Chapter 9:

A Silent Rooftop

SoraHino: A Love In Silence

"I'm going." Feeling the need to be alone Sora decided to skip breakfast with his family and headed to school. 

Sora entered class with his headphones blasting music into his ears, as to not let any noise from the other students into his ear. 

After sitting down, for a brief moment Sora looked at Hino at her seat before proceeding to play his phone. But, just as Sora turned his head to look at his phone, Hino noticed Sora on the other side of the class and gazed at him with a slight yearn.

"To remind you once again: As other teachers have mentioned, we will have exams next three weeks. We know you guys think that's still long, but time flies by real quick, so make sure you manage your time and study properly." Just before the school bell indicated it was lunch time, the teacher managed to conclude the class with a reminder of their upcoming exam.

Almost forgot. Especially after what happened these past few days. I should really focus more on studying. Maths is not too difficult, so I think I'm gonna begin with science...

Sora was about to continue his train of thought with his headphones on, but as he was about to wear his headphones, he felt a gentle tug on the side of his shirt. 

Sora turned to find Hino standing beside her. Her face had a mild blush as her eyes met his. Her hands were restless but she said what she wanted to say, "S-Sora-san...le- let's... e- eat together..."

Hmm. I don't know... I don't feel like eating with others right now... Actually, I just don't really feel like talking...

While Sora was unsure what to say to her, the silence as they simply stared to each other made Hino more anxious. She began to sweat, her face grew redder and her body fidgeted around even more unsteadily. 

I feel bad for her... she simply wanted to talk about anime and manga, but... I just don't want to be disturbed right now... it's not her fault. Ah- she looks even more pitiful now. How am I supposed to say it to her...

Before Sora could make a conclusion, however, Hino couldn't withstand the anxiety of waiting for an answer anymore. She took the silence for a no and suddenly turned around and walked out of the classroom.   

Ah-i-g-... come on... Sora was hesitant and unsure at first, but the idea that he has hurt her somehow persisted, and at the end Sora decided to follow after her.

Through the corridors Sora kept Hino within his sight. But after one final turn, Hino disappeared. Sora turned the corner, but the only thing he sees is a door half way to closing up at the top of the stairs. 

Wait. This is the stairs that leads to the roof. Are students even allowed there?  Though without further thought Sora followed Hino's footsteps and went up the stairs and through the door. 

The sound of the door opening gave Hino a slight shock, not only because she thought she was alone on the roof of the school as she usually is, but also because Sora was there, who she had thought didn't want to come with her. 

This is where she wanted to eat? I don't think students are allowed to be here. But...

Entering into the rooftop Sora instantly felt the gentle touch of the breeze and the warm welcome of the sun. Sora stood still for a moment, as he embraced it. His senses heightened, exposing him to the full experience of the rooftop. He walked to the fenced edges of the rooftop and saw the students playing in the courtyard. Everyone was so distant. And most importantly, all he could hear was the sound of the wind. 

It's not loud. It's not noisy. It's peaceful. 

Here is better than the class anyways. 

Sora pulled up the headphones on his neck to the top of his head and simply stood there, leaning on the railings of the rooftop and looking at the wide open view, finally having a moment for himself. 

Ah, I forgot my lunch in class... ah whatever, I'll just stay here for lunch. 

On the empty rooftop Sora was finally at ease. The wind floated and carried with it Sora's distresses, while the open air finally gave him the free space he needed. A silent moment where he can be alone... even when he was not alone all this time. 

Still somewhat stunned, Hino, who have been standing on the same spot watching Sora roam around the rooftop, finally makes her way to her usual spot, which is on the same side of the rooftop as Sora is, just slightly further away. 

While Sora drowned within his thoughts, Hino sat on the floor, leaning her back on the railing and beginn to have her lunch, all the while still anticipating a further response from Sora. Sora's eyes glared over to see Hino eating, but he proceeded to mind his own business afterwards. 

Not long after though, Sora also decided to sit on the floor while leaning on the railings, and simply played his phone. 

After Hino finished eating she takes out her manga, "A Comfort Place", and quietly read the book. Sora noticed this but had no interest in romance stories, so he made no comments. 

I'm guessing this is what she has been doing every lunch. That makes sense why I could never find her. I didn't know tha- Well, I don't think we're allowed to be here... but, she got a nice place... and it's silent...

As the wind blew a gentle breeze to muffle the noise, and as the clear sky shone a gentle bright blue, Sora continued to play his phone and listen to music, while Hino continued with her manga. The two of them sat there separated by a distance. 

Each minding their own business. Each in their own world. Though, soon these separate worlds will come close to one another. Separate worlds, yet together.

"Um...I brought some mangas..."

☆ C l i m a x ☆