Chapter 0:

Prologue - the Celestrian realm

The Epic of Flavius Aemilius : The Quest for Lucidia

The story is set in the realm of Celestria, a planet orbiting the white dwarf Helios, sprawling with biodiversity and inhabited by a myriad of mythical creatures and species. There also exists Necrohelm, known in Celestria as "The Lawless Lands", inhabited by different life forms from Celestria. Necrohelm is the place of origin of the Demon Lord Morgrath, the primary antagonist of the series.

The flora and fauna of Celestria is somewhat similar to that of Earth, but notable differences exist. The lifeforms inhabiting Celestria have grown to live in a world where mana is prevalent in all living organisms, though the proficiency in utilizing mana for magic and warfare varies from species to species. The calendars followed by humans in this world is the Julian Calendar, for chronological ease. The major species that inhabit the Celestrian Realm are Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Demons and the feared Dragons. Other minor species include Goblins, Merfolk, the terrifying Kraken, Slimes, Ogres, Treefaries, among many others.

 The driving force of all life is mana - which is produced by every living organism in Celestria, though being able to create mana does not guarantee the ability to use magic. Raw mana flows throughout the body via specially evolved mana circulatory systems, whose efficiency plays an important role in how powerful the spell casted can be. It has been generally observed that mana circulatory efficiency increases with experience, but it differs across species. Elvish and draconic mana circulatory systems are among the most efficient in all of Celestria. Humans have pretty well developed circulatory systems too and some humans rival experienced Elves in their mana efficiency.

 Mana is produced by all living cells and is akin to the concept of "life force". Organisms stop producing mana after their death. There are five types of elemental magic - fire, water, wind, earth & lightning, along with two other special styles - light & shadow. Certain elements hold an advantage over the other - Fire is effective against Wind, Wind is effective against Lightning, Lightning is effective against Earth, Earth is effective against Water and Water is effective against Fire. However, unbeknownst to many, there exists a completely different type of magic - one which is not affiliated to any element at all. The protagonist of the story - Flavius Aemilius - is one such individual who possesses this type of magic. This does not mean that he is incapable of magic or has no mana at all - in fact, his mana reserves far exceed that of human mages, despite his young age.

 A majority of the individuals capable of using magic are adept at only one type of magic. It is rare to be able to use two or more types of magic skillfully. These individuals usually are very gifted in their magic abilities. Some talented individuals have also successfully combined individual elements to create new hybrid elemental magic.

Mana is converted to magic via the proper redirection of mana flow through the mana circulatory systems and correct visualization of the spell to be casted. To aid visualization, the early pioneers of magic established certain verbal chants to better conceptualize the magic the user will cast, though it is not a necessary precondition and talented individuals are capable of casting magic with minimal or no verbal use. Despite the obvious advantages of magic over physical combat, it has not completely taken over warfare due to a multitude of reasons - feasibility, high equipment cost, higher mortality and vulnerability during chanting being important considerations. A magic caster while chanting a spell, is effectively defenseless and highly vulnerable to physical damage. Also, repeated spell casting is far more physically and mentally demanding on the user, requiring more food and water and putting higher strain on military supplies.

An abnormally low level of mana can have serious repercussions on any organism, which leads to a condition known as Blue Veins, characterized by the blue discoloration of mana circulatory cells undergoing apoptosis due to lack of mana, though dragons rarely ever suffer from it due to their humongous reserves of raw mana and their highly efficient mana circulatory systems. Physicians across Celestria have recorded the symptoms of Blue Veins disease and have created a few herbal concoctions and important potions to mitigate its effects, but these cannot be administered to treat severe cases of the disease, which only a few extremely rare Elvish potions are able to cure. Elvish treatments for Blue Veins are, in general, far more effective.

The most prominent human nation was the former Septamontium Empire - a vast & glorious Empire that dominated international affairs for centuries. It's rich culture and religion came to an end after its collapse, with new, smaller Kingdoms splintering off a huge Empire. The remaining citizens who adhered to the Old Gods, fled the collapsing Empire and established a new Kingdom - the Kingdom of Lucidia. It was blessed by wise rulers, among them the protagonist's father - King Scipio Aemilius. He has certainly governed the nation wisely, making him beloved by the people but earned the animosity of his noble vassals. His rule was considered by many to mark the zenith of Lucidian influence & prowess - but destiny is fickle-minded and has other plans, which will change its fortunes within a single day.