Chapter 1:

I Got Drunk One Night and Ended up in Another World

The Reincarnated Drunk and The Goddess Blood

It was just another one of those nights out at the bar, joking and having fun with my friends, but I went there only in the hopes of being able to bring a girl back to my dorm. I was never successful in my endeavors to do so, but I never gave up even after my many rejections. I am still a virgin, and my many friends like to bring it up. “Apollo the virgin” my best friend calls out loudly. Drunkenly angered, I had no words to respond with, like I always do.

As the night was coming to its conclusion, I decided to have another shot of tequila to numb the depressing fact that indeed yes, I am still a virgin. But at the same time, it felt like those many rejections in the past were going to pay off for me. My friends continued to stare at me with such amazement that they were concerned with my own safety of returning to the dorms. I heavily insisted on going my own way back, because I knew they were going to make fun of me the whole time. They scarily obliged.

I soon left the now empty and ominous bar with my friends and said my goodbyes to everyone. I continued to make my way towards the liminal town with a weird feeling. I was confused, I had traveled this way many times before without anxiousness. I ignored the feelings and kept going on my path. I turned on an empty street corner that goes over the central river and noticed a woman in a white dress.

“Hey you!” I called her, but instead she ignored me and kept walking. “Hey you there! You look pretty let me talk to you!” I called once more, to no avail. At this point I was getting angry and decided to run at her in hopes of receiving her attention. In the process of running, I stumbled on a rock and tripped over the railing into the central river.

My cries for help were silenced with darkness. It was black for only a couple seconds, until a circle of light entered my view. I looked around me, darkness, and looked at myself. I was wearing a black hoodie, black jeans, with flat soled shoes. “Am I dead?” I wondered, as I continued my walk towards the light, a prominent female voice entered my ears.

“Come forward” it said to me. As I got closer to the light, I was transported to an empty room in space, surrounded by billions of stars. Not being able to move, I stood there in confusion about what was going to happen next. I soon heard footsteps, and a “door in space” open, revealing a prominent female figure. She was tall, had black hair, dark eyes, and was wearing the most beautiful white dress I have ever seen. She looked just like the woman I had tried to get attention from moments before. I started to blush a little bit as I looked at her.

“Are you really blushing, Apollo” as she investigated my presence. Confused by how she knew my name, I decided not to ask, and let her continue talking. “Your death, well it was quite embarrassing.” as she laughed. She soon opened her hand revealing a card that projected how I died. I began laughing with my own embarrassment, and she stopped the projection.

“I am The Goddess Minori, the Goddess of the 10 great nations of Astrania and here to give you a second life. The world I have created is being ruled by a man of great ruthlessness and cannot be stopped. I am taking much of a big risk relying the world on you, but no worries, you will do fine!”

“What so I’m being reincarnated?” as I looked at her with a surprising face. “What makes you think I am fit for this!?”

She smiled at me, and confirmed to me that everything would be alright. I started to freak out, and tried my hardest to move, it just led to pain. “Silly you’ll be fine! I am sending you in…” As her countdown began, she stopped at two. “Oh! Yeah! That’s right, you’re a virgin? *laughing* Well, please don’t be shy, you’ll understand” she soon said one and before I could muster a word, I spawned into darkness once more.

It felt like I was flying through space until I was stationary once more with my eyes closed. I heard a mean growl in front of me and quickly opened my eyes; the creature could only be described as zombie-like with red eyes at my first glance. It jumped at me, and I ran as fast as I could in the other direction and did not stop. “What the hell was that!?” I thought, as I continued to my full sprint. I got close to an embankment and let out a deep sigh of relief, whatever jumped at me is gone now. I laid down next to the water and looked up at the sky. A bright full moon was ahead of me, and I was slowly losing my vision. I soon fell asleep to the sounds of calming water.

The sounds of footsteps woke me up, and I heard the bird’s chirp. A high-pitched female voice in the distance made its way to me. I slowly opened my eyes, and a blurry image of a female appeared. “Are you okay!?” she asked as I was slowly gaining my eyesight. “No! and who are you-?” I could now see the beautiful black hair and dark eyes of the female standing in front of me. She was wearing a black gothic dress with a sword that made her majestic with the wind. Though I thought it was bizarre at first, I did not question her presence yet.

“My name is Aiko, Aiko Allaire, and you are?” what a beautiful name I thought to myself. “My name is Apollo, like the god” She stood there with a confused look. “The god? There’s only one God and she’s been dead for 150 years” did she mean the Goddess Minori I saw earlier? I have so many questions to ask, but I saw this as my chance to ask the most important one.

I shot up to my feet “Hey Aiko, do you have a boyfriend?” Soon her face became red with embarrassment, and I was slapped in the face and was back sitting down on the ground. “How rude for a complete stranger to ask me such a repulsive question like that, I was only trying to help you!” Aiko turned around and headed back up the embankment, I knew deep down I had to do something. “Wait” I screamed in her direction. She stopped and looked back down at me with a menacing face. I took a deep breath and asked, “Where am I exactly?”

She obliged, “Well, you’re in The Arquette Republic M.Y.150, Capital City to be exact.”

“Capital City?” As I walked up the embankment, I was revealed to the true landscape of this world. Large gothic buildings, all made of stone. There was one building I was particularly interested in, and it was in the middle of the city. A very circular city, it was almost an eyesore, but I was in awe of the mere size of the architecture.

“Yeah, Capital City, you’re crazy if you’ve never heard of it before! Second largest city in The Republic!”

I looked at her with such confidence “Of course I’ve heard of it” knowing well I don’t know anything about this world.

“Okay, then I am on my way” and she began making her way to an unknown location. “Wait” I had blurted out again. She stopped once more and looked at me with even more of a menacing face. The words I was trying to speak to her were on the tip of my tongue but refused to escape my mouth. I had never seen such a gorgeous girl in my life. I did not want to ruin this moment. “I am lost, can you help me?” I had asked with such nervousness. I wanted to act like the “lost cat” and see if she could help me- I was cut off by her straightforward “No” as she continued to walk.

With much desperation I uttered quietly, “I think your god, Goddess Minori, sent me here.” Aiko stopped in her tracks and turned around. “What!?” she asked with such concern. “I believe she sent me here with a task to save her world?” I repeated with confusion. Her menacing look and disgust soon turned into concern for my safety, “You should’ve said that from the start, look come with me.”
