of your abilities.”

The king motioned with his hand, the waiting maids filled out immediately, soldiers entering as they did. Twenty-four soldiers appeared, carrying their weapons in their hands.

“By my word, prove your worth to me and to the Human race!”