Chapter 6:


Magic is in the Air

Back in the classroom, the teacher arranged the students in a semicircle for a more dynamic conversation.

"Most of you already know what you want to do and which college you'll pursue, but I think it's good for us to share our goals before moving forward," the teacher said.

Ren simply tried to contain his dislike for the moment because he was sitting next to Aria, who seemed excited about the discussion.

They began, one student at a time, speaking about their objectives. Most of Ren's classmates aimed for good colleges, and the boy knew that most of them would end up working in offices, something he despised, but he also knew it would be his fate.

No one else in his class was deluded; they were all pursuing serious careers. Some wanted to be scientists, while one girl aspired to be a doctor.

"And you, Leo, what will you do?" the teacher asked when it was Leo's turn.

"I think I'll be an astronaut!"

His words generated laughter among the classmates, but the teacher didn't seem satisfied.

"Your grades are good, but not that good. Do you know how difficult it is to become an astronaut?"

Leo shrugged and continued smiling.

"I'll be a lawyer like my dad."

"You know, being a lawyer is not just about good grades; you have to take it seriously," the teacher reprimanded.

Leo saluted him, pretending to have a serious expression.

"Yes, sir!"

More laughter as the teacher rolled his eyes.

They continued along the semicircle until it was Ren's turn, and he wasn't in the mood to discuss the future.

"And you, Ren? If I'm not mistaken, you're the only one who hasn't chosen a college yet," the teacher said.

The boy took a deep breath, summoning his strength before responding.

"I'll study administration. The college doesn't matter; it can be any."

Ren's words made the atmosphere in the whole room heavier, and the teacher still wanted to extract more information from him.

"And your drawings? I remember you got second place in a school contest. Don't you consider pursuing that career?"

For Ren, it was obvious that he wanted to, but the question was what was realistically possible for his future, and admitting that to the whole class wasn't easy.

"You can't build a career with that... I need a job that will give me money because that's the society we live in. I can't be indecisive and chase dreams. Or I’ll starve."

If the atmosphere was already sour before, it worsened now. The students looked at Ren like a stranger, and even the teacher didn't know how to react, so he turned to the person sitting next to him.

"And you, Aria, you're new here, and we don't know much about you. What college do you plan to attend?"

Despite the uncomfortable moment for Ren, curiosity overwhelmed him, and he wanted to know more about the mysterious girl from his dreams.

She, unlike Ren, seemed very comfortable and had the answer on the tip of her tongue.

"No idea."

The one most surprised was Ren. How could she speak so calmly about an uncertain future? They were in their final year of high school, and they should have already decided their next steps.

"Nothing? Isn't there anything that interests you?" the teacher asked, trying to find a path to suggest to Aria.

"Quite the opposite. Many things interest me. I want to explore the world, get to know new cultures, learn languages... There's so much out there, and I would like something more magical in my life."

While the teacher tried to decipher Aria's preferences, all Ren could think about was how different they were and, at the same time, how much he liked that. All he wanted was something magical, and seeing someone still holding onto that hope added fuel to the fire in his heart.

Then he felt ashamed of what he had said. It seemed like a direct jab at Aria, and he didn't want to offend her. He thought about apologizing after class, but it felt pointless since he didn't know her aspirations beforehand.

More and more contradictory thoughts consumed Ren, and he couldn't reach any conclusion about the best way to move forward with Aria.

Class ended, and before he could turn to his classmate, Leo popped up by his side, less happy than usual.

"Are you really not going to be a mangaká?" he asked, disappointed.

"I've already told you. My art isn't good enough."

"But you're already incredible, and you have plenty of time to improve. Nobody starts as a professional!"

Ren didn't want to have this conversation again, but now, to his surprise, Aria chimed in.

"I think you should."

Both turned to her, and she covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry for butting in!" she said anxiously.

"No, not at all," Leo continued, ready to tease Ren. "This guy draws amazingly! And he already said he hates the idea of an office job."

Ren felt so exposed, but at least what Leo was saying were compliments.

"If you enjoy art, you should pursue your dream. I love drawings, but I'm terrible at it." said Aria.

"You don't understand... it's not that simple..."

"If it were simple, it wouldn't be exciting," Aria confidently spoke to Ren. "I used to love playing the piano, and I still do, but... the magic of the piano died for me. That's why I'm searching for another passion."

Aria was getting excited, speaking close to Ren, who couldn't control his emotions. Before he could respond, Leo placed his cellphone between them without worrying about interrupting.

"I know it's not simple, but look at this. A manga competition. The cash prize is not bad, and there's also a contract with a publisher."

Ren glanced at the website Leo showed him. These contests always attracted Ren, yet always left him disappointed because there were so many more talented people out there.

At the same time, seeing Aria so joyful by his side, supporting his decision, made him reconsider his choices once again after a long time.

Red Graves