Chapter 14:

Chapter 14: The Study part 3

Gates of Ardion

Meanwhile, Lornin and Polyn were playing; Count Folen Radior was already planning his next moves as he slowly made his way to his overly decorated carriage, which was waiting for him by the gate of Baron's garden. Said garden was so large that the residence where Lornin lived was barely even visible; only the tip of his home was somewhat visible due to the high trees which were growing all around the garden.

As soon as the Count arrived at the carriage, the door suddenly opened; before the coachmen could open the door, despite the fact that he was standing right beside it. In the coach, a man in full black robes was sitting on one side of the carriage; presumably, he was the one who opened the door. The Count jumped up without hesitation and then slightly hit the side of the cart before closing the door. As soon as the door closed, the cart started being pulled by two majestic black horses.

Inside the couch, the Count calmly leaned back and smiled without even paying attention to the man who was well covered, and only his red eyes were visible, which were gazing right into the Count's eyes. The road around Baron's residence seemed even as Folan barely even noticed that they started moving. It took a few minutes until the Nobel finally spoke up. Until that point, the confined area was so quiet that they could only hear their own breaths, as no outside nose came in because although it was not visible, the cart was enhanced with a protective enchantment, which prevented any unnecessary sound from entering and disturbing these within int. It was even useful to prevent any sound from going out.

"Tell me... What did you find? And don't leave anything out... Those useless two seemed to have failed in this trivial task." Questioned the Count.

"Sir... I didn't manage to find anything conspicuous or suspicious... But I believe it is quite strange that they planned a larger-scale attack, yet the number of residents seems to be almost unchanged... If they really failed, then the casualties would be quite high."

"However, I had a strange feeling around many of the citizens; I request permission to return with my team for further digging and examination... I believe there must be some sort of insidious plot here which needs to be revealed... Either that Baron is planning something... Or someone else is using him, just like you wanted to!" Declared the man in a deep and cold voice.

"Permission granted. BUT! Before that, I want you to explore the Fricted forest... Lornin Ciorn said something ridiculous, but since you mentioned you had a strange feeling, there might be some truth to what he had said. Report me back by the end of the day regarding the forest." Declared the Count and glared into the man's eyes.

"Yes, sir! I will get right to it!" Replied the man and stood up.

With a swift movement, the man in rags opened the door of the carriage and jumped out with such swiftness and agility that he closed the door behind him.

"I hope everything goes smoother from now on... If things go like this... No, I must think rationally; those beasts need to die, and should Baron Ciorn's presumed entity exists, I am sure we can just slay them." Mumbled Folen as he slightly scratched his forehead.

While the Count was travelling home, Solo, back in his study, was proactive as well. He had drawn many different sketches, but many ended up being regarded as trash. He was busy for hours, as due to him being not human and being such a high-level being, he required much lesser sleep than an average human being would need. As a side product of the hours-long work, a whole mountain of damaged, crushed, torn, scratched, cut, and sliced papers was on the ground behind Solo.

Solo suddenly crimped the piece of paper he was drawing on and then tossed it over his shoulder. It landed on top of the mountain, but it started a small avalanche of paper, and the mountain was slightly flattened in the process. Solo took a deep breath; at first, he was about to grab another sheet of paper to continue, but he decided to stop.

"I don't know for how long I was focusing on designing... But seeing the mountain of used paper behind me, I think I should just stick with my last idea...What to use for material?" Mumbled Solo to himself.

He slowly extended his right hand, and then suddenly, a floating dark grey window appeared in front of his hand. It had no design at all, it was blank, but as Solo moved his hand, it drew a green line behind it on the screen. Solo started grinning slightly and then drew a triangle, and in the centre of it, a circle. The shape which he drew was made of green lines. Once he was finished with it, he retrieved his hand slightly and then closed his fist.

At that very moment, the grey window disappeared, leaving only the drawing behind. Solo pinched the triangle; his finger touched its front and backside and then suddenly pulled his fingers apart. In the process, the drawn two-dimensional triangle and circle were extruded into a three-dimensional object. Solo carefully adjusted its size with his two fingers until it was about three millimetres thick. Then Solo carefully pinched the circles, which were still only drawn on the surface, and then slightly pushed them in, a few tenths of a millimetre thinner than the other surface.

With one swift movement, Solo drew his index finger along the edges and corners of the shape, creating a small fillet on each edge and larger ones on each corner. Even put a filet onto the edges of that little inner pocket as well. And once he was finally finished, he gave a loud sigh and then slightly leaned back.

"I remember I unintentionally bought a bit too much Polyvinylchloride... Back then, I thought I was buying in kilograms, but it turned out it was in tons... So I had way too much, even after using some of it on my building... And the only way it can be used is some sort of cosmetic, as it has no other value... especially here, in this new world." Mumbled Solo as he opened another many next to his floating shape.

The new window contained only materials, but there were so many that Solo just scrolled right by most of them, as he knew that the one he was looking for was way down the list. It took him almost two minutes to finally find it. And once he finally found it, he touched the text "Polyvinylchloride", causing the shape to glow up slightly, and then it fell down; however, now, it was no longer an axonometric illustration of a three-dimensional shape but was an actual token. It was white-coloured, and as soon as it appeared, it hit the ground. Solo created about a hundred more.

"Alright, I will save it and make more should I need to."