Chapter 17:

Thy spirit burns strong

Re: Born again as the strongest darkness mage in another world where my long lost childhood friend is my cute and bashful tsundere maid: romantic magical adventure with romance and magic! RE:異世界で誕生

“You’re sure we should not bring Shadowfax and Snowmane?”
“They’d be at too much risk. I’ll be relying on you to get us out alive if things go south, so I’d like to lower that load as much as possible.”
“Putting both your life and my own on my back alone? How cruel of you, have you not a soul?”
“Hey, you agreed to it.”

Ann and I begin our journey to the coastline to face down the dragon causing so much damage to our people. Under normal circumstances, it’s a mere two hour walk, but much of the ground is flooded, so it’ll likely take us almost double that.

“I’ve gone along with this plan due to my faith in your abilities, but I must ask. Think you, that you possess the strength to face down such a fearsome foe alone?”
“Alone? Probably not. I’d be able to give it some trouble, but it’d have me on the ropes if I didn’t have your support.”
“Then, with the two of us together, you believe we’ll stand victorious?”
“I think we have a good chance. There are stories of old heroes facing down wave dragons alone, I think you and I combined might just about equal their strength.”
“I certainly hope you are correct, many lives may rest on our shoulders today.”

The gravity of the situation isn’t lost on me or Ann. If the wave dragons really have decided to go to war with humanity, this may be our best chance to stop that plan in its tracks. Success means preventing thousands of deaths. Failure could mean causing them. Were I not a gambling man, I’d never have taken such a chance. But the opportunity to potentially save the lives of other warriors who would otherwise be dispatched to face down this enemy? That’s a prize worth betting on.

Looking at Ann to my right, my attention is drawn to the long wooden staff in her hands, its top carrying a beautiful white gemstone.

“I’ve never seen you carry a staff before, any reason in particular you decided to buy one before we left today?”
Ann looks first at me, then down at the gemstone in her staff.
“For one who casts as many spells as myself, a staff is most often useless. It magnifies the power of spells, but at a greater mana cost. It also may shatter upon use of a particularly powerful spell.”
“You’re gonna bank on your mana reserves holding out at a higher consumption rate?”
“My mana should be of little issue for a single battle, although the risk of breaking the manastone is certainly high.”

Constantly using magic to heal wounds and get rid of infections has let Ann’s mana storage grow immensely in a short period of time, especially with myself and others offering her so much extra mana to continue working with. Wearing down her mana pool would certainly take a lot of usage.

She really is incredible.


We’ve been on the road for some three and half hours at this point, and the flooding is severe. We’ve been using higher areas to avoid the most flooded parts, but even still, we’ve been forced to wade through water at least waist deep at certain times.

“Ann, how much further to the coast?”
“By my estimates, no more than twenty minutes of walking. We must prepare for attack at any time.”
Still 20 more minutes? Considering the severity of the flooding, I had assumed we were much closer than that. Unless…

“Ann, do you remember the story of Sento Joji? The hero who saved Kaadifu Island from the Great Wave Dragon of Suuonji Bay?”
“I… vaguely recall such a tale, although I can’t say I’m as learned in history as yourself.”
“He had originally wanted to confront the dragon on the shores of Nyuupoto, but the dragons attacks were so relentless that the entire coastline was worn away into the sea, effectively pushing the shore back several kilometres.”

She looks at me somewhat confusedly for a few seconds, before catching on to what I’m trying to say.
“You can’t possibly be thin-”

Her words are cut off by the deafening sound of waves, suddenly appearing from a mere hundred metres away, rising higher than any wave I had ever seen. It barrels towards us at terrifying speed.

“Shiidou, behind me!”
Ann takes up a defensive stance, and I position myself behind her body.
“Mana shield!”

A translucent array of light hexagons appears before us, covering both in front and above us. As the enormous wave crashes down over us, Ann's mana shield keeps us protected from being swept away. A surprise attack, I should have caught on sooner.

Eventually the gargantuan wave ceases battering the shield, and Ann is able to stop casting it. Before us, roughly the same distance away as the wave was upon first appearing, is a sight more terrifying than I’d ever imagined.

“Shiidou, remind me how tall the old texts say Wave Dragons could grow?”
“Some fifty, at most sixty metres.”
“And this one…”
“Is almost double that, yes.”

A monster so large it made all other living creatures appear miniscule. Its bright blue scales, soaked from recently being submerged, reflected the sun in every direction, a cacophony of rainbow light scattered every which way. Despite the distance, it’s glare on us was oppressive, as if God himself had descended to punish us. This… will probably be much harder than I had expected.

Humans. Ye art a brave pair, to approach mineself, and a skilled pair, to survive mine attack. State thy will.

The dragon’s mouth doesn’t move, and yet we hear it’s voice.

Are you… communicating to our minds?

Indeed I be, young warrior. My species hath not the need to speak aloud.

Telepathy, huh? At the very least, it seems it can only read the thoughts we intend to send it, but I don’t recall this being mentioned in the history books. Could they have evolved so much in a mere hundred and fifty years?

Great and humble dragon of the seas, for what reason are you attacking human lands? Our species have been at peace for some fifteen decades, and yet you’ve brought devastation to our island. What business do you have here?

If I can negotiate out of this, I will. Nothing will bring back the thousands dead at this monster’s hands, but preventing further death is the top priority. A quick glance at Ann is met by a nod, signifying that she approves of this course of action.

Indeed, young warrior. Thy species and mine own hath lived outside of one another’s way for some time. But many dozens of mine own people hath suffered attacks from thine, hunted as nought but trophies. Such actions have brought an end to such a peace.

Hunters? Attacking wave dragons? Who would be stupid enough? That’s been illegal for centuries now.

Great dragon, my people have not hunted yours for time immemorial. To whom must punishment be delivered for such an inane act?

Aboard ships with mast flying cloth of red, hunters hath sailed our homes, attacking my brothers and sisters with magic and steel.

Pirates. Fucking bastards.

Oh, great dragon, as a representative of this island I can offer only my sincerest apologies, and my services to bring such miscreants to justice. Those of whom you speak are outlaws in these lands, long since banished from this place. The people of this island, those you attack, they mean you no harm. I ask that you cease this senseless violence, and aid us in punishing those responsible for such heinous acts.

The dragon closes it’s eyes and shakes it’s massive head.

I am aware of the status of piracy within human society, and were an amicable solution feasible, I would pursue it. But my people demand drastic action, a show of force to deter future attackers. It is regrettable that thine island and it’s people must suffer, but I must put the lives of mine own above all else.

Then your resolve is strong? You will accept no course of action but violence?

Unfortunately so, young warrior. But as thou speak of my resolve, I respect also thine own. If thou defeateth me in combat, I will cease the attack on thy home. But should thou fail, our peoples shall be at war.

An unfortunate result. It appears I have no choice but to accept your challenge, great dragon.

Unfortunate indeed, young warrior. Thy spirit burns strong, as does that of thy partner. Under better circumstances, I and thee may have met as friends. But better circumstances, these are not. And so, we face one another as adversaries!

Upon deliver that closing line, the wave dragon channels such an enormous amount of mana that the damp air around it begins to freeze, frost and snow falling to the sea below.

“On it!”
She once again casts her protection, as the dragons brutal assault begins.
