Chapter 2:

The Aftermath of seeing her

A World Without You

While I was traveling, I remembered everything that happened an hour ago and grinned behind my mask. I wanted to talk to her more, find out what she likes, dislikes, and what things she's interested in.

I refrained from sending the videos right away, as doing so would abruptly end our conversation and make it obvious that I was interested in her. Instead, I opted for an alternative plan: to send the videos once I returned home. This allowed me some time to calculate my next moves and plan a proper conversation.

In times of desperation, a superhero is needed. In my case, that hero was my friend Vishal, who, despite his own lack of experience, was willing to assist me. Little did I know that his foolish suggestions would be the cause of many unexpected turns in my story.

As soon as I arrived home, I immediately called Vishal. Urgent situations like these require planning and action asap.

“Sup bro? Finally remembered that I exist?”

“Shut up. I’ve got an issue here.”

“What? Feeling depressed cause you’re single again? This shit’s on a loop every week for me. It’s because you don’t approach anyone, and creep out the ones you -”

“Shut it! Listen to what I have to say, you idiot!”

“Listen, bro, I know you’re feeling down. But, see... I got a battle royale to finish. I’ll listen to your yapping once it’s over. Okay?”

“It’s about a girl…”

“What!!! You’re joking, right? You? A girl that’s interested in you? Guess you finally went insane huh.”

“Again, I’m not insane. I’m not drunk!”



“If a girl is interested in you, either she’d been dumped recently and is looking for some sort of mental healing from a depressing guy like you. Which will be instantly over when she gets to her senses. OR, she might not be that good-looking. Or-”


“Did you mistake a cross-dressing guy for a girl?”

“One more stupid doubt… you’ll be sorry for real.”

“Fine, let me say this first. I wish you luck in whatever this is.”


I explained everything that happened.

“So basically, you became a SIMP. Is she really worth it? I know you’re excited since she’s the first one you liked. But, people usually make a mistake during these times because they become blinded and only look at the good stuff.”

“Better replace it with a more decent word like “She’s your crush.”. It seems nicer, both for me and her. And trust me, she IS.”

“Oh, yeah? My friend isn't even dating her, but he's already fiercely defending her and trying to justify himself at the same time. So, what are you going to do now?”

“Dunno. First I’m gonna start a conversation, send the videos, and slowly continue the conversation.”

“Seems good. Make sure you don’t say anything stupid and mess it up.”


“Aight. All the best. Tell me what happened later. Kay?”

“Yeah. Bye.”

I proceeded to message her, share the videos, and familiarize myself with her as intended. Surprisingly, I discovered that we had a lot in common, contrary to my initial expectations.

As time passed, I delved deeper into getting to know her. In my initial excitement, I failed to realize that she never initiated conversations with me. I convinced myself that her silence was due to shyness, oblivious to the fact that she was simply being polite.

I knew for a fact that I had to hold a conversation that both of us were interested in and are comfortable with. This became harder as days went by and I soon ran out of topics that we could converse about. I knew at that point that I had to be careful because one wrong move and she would inevitably lose interest in me and I didn’t want to test the limits of her courtesy.

Unconsciously I became reluctant to text her and it quickly reached a point where I had nothing more to speak to her. Vishal and I shared the same opinion- I had to stop contacting her for a while. 
