Chapter 16:

World 2.2

A Million Different Ways To Love You

As he nears his house (a lovely, roomy structure he'd inherited from his late grandma), Kaoru looks down again at the strange girl cradled against his chest.

Her blue eyes are glazed over, giving her more of a doll-like appearance.

"Seems you've zoned off again, princess." He remarks with a laugh. He adjusts his arm to better hold her as he uses his other arm to grab his keys from his pocket. The umbrella falls to the ground, but he decides it's not important.

It must've been roughly an hour by now, right?

Since this girl had literally fallen, unconscious, from the sky in front of him.

He enters the house and kicks off his shoes. He contemplates taking his guest's shoes off, too, and decides he should probably sit her down first- he doubts her ability to move while in this state.

He replays the last hour or so in his head as he situates her on the couch in the living room.

There was no sound at all as she hit the pavement, so presumably nothing was broken, but she was still, and when Kaoru went to get a closer look, her eyes were opened and glassy.

She looked sorta like a corpse- of someone who'd died on their way to a cosplay convention, considering her (already sopping wet) fantastic clothing.

No one else was around- just him. No one would even have to know about this.

He thought about walking past and letting fate do its part. He thought about it.

But his feet moved towards her anyway, and he couldn’t seem to stop himself.

He leaned in to at least get her out of the road, but found she was still breathing, and her pulse was fine as well.

So he propped his umbrella under his arm and lifted her up. She was lighter than he expected, and looked even smaller in his arms.

He'd rushed under the cover of an old bus stop and set her down on the bench, and then he got it into his head that maybe, this girl needed someone to pull her back to reality, from her own head maybe, or something to that effect. So he started talking.

He doesn’t remember now what he'd said, but eventually he started trying to actually get her attention.

It wasn't easy since he didn’t know her name, but somehow it worked. Maybe. Kind of.

Kaoru's smile returns as he pulls the soft brown boots off her feet.

When she finally woke up, her eyes seemed to flash with recognition, and she knew his name without him even needing to say it. And for her to have just fallen from the sky like that, gracefully, like an angel descending from Heaven just for him (and it could have only been him since no one else was there), well.

Fate must have played its part after all.

Surely, this girl must be the "person he could love, who'd stay by his side forever", the "beloved" he'd wished for exactly a month before.

It was a full moon at that time, and by his estimate, it would be a full moon tonight, too.

"How fortuitous for us..."